When trying to add a new item inside an MAToManyRelationDescription
container, I get the error found in the attached file. It says that
the MAOneToManyComponent>>value is an undefined object.
I reproduced this error in the MADescriptionEditor example as well as
in my code.
I'm using the latest Magritte-all package.
I have an image object which references a user. For
the user there is a descriptionContainer which adds
conditions for the user (checks equality of password).
In a component dealing with the image there appears
something strange. If I do a validate on that component
it complains abaut value cache being unknown. And this
is coming from the descriptionContainer of the user
object. Is it normal for the referenced objects to be
checked as well? Or do I misunderstand something?
Hello folks!
I'm finally diving into Magritte and things are going quite well in
general. I have one situation I can't quite figure out how to solve....
I have a Person class with in ivar that holds an Organization. I
would like to present a drop down list of Organizations when editing
the person. I have tried various permutations of
MASingleOptionDescription and MAOneToManyDescription, but I am not
groking how they should be used :)
For example, I have tried an OrderedCollection of Organizations as
the argument to MASingleOptionDescription>>options:, among a bunch
of other things I tried, but no joy.
Anyone have any suggestions for me?
what is the status of MAReport? A student uses MAReport to display a
list of models. Each row has a #remove: command associated. The
problem appears if the user click on a header to sort the table and
then click on the #remove link. The table is not refreshed. Callin
#refresh reset the MAReport and puts it on the first page :-(
Can you help me?
Damien Cassou
Hello again,
I want to use a Magritte Seaside component with a different set of
actions / buttons than the default ( save / cancel )
Looking through the list, I found that the required thing to do is
to program the extensions to MAContainerComponent, and then build the
component with a call like this:
(self model descriptionRequiredFields asComponentOn: self model)
addValidatedForm: #( register cancel )
What I am not sure about, is what is the proper way to do this extensions.
Should I subclass MAContainer and override #componentClass to make
it return a subclass of MAContainerComponent (of my application) that
implements the actions I need (like register in the example above) ?
Has anyone got an example of this sort of action overriding in
Magritte forms?
hi lukas
have you noticed a real slowdown between 3.8 and 3.9?
For my small comix application when I load and run the same version
In 3.8 full I reloaded from scratch everything from Pier 1.0.9
Magritte-Model 242
Magritte-Seaside 214
XML-Parser 3
Time millisecondsToRun: [ | bdb |
BDBase initialize.
BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
bdb importMostRecentXML.] 1677
In 3.9 full reloaded from scratch everything from Pier 1.0.9
Magritte-Model 242
Magritte-Seaside 214
XML-Parser 3
Time millisecondsToRun: [ | bdb |
BDBase initialize.
BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
bdb importMostRecentXML.] 21151
The import is basically using magritte and domparser.
I will run messageTally to see if I get some idea.
Hi Martial,
> I was a bit busy those days so I could sent this email before. I told
> you I got problems with the 'Magritted' PRWidgets. Actually what I
> would
> like to understand is why mightn't I write those lines (a bit
> incorrect
> because I should write a custom #initialize and #children:
> WAComponent/PRWidget>>renderContentOn: html
> html render: (PRTreeWidget new)
this is Seaside code that will not work. You have to initialize your
child component in #initialize and store it into an i-var and return
it from #children.
Your code will re-instantiate the PRTreeWidget every time you display
the page and it will be impossible for Seaside to keep the state and
to perform the callbacks. Have a look in the Seaside mailing-list
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
Hi all,
I would like to create a Widget for PIER which will generate a HTML page
by using the tree structure of PIER with a visitor. Currently I have
created a test by creating a visitor who overloads PRViewRenderer (PIER
-SEASIDE). Unfortunately I encounter a problem of context when I launch
my app. Can you help me to understand how to create a temporary context?
Sample of my code:
kernel := PRKernel instances anyOne.
myVisitor := SPGHTMLVisitor new.
myVisitor renderer: WAStaticHtmlCanvas new.
page := kernel root.
use: (PRContext kernel: kernel)
during: [myVisitor start: page.].
Thanks in advance
I have created some custom subclasses of MADescription. When editing
these descriptions through a web-based web description editor via
aDescription asComponent, there are just too many attributes in the
form for my users to handle. How would I go about showing only a few
attributes like, say Label, Options, and Required as opposed to
showing everything including StringReader StringWriter, etc?