> i have finally had a second to put this thing up.. i will hopefully be
> updating it like crazy in the next few weeks..
> you can see it here:
> www.CodingForHire.com
Cool, I put it on piercms.com.
> my first blog post.. the url looks like:
> http://www.codingforhire.com/blog/Why%20I%20have%20migrated%20from%20Ruby%2…
> not so good..
See the other mail. Note the difference between "name" and "title".
"name" is the part appearing in the URL, "title" is the title of the
> also, when you hit that link, it goes straight to the first field of the form..
Remove PRJavaScriptSupport from your libraries.
Lukas Renggli
> wondering how to set up my blog posts so that the links look like:
> blog/blog-post-title
> instead of:
> blog/blog%20post%20tile
What about not putting spaces in the name of the structure when you
add the post? :-)
With the move command you can change the name after you've added it.
Lukas Renggli
I decided for the time being to use the pier user management and rights management for my application. If I use these it seems to be feasible to use the commands as well.
Do you think it is a good idea to extend the usage of PRCommands into my own (embedded) components (that do not deal with the pier structure)? And if you think it is what are the ways of having commands that deal with an embedded component? I mean commands are resolved over the couple context-structure. If I have a component embedded inside of this structure how can make a command act on this embedded component?
Yes of cours if it is done correctly many things can be extended. But in
that case it might be Margritte that will suffer from an important API
Maybe they won' agree on that. Is it not to difficult to keep everybody
happy ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Юрий Мироненко" <tallman(a)inbox.ru>
To: "ESUG Mailing list" <esug-list(a)lists.esug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 12:26 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [Esug-list] GLORP & Magritte integration/refactoring
>> I would however prefer that you don't change Glorp's API as might be your
>> intention.
> As Niall told some day before, nothing prevent from supporting current API
> via new methods, it's even some kind of additional test.
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> Esug-list mailing list
> Esug-list(a)lists.esug.org
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Dear Mirko,
I really appreciate your project however to be honest and allthough my websites runs a Pier one click image, I never really understood what Margriite really is. As a very happy Glorp user (945 calls to glorpSession) I would however prefer that you don't change Glorp's API as might be your intention. I pretty much would prefer you to follow the official branch.
What I really would like to see however (but this is obviously another subject) is the Glorp documentation to be hosted on a Pier / Margritte image. This will give us way more possibilities to improve and help it's adoption.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mirko Kiefer" <mirko.kiefer(a)arcor.de>
To: "ESUG Mailing list" <esug-list(a)lists.esug.org>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Esug-list] GLORP & Magritte integration/refactoring
Of course the link to the project description would be useful ;)
On Apr 19, 2010, at 12:07 PM, Mirko Kiefer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I submitted a proposal for the GSoC project "GLORP & Magritte integration/refactoring" and would greatly appreciate if some Mentors could review it.
> GLORP and Magritte are both really exciting frameworks that can solve problems thousands of developers are hassling with. I believe that especially in web-applications there is a huge potential to make life easier for many developers if such frameworks would become more accessible and better promoted.
> The project I want to work on aims at integrating Magritte which allows automatic generating of user interfaces with GLORP which is a great framework for storing your objects into a relational database. The plan is to integrate and separate the common parts of both and simplify the way you use both frameworks.
> There is an interesting conversation on the ESUG mailing (starting at 2010-03-10) list that led to the idea of this project - especially the comments of Alan Knight and Niall Ross were quite insightful to me.
> At the end of the project there will be an integrated and refactored codeset and a sample application demonstrating the ease of use of the integrated frameworks.
> If we are then able to promote these frameworks in an adequate way combined with what we have with Seaside I see a great opportunity to attract more developers to the Smalltalk community.
> Look at what led to the great popularity of a language like Ruby - it was not only the language itself, it was frameworks like Ruby on Rails which greatly simplified the development of web applications including straightforward mapping to a database. Well, I believe a combination of Seaside, GLORP and Magritte can make these tasks even easier. The problem is that these frameworks are hard to get into initially and that people only realize how great they are once they spent some time actually using them.
> The project I want to work on is one step in reducing this barrier and I plan to continue it even after GSoC, especially in terms of writing tutorials and usage examples.
> So hope you can afford a bit of time to review the project and give me feedback and advise.
> Thanks,
> Mirko_______________________________________________
> Esug-list mailing list
> Esug-list(a)lists.esug.org
> http://lists.esug.org/listinfo/esug-list
Esug-list mailing list
I just recently discovered that actual browsers are displaying utf-8 safe url encodet URL paths as the right characters. Meaning
actually displays
As far as I can see in pier the URL path is tightly coupled to the name of a structure. And structure names are restricted to only a few characters. The comments in the code reason this for safe usage in some object protocols. What would be the way to go if I want to enable those types of URLs? What are the problematic cases if a structure name could consist of non-7bit characters?
It seems I used quite some old pier instances. Back then there were environement and stuff in the root etc. In the meantime everything moved under the System node which I like. Is there any document/help that describes what needs to be changed in order to get an old instance confirming to this new layout?
At 12:06 18/04/2010, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>This is not supposed to work.
Hi Lukas,
Well noted; thanks for the clarifications; I'll adapt my design and
implementation, as I was expecting it when decided to move from 2.8 to 3.0.
Please, to the Pier list, this has nothing to do with Seaside 3.0 release!
> 2. You should not #call: from anywhere within the command execution of
> Pier.
> I don't call from within the command execution of Pier either (I'll send a
> short email to the Pier mailing list to explain this).
Yes, it is.
Both #onAnswerCommand: and #onChangeContext: are in the middle of Pier
specific command processing. They should not be interrupted, suspended
and (multiply) resumed at a later point in time by a #call:. This is
not supposed to work.
> To see the exact issue that I talk about, please just change the following:
> PRContentsWidget >> onChangeContext: aContext
> super onChangeContext: aContext.
> self call: WAFlowConvenienceFunctionalTest new
> No change is necessary in #onAnswerCommand:.
> Then, if you point your browser to http://localhost:8080/pier, you should
> get that Seaside error.
> My goal has basically been to clarify whether that's an expected behavior in
> Seaside 3.0 or a bug?
> FYI, I just double checked with the current distribution of Pier (Pharo0.1,
> Latest update: #10374), which looks like still based on Seaside 2.8, and the
> above change doesn't raises an error. On the contrary, the WAFlowTest
> application (that replaces WAFlowConvenienceFunctionalTest, since absent
> from that image) is launched and looks like working OK (although I perfectly
> believe you that this may have its own *internal* issues, as you described
> above).
> Regards,
> Reza
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> seaside-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/seaside-dev
Lukas Renggli