Is there a Magritte description that know how to display graphics? I
don't see anything that looks promising in the Magritte-Model-
Description category, but I thought I had read something about it at
one time.
- Brian
I have a tree datastructure to display (currently the nodes are strings
and read only), so I thought I better ask the list, if someone already is
using trees together with Magritte.
I couldn't find anything via google, so could someone help me here?
Thanks a lot,
Lukas et-al,
I figured I'd try to update the Magritte Tutorial on the VW side
(Magritte is now running well on VW care of yesterday's efforts --
Thanks!) (and I'll see if I can move the changes over to Squeak if
there's interest) to no longer issue complaints about using deprecated
methods and was wondering if someone could point me in the right
direction for one of the updates as a sample..
Below is one of the complaining methods:
MADescription>>auto: aSelector label: aString priority: aNumber
self deprecated: 'Obsolete, use instance side configuration methods.'.
^ self accessor: (MAAutoSelectorAccessor selector: aSelector) label:
aString priority: aNumber
^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'canton' label: 'Canton'
priority: 40)
options: #( 'Zurich' 'Bern' 'Luzern' 'Uri' 'Schwyz'
'Unterwalden' 'Glarus' 'Zug' 'Freiburg' 'Solothurn' 'Basel'
'Schaffhausen' 'Appenzell' 'St. Gallen' 'Graubunden' 'Aargau' 'Thurgau'
'Ticino' 'Vaud' 'Valais' 'Neuchatel' 'Geneve' 'Jura' );
reference: MAStringDescription new;
I tried converting the above #descriptionCanton to the following but it
didn't work -- perhaps I'm misinterpretting the object layout.. Any
" OLD CODE WAS: ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'canton' label:
'Canton' priority: 40)"
^(self accessor: (MAAutoSelectorAccessor selector: 'canton' label:
'Canton' priority: 40))
options: #( 'Zurich' 'Bern' 'Luzern' 'Uri' 'Schwyz'
'Unterwalden' 'Glarus' 'Zug' 'Freiburg' 'Solothurn' 'Basel'
'Schaffhausen' 'Appenzell' 'St. Gallen' 'Graubunden' 'Aargau' 'Thurgau'
'Ticino' 'Vaud' 'Valais' 'Neuchatel' 'Geneve' 'Jura' );
reference: MAStringDescription new;
Hi all..
Just curious as a Magritte newbie.. If I've got a domain model object
that has 10 fields (name, address,etc) and want some of them wrapped in
div's when the form is displayed, what's the best way to achieve that?
Ideally, I use the divs to apply css and might have for a user record
a box drawn (in css) around the person's address info and perhaps a
different box drawn around other attributes such as account info, etc.
Anyway, I figure I should probably be subclassing something to do this
but thought I'd ask first before I start going down that path..
-- Rick
Where exactly do you get a recursion?
It looks like that this is exactly the point in time where I added
code to avoid recursion when dealing with recursive descriptions. I
guess the method causing trouble is
On 12.07.2007, at 17:48, Rick Flower wrote:
> Lukas,
> I dropped a note to Thomas Koschate, who did the first ports of
> Magritte
> over to VW, asking about moving the current version of Magritte
> over to VW
> in the hopes of having something to use w/ Seaside 2.7 or 2.8a
> (instead of
> 2.6).. Anyway, he indicated that he had tried porting over
> Magritte-all-lr.224 last month but ran into an issue w/ infinite
> recursion
> as part of some perceived exception handling changes.. Anyway, do
> you know
> off the top of your head if anything changed between versions 192/193
> (from Feb 16th, 2007) and 224 in how exception handling is dealt
> with in
> Magritte? I've not had a chance to look into it yet after his latest
> comments early this morning (I don't have VW/Squeak at work). Anyway,
> just thought I'd ask.. Thanks!
> -- Rick
Lukas Renggli
Lukas --
Just to make sure I'm not trying to plug together apples & oranges, what
version of Seaside does the latest version of Magritte work with?
Ultimately, I'm trying to avoid the Seaside 2.6 tree and move into either
2.7 or perhaps even 2.8 and wanted to check.. I didn't see anything
indicating this on the web page, but may have missed it perhaps.
> Hi, is it possible to hide page from the tree navigation widget?
- In the settings of the tree you can specify what structure types to
show and which ones to hide.
- You can decoration the structure with PRHider, unfortunately this
is only possible though the image right now.
Since there is a lot of demand for customizing the navigation
facilities (menu title, menu visibility) we have to think of a
simpler solution. I have a longer train ride planned tonight, so
let's see if I can come up with something simple.
Lukas Renggli
Hello. I'm trying to simply change PRItalicFormat markup to '~~' but it
actually doesn't work with ~~ .
Also from the begining I had ''this is italic'' test string on the Page.
After I changed PRItalicFormats' markup from '''''''' to '~~' and then
pressed "edit" for this page - there is ~~this is italic~~ in the TextArea.
Seems to be correct... But when I'm pressing save button - there is not
italic-styled string, but plain ~~this is italic~~ :/ Why so? How can I
chage this markup?
Thanks, Lukas and Martial! That did the trick!
For what it's worth, here's the script without the typos, so that others can just copy, paste, and do-it:
| a f index |
#(#PRStriketroughFormat #PRStrikethroughFormat )
pairsDo: [:badGroup :newGroup | PRDocumentGroup
allSubInstancesDo: [:e |
f := e children.
index := 0.
[(index := index + 1) <= f size]
whileTrue: [a := f at: index.
a class isObsolete
[('*' , badGroup asString match: a class asString)
[f at: index
put: ((Smalltalk at: newGroup
ifAbsent: [PRParagraph]) new setChildren: a children copy)]]]]]
----- Original Message ----
From: Lukas Renggli <renggli(a)>
To: "Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ..." <smallwiki(a)>
Cc: Bill Sun <billksun(a)>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 2:08:33 PM
Subject: Re: How does one use PRAjaxSearchWidget?
Bill sent me a private mail with the URL so I could have a look at
the site myself:
1. I removed WAStandardScripts and WAStandardStyles from the
configuration, they are deprecated (Philippe, we should mark that
accordingly in Seaside) and replaced by WAStandardFiles.
2. The actual cause of the problem is an obsolete class in your
model. Some time ago I renamed a class to fix a typo and what you see
in the web browser is a part of the resulting stack-trace. A few
weeks ago Martial Boniou kindly provided this script to fix the
issue. Have a look at the mailing list archive if you want to know
more about it.
| a f index |
#(#PRStriketroughFormat #PRStrikethroughFormat )
pairsDo: [:badGroup :newGroup | PRDocumentGroup
allSubInstancesDo: [:e |
f := e children.
index := 0.
[(index := index + 1) <= f size]
whileTrue: [a := f at: index.
a class isOsbolete
[('*' , badGroup asString match: a class asString)
[f at: index
put; ((Smalltalk at: newGroup
ifAbsent: [PRParagraph]) new setChildren: a children copy)]]]]]
Evaluate this code within your image and I guess the AJAX search
should work again. Btw, you could also try the non-AJAX search to get
a more readable message.
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