> i have uploaded the javascript files i would like rendered in one of
> my pages, but no matter how i slice it, it is rendered as a link to
> the file, rather than just spitting out the file's contents..
> any idea on how i can have it just render the contents of that file?
Could be a bug in Pier, because there is no special code handling for
embedded javascript files.
Please try:
Name: Pier-Seaside-lr.488
Author: lr
Time: 11 May 2010, 8:16:58 am
UUID: ecfbe529-bd46-4302-9c7c-f156f40c9c5c
Ancestors: Pier-Seaside-lr.487
- add support to embed javascript
I haven't tested that code though, it might be broken.
Lukas Renggli
for some reason, i am still not able to render javascript as a component.
what i am doing is:
building a structure (a page)
dropping the script into the structure...
what i have found is that it is being rendered as web entities, rather
than straight text..
for example, when i add the structure [1], i get it rendered as [2]
[1] - the contents of the structure..
<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 4,
interval: 6000,
width: 'auto',
height: 300,
theme: {
shell: {
background: '#dddddd',
color: '#ffffff'
tweets: {
background: '#ffffff',
color: '#000000',
links: '#aaaaaa'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: false,
live: true,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'all'
[2] - how it is rendered:
<script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script>
<script> new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type:
’profile’, rpp: 4, interval: 6000, width:
’auto’, height: 300, theme: { shell: {
background: ’#dddddd’, color: ’#ffffff’
}, tweets: { background: ’#ffffff’,
color: ’#000000’, links: ’#aaaaaa’ }
}, features: { scrollbar: false, loop: false, live:
true, hashtags: true, timestamp: true, avatars: false,
behavior: ’all’ }
}).render().setUser(’sergio_101’).start(); </script>
photographer, journalist, visionary
> my problem now is getting at that PRDocument to parse out as pier/html.
> i was tried the PRDocument text function, but this did not produce pier/html..
#text answers a plain text representation.
To get HTML output you can try with a PRViewRenderer instance, however
it is very much targeted at Pier. So very likely it won't work well
for links, etc.
renderContentOn: html
viewRenderer := PRViewRenderer new.
viewRenderer withinContentDo: [ viewRenderer start: document in:
self on: html ]
If you have your own Seaside application outside Pier, you probably
want to create your own PRVisitor subclass that displays the document
tree exactly the way you want.
If you are within a Pier application already you can use a simpler version:
renderConentOn: html
html rendererInstance continue: document in: self on: html
Lukas Renggli
i just installed the google webmaster tools component, entered my id,
and i am not sure if there is anything else i need to do to get the
proper meta tag to be rendered.
does anyone know what i need to do next?
also, does this generate a google sitemap? there is a sitemap plugin,
but that generates an html sitemap that won't work with google
webmaster tools..
photographer, journalist, visionary
Please consider subscribing to the Pier mailing-list:
> how do i now verify my site? i can't see the meta tag (although i am
> sure i have to add it somewhere) and i don't see the generated page..
<https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home> should tell you if it works.
> also, does this create a google sitemap on my site?
I don't think so. There is a Sitemap plugin that does that, but I
haven't tried recently.
Lukas Renggli
At 09:45 24/04/2010, you wrote:
>This seems to be a problem related to Pharo and WideStrings? What
>image are you using?
Latest update: #10517
With the latest Seaside and Pier packages.
>What VM?
The one for Linux included in Pier-1.2:
Sorry, I cannot reproduce this.
Maybe a caching problem of the browser? Sometimes changes to the CSS
are not immediately applied.
On 23 April 2010 04:43, sergio_101 <sergiolist(a)village-buzz.com> wrote:
> i think i found a weird problem.. one that i can replicate..
> from the main page.. edit the design settings..
> from the styles, select a different style.. mine is:
> /environment/styles/stylesheetCss.
> change anything in the environment, then save.
> when you do so, the contents of stylesheetCss will be cleared..
> you can't view it from the link.. it renders a blank page..
> if you go to browse view and edit it.. the contents are there.. but it
> still renders a blank page.
> to fix it, you have to reupload the file..
> is this a behavior i am just not understanding?
> thanks!
> --
> ----
> peace,
> sergio
> photographer, journalist, visionary
> http://www.coffee-black.com
> http://www.painlessfrugality.com
> http://www.twitter.com/sergio_101
> http://www.facebook.com/sergio101
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Lukas Renggli