I have a form that's using generated via Magritte descriptions. I'd like to
be able to change the label on one of the fields dynamically. I thought I'd
found the solution by overriding #description on the instance-side and
editing the field's description as in:
| description pricePerUnitDescription |
self halt.
description := super description.
pricePerUnitDescription := description detect: [:each| each accessor
readSelector == #pricePerUnit].
self addCurrencyToDescriptionLabel: pricePerUnitDescription.
^ description
However it seems that the description is cached so this method is rarely
Any thoughts on how to dynamically change the label in a magritte field
greatly received.
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I'd like to add an id tag to a magritte generated form (like so <form
id="something" ...). Is there a chance to do this? I already know I can
assign a css id to a container around the form, but that's not what I want.
The seaside testing framework requires an id in the form.
Also, I am using the MACssRenderer in one of my models. However, if I subset
the descriptions to create a form magritte will use the table renderer
> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/blog/export-import
i read:
Export the Site
Upgrade to the bleeding edge versions of Magritte and Pier. Also ensure that the package Pier-Squeak-Persistency is loaded and up-to-date.
Add the Import/Export component to one of your admin pages.
Read the instructions and click on Export to generate and download a complete snapshot of your site.
Now in gemstone i don't have load the Pier-Squeak-Persistency package.
And into http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/pier i don't found any Pier-Squeak-Persistency entry.
I do test for Pier-Squeak-Persistency entry from http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier.
When i load Pier-Squeak-Persistency-kph.24 i found the error:
'This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions:
Any idea ?
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 18:28:42 -0300
> From: Pablo Gancharov <pablogancharov(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: "Add a Note" addon to pier
> To: smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch
> Message-ID:
> <AANLkTinUnPhlr4ZWyD12E0xPO4z22jcQRprzdLQvJr7I(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello Lucas, The "User Contributed Notes" component that's shows on
> http://book.seaside.st/book/ it's a pier component?
> How can I add it to my pier site? Thanks.
i create a Pier site with the relative Gemstone implementation.
It's update to Pier and work fine.
Now i'm interested to port it to a new Gemstone environment.
I can do save of the Pier 'structures' relative to my site ?
And after load it in a new environment ?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated !
new version of ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2 available in
Loaded the configuration on Pharo 1.0 and Squeak 4.1.
PierAddOns2 is not yet available on GLASS.
new version of ConfigurationOfPier2 available in
I've tested the configuration on Pharo 1.0 and Squeak 4.1. Tests run
green on both platforms.
Pier2 is not yet avaialable on GLASS.