Welcome. What is your question?
On Monday, August 9, 2010, c parks <crparks_24(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> Another attempt....
> Thanks!
> --- On Sun, 8/8/10, smallwiki-owner(a)iam.unibe.ch <smallwiki-owner(a)iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
> From: smallwiki-owner(a)iam.unibe.ch <smallwiki-owner(a)iam.unibe.ch>
> Subject: small Pier question? 8-Aug
> To: crparks_24(a)yahoo.com
> Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 10:52 PM
> You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has
> been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are
> being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at
> smallwiki-owner(a)iam.unibe.ch <http://mc/compose?to=smallwiki-owner@iam.unibe.ch>.
Lukas Renggli
Starting with the latest one-click Seaside image, I registered a Pier
application following [1], then successfully embedded on-line many of
JQuery examples using Pier Components. It's impressive to observe how
smoothly it works! I only had a minor issue that is reported in [2].
[1] Procedure for registering a Pier application for the needs of the
above tests:
A) Add the following libraries to PRPierFrame class >>
configureApplication: JQDeploymentLibrary, JQUiDeploymentLibrary, and
B) Execute PRDistribution new register
[2] When embedding the JQWidgetBoxJQToolsTabsExample, the following
sequence raises MessageNotUnderstood
A) JQWidgetBoxJQToolsTabsExample >> updateRoot:
B) In the #removeAllSuchThat: loop, the message #attributes is
sent to a WAOpeningConditionalComment
How do I recover the admin's password?
I tried adding a user but couldn't make it a superuser.
k := PRKernel allInstances.
myKernel := k at:1
u := (PUUser named: 'newName') password: 'newPassword'.
(myKernel propertyAt: #users) add: u.
u addGroup: adminGroup. "error"
u superuser: true. "this doesn't work"
I'm working on a website using Pier but I need to continue to use the
development tools after I deploy. However, I can't seem to get rid of
the button bar at the bottom that gives me access to halos and whatnot,
even if I'm not logged in as a super user/admin type.
I know there's been a lot of discussion about this, but I have a hard
time following it. I *really* need to have the site live, but still be
able to work on it without that "halo" back door showing on every page.
There are likely other security issues with this "semi-deployment" mode
and if someone could list them or point me to a discussion of them, I'd
be thankful..
Dear all,
I've downloaded yesterday's Pier 2 image from
http://hudson.lukas-renggli.ch/job/Pier%202/. It worked quite well
until I decided to activate the 'Image Persistency'. Now, each time I
start the image I get a message from HttpService:
"Service is in the process of stopping"
I'm now unable to start Seaside. This is probably similar to
I attached the Debug.log file. Can any of you help me?
Thank you
Damien Cassou
"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
i work with Magritte2 on Pharo and GLASS.
The MAFileModel method:
renderOn: html
"Renders a download link of the receiver."
html anchor
title: (String streamContents: [ :stream |
stream nextPutAll: self filename; nextPutAll: ' ('.
stream nextPutAll: self filesize asFileSize; nextPutAll: ', '.
stream nextPutAll: self mimetype ; nextPut: $) ]);
url: self url;
with: self filename
erase the error:
MessageNotUnderstood 2010: No method was found for the selector <#'do:'> when sent to <aWAMimeType(image/jpeg)> with arguments contained in <anArray( aComplexBlock)>.
i change it with:
stream nextPutAll: self mimetype asString ;
Now it work fine, but i don't know if it is right solution.
I'm playing with an application where I *think* that I'd like to have
nested Pier kernel instances ... I *would* like each instance to be
somewhat independent in terms of design and content and authorization
... I realize I don't need nesting to that ... I can create multiple
pier instances with a different path and I'm okay, however, I can't
figure out how to get back to the "master pier" instance, once I dived
into one of the "subsidiary instances".
I'd like to have a menu item entitled 'Home' that takes me to the
master, but my Pier2/Seaside3.0 foo does not appear strong enough to
figure out how to do this sorta dynamically (I don't want to wire in an
external link for example)...
I assume that with nested pier kernels it would be relatively easy
Thanks in advance,
Suppose a Seaside component is added to a Pier page using a PRComponent.
The Seaside component is initialized using values stored in the
PRComponent settings dictionary. If these settings are changed later on,
these changes are not reflected in the corresponding Seaside component
instances until the corresponding session expires, and the Seaside
component is then recreated.
To handle this, I've created a PRRefreshCommand, which does:
self structure flush
in its #doExecute.
The problems with this approach are:
- the user has to hit refresh, just refreshing the page won't do it
- when no user is logged in, the "refresh" command cannot be presented
Any suggestions? Better approaches? Am I doing something wrong?
I've set up a couple pages on my pier site. Based on the default install, a pier page looks like:
I have a _single_ page (the home page) where I want the H1 to differ from the <title> tag. I have no clue how to do that. Anyone have any ideas?
ConfigurationOfGrease - 1.0-alpha9.3
ConfigurationOfSeaside30 - 3.0.0-alpha5.15
ConfigurationOfMagritte2 - 2.0.5
ConfigurationOfPier2 - 2.0.6
ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2 - 2.0.6
ConfigurationOfSeaside - 1.0.5
The configurations are available in
Note that the mcz files in the Seaside3.0 config predates the mcz files
in 3.0 RC that was recently announced, so I apologize for the potential
We are shipping GemStone/S 64 very soon now and I needed to
coordinate the releases of Seaside3.0/Magritte2/Pier2 that are available
on GemStone. The announcement of 3.0 RC came too late to incorporate
into our release cycle. I'll be pushing out updated configs shortly.
The big change with this release is that there is a new 'Base' group
defined that loads the minimal packages for running Seaside (i.e., no
development packages, no examples, no java script. etc.) thus making it
possible to perform a load into a production image of only the
packages/features you want.
The new versions of the Magritte2, Pier2 and PierAddOns2 are structured
to load only what is absolutely needed for each of those projects, again
making it possible to load Pier2 into an image without having the entire
Seaside3.0 development come along.
One of the upshots of loading only the minimum required is that you will
need to choose an adaptor to explicitly load (Kom or Swazoo for
Pharo/Squeak folks). So if you want to load a minimal Pier2 and use the
Kom adaptor, you will evaluate an expression like the following (after
loading the Seaside3.0 and Pier2 configurations:
(ConfigurationOfPier2 project version: '2.0.6') load.
(ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
load: #( 'Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche' ).
If you want to add the Seaside3.0 development environment to your image,
you would evaluate the following:
(ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
load: #( 'Development' ).
and if you wanted the development environment plus tests you'd evaluate
the following:
(ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
load: #( 'Development Tests' ).
As for the ConfigurationOfSeaside, I have decided that the 'Seaside 3.0'
target will load the full Seaside3.0 code base. However, I have added a
'Seaside 3.0 Production' target that loads the minimal Seaside packages
plus both adaptors. I have updated the #workspace method with additional
For the GemStone users out there keep your eyes peeled for the
announcement of GemStone/S 64 where I will provide additional
(mostly) GemStone-specific information.
Well with as many moving pieces involved in this announcement I expect
that there will be a stitch or two dropped (which reminds me that you
ought to make sure you are using the latest version of Metacello when
loaded Seaside3.0) so feel free to drop me a line with comments/problems
and I will see if I can address them.
Now that GemStone has caught up with Pharo and Squeak (very soon, I
promise:) I don't anticipate making these multi-config coordinated
releases any time soon...
Putting together a Seaside 3.0 RC config is next up on the list...