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I want to add a 'Comments' page to my Wiki where anonymous users can
edit the page; I thought I could do it with the code on the bottom,
but when I hit the Comments-page as anonymous, I only have the usual
anonymous-menu. Btw., I'm using SmallWiki on Squeak.
Regards, Markus
| anonymousRole s commentRole cpage |
s _ SWKom allInstances first.
commentRole _ SWBasicRole name: 'anonymous'.
commentRole add: SWPage permissionEdit.
commentRole add: SWPage permissionAdd.
anonymousRole := s roles detect: [ :each |
~ each name = 'anonymous' ].
commentRole permissions addAll: anonymousRole permissions.
cpage _ (s root children detect: [ :each | each id = 'comments' ]).
cpage roles: (OrderedCollection with: commentRole)
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
I would like to know whether the user of the squeak port of SmallWiki
got problems with the snaphost mechanism?
We got some problem with the SmallWiki one we were using for
and I want to know if this is a problem of SmallWiki one or of the
Squeak Port.
Also if VW users have problems this would be a usefull information for
after some fiddling I managed to run SmallWiki 1 in headless mode with
VisualWorks. I added a number of actions (in an extension, of course)
to save an image, quit it, save-and-quit it so that I can launch
SmallWiki as a daemon when the machine boots, and with the intention to
save it when the machine goes down (need to test this further since I
do not know whether OS-X will actually wait until my script is finished
before killing the headless-VW process, but ok). I added the necessary
Mac OS-X config files to do this (configurable and all).
Are other people in need of this? Is there a good place to put these
things? CincomStore maybe? With a description on some SmallWiki page?
Maybe other people can chime in and put their
configurations/scripts/batch files for other OS-s and Smalltalk
versions (or, ahum, maybe it already exists and I overlooked it)?
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Vice-President of the European Smalltalk Users Group: www.esug.org
I'd like to do a poll to get an idea about who is using what for
So, here goes:
Roel Smallwiki 0.9.51 MacOS-X Server
VisualWorks 7.3NC
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Vice-President of the European Smalltalk Users Group: www.esug.org
Doing a restore on a Folder seems to flatten the menu(path)!?
My root folder has some children and the menu did show the root and all
the children. Now doing a restore on that folder flattens the menu so
that now only the root is visible. The children are still there, they
just don't get shown in the menu. If I go to one of the children folder
the menu display on that page is correct again (unto root).
It also seems that sometimes children are left out of the menu, eg. the
SW license page. It does not help to remove the Menu Component from the
templates list and to add it back after that.
PS: This happens with the latest SW1 version from SqueakMap.
I just stumbled over this:
Create a SWFolder Foo, edit the text and save. Edit again and change the
title to Bar and save again. Now go to the history and revert to the
first version named Foo. After that you get a page not found error on
Foo. If you now enter manually the former URL for Bar you get a page
with the original contents of Foo! :()
Hopefully this ain't FUBAR. ;)
Hi all,
anybody knows how can I refactor the contents on a wiki?
I have some folders with lot of info wich I need to move it to a
parent folder.
I need to know if this is possible on smallwiki, and how.
Sebastián Sastre
<mailto:ssastre@seaswork.com.ar> ssastre(a)seaswork.com.ar
Special Software Solutions
www.seaswork.com.ar <http://www.seaswork.com.ar/>