On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <dhenrich(a)vmware.com> wrote:
> Once you've loaded one of these configs, there will be no development tools
> nor any adaptors so at a minimum you'll need to load one of the following
> depending upon which adaptor you want to use:
> "All platforms"
> (ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
> load: #('Seaside-Adaptors-Swazoo').
> "Squeak and Pharo"
> (ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
> load: #('Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche').
> "GemStone"
> (ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
> load: #('Seaside-Adaptors-FastCGI').
This, of course, is why package management systems like RPM and Deb
end up having "provides". This would allow Seaside-Base to require
"http-adaptor" or something and each of those packages to provide
"http-adaptor". The package manager can then look for possibilities
and prompt if it finds more than one.
Not saying you need to go that route, but it's probably the
"traditional" solution.
I am looking for a little feedback on the changes that I have made to
the latest configurations of Seaside30, Magritte2, and Pier2. I have new
versions for each of these configurations queued up for release
(#development blessing), but before releasing them I'd like to hear if
the changes I've made will cause trouble for folks using Magritte2
and/or Pier2 in their applications.
In the past, when you referenced Seaside30 from a configuration, the
entire Seaside3.0 release would be loaded, including development tools,
examples, both adaptors (on Squeak/Pharo and GemStone)...basically the
whole kitchen sink.
With the 3.0.0-alpha5.15 release I've defined several groups for
Seaside3.0 (with feedback from the Seaside devs:): Base, Base Tests,
Development and Development Tests. I will also add a One-click group to
shdow the one-click release. Without going into too much detail, the
Base group defines the set of packages that are needed for a production
release, while the Development group defines the set of packages that
are useful in development (on top of the Base).
To see how these new groups work out, I have created new versions of the
configurations for Magritte2 and Pier2 that reference the Base group
(plus any other packages that were needed) instead of bringing in the
entire Seaside3.0 release...This is the big change. After loading the
Magritte2 or Pier2 configuration you will need to load from the
Seaside30 configuration any and all packages that you may need for your
own application.
I haven't released the changes yet, but if you are curious or concerned
you can try out the releases ahead of time ... depending upon feedback I
may go with a different scheme.
In a fresh image, you can see what will be loaded for production by
executing one or more of the following expressions (note you need to get
the latest version of each of the configs from the SqueakSource
MetacelloRepository...oh and for best results use Metacello 1.0-beta.27.1):
(ConfigurationOfMagritte2 project version: '2.0.5') load.
(ConfigurationOfPier2 project version: '2.0.6') load.
(ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2 project version: '2.0.6') load.
Once you've loaded one of these configs, there will be no development
tools nor any adaptors so at a minimum you'll need to load one of the
following depending upon which adaptor you want to use:
"All platforms"
(ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
load: #('Seaside-Adaptors-Swazoo').
"Squeak and Pharo"
(ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
load: #('Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche').
(ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
load: #('Seaside-Adaptors-FastCGI').
If you want to load in the Seaside development environment then you
would evaluate the following expression:
(ConfigurationOfSeaside30 project version: '3.0.0-alpha5.15')
load: #('Development').
So at this point you can see the direction I'm going with this ... the
Magritte2 and Pier2 configurations are currently aimed at loading the
bare minimum needed for functionality from Seaside3.0 for Magritte2 and
Pier2 with the idea that you'd load the additional functionality that
you want by dealing directly with Seaside30 configuration (like loading
adaptors and development)...
Pier2 already depends upon the following javascript packages:
'Javascript-Core' 'Prototype-Core' 'Scriptaculous-Core' 'JQuery-UI'
but if you're currently using Magritte2 and javascript, then you'll need
to explicitly load the javascript package(s) that you are using.
There are other ways that the configs could be structured. This approach
minimizes the coupling between the Seaside3.0 and Magritte2/Pier2
configurations, which I think is a good thing.
I've taken the bare minimum step: loading what is required... it would
be reasonable to add 'Dev' groups to both Magritte2 and Pier2 that would
bring in Seaside30 dev support on the other hand, I don't think it is
reasonable to add support for loading the various Adaptors to Magritte2
and Pier2, so if you're going to have to deal with the Seaside30 config
directly anyway why bother with adding dev groups ...
Anyway this is what _I_ think and I am interested in what you folks think...
For GemStone folks ... the answer is yes, Magritte2 and Pier2 have been
ported to GemStone/S 64 2.4 finally:). If you've been working with
Seaside3.0 already, you can load the Magritte2/Pier2/PierAddOns2 configs
into a fresh 1.0-beta.8....otherwise I'll ask you to wait until I
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I am porting/testing the Pier-JQuery addOn (from the Pier2 addons) to
GemStone and it requires JQueryWidgetBox, which I have also loaded into
GemStone which is how I have discovered that the
JQFormExampleTest>>testExampleClass test fails...
The expected javascript is:
$(this).example("Example Text",{className:"fancy"})
but the following is being output:
$(this).example("Example Text",{"className":"fancy"})
I'm not familiar enough with javascript to know whether the expected
javascript is correct or whether the actual output is correct...
The test is using JQueryInstance to generate the javascript and it looks
like the JQueryInstance is testing a similar pattern of javascript so I
_assume_ that the expected javascript is wrong, but I wanted to double
check before changing the test...
I'm porting Pier2 and friends to GemStone and Pier-Twitter is using
TextConverter for decoding UTF8...since Grease is a prereq anyway,
shouldn't Pier-Twitter (for Pier2) use GRcodec?
I'm porting to Pier2 to GemStone and ran into several places where
#ifNotNil: is being used ... what is the accepted replacement for
#ifNotNil: ... I can clean these up as part of my port.
Not sure where to report Magritte bugs....
This is in Magritte-Seaside-lr.335 ... #caption is sent to a
description, but I haven't found any implementors ... is this a bug
waiting to happen or is magic involved:)
Selecting a different look using Pier's PRDesignChooserWidget causes
an WAUnregisteredHandlerError exception to be raised. This occurs on the
latest builds: http://hudson.lukas-renggli.ch/job/Pier%202/lastBuild/
The PRDesignChooserWidget registers 'pier' with the new structure in place
then sends an #expiredKey response as:
self requestContext responseGenerator
The problem appears to be in a change to WAResponseGenerator>>expiredKey,
which was introduced:
Name: Seaside-Core-YM.639
Author: YM
Time: 22 May 2010, 7:39:33 pm
UUID: e24bae83-3671-4679-ac8d-9f21154c304e
Ancestors: Seaside-Core-pmm.638
- Corrected WAResponseGenerator>>#expiredKey to always use the correct URL
- Implemented WAPathConsumer>>#upToEnd
The exception is thrown in the line:
url := self requestContext handler url.
#handler returns a WASession which I presume wasn't expected when the code
was written.
Changing the code to:
url := self requestContext request url
stops the exception from being thrown, but doesn't result in a URL free from
keys; not the desired effect. I found a handy Pier extension method
WAUrl>>purgeSeasideFields.The rewritten WAResponseGenerator>>expiredKey then
"The session key has expired, redirect the request to the home directory
preserving the path as well as possible."
| url |
self request isXmlHttpRequest
ifTrue: [ ^ self forbidden ].
url := self requestContext request url.
url addAllToPath: self requestContext consumer upToEnd.
self request isGet ifTrue: [
url purgeSeasideFields].
self response redirectTo: url
With the requirement that the WAUrl>>purgeSeasideFields is moved from
Pier-Seaside-Mapping into Seaside-Core-HTTP.