Hi Andrea,
please send your questions to the smallwiki mailinglist. Others also may
be interested in the topic.
Andrea Loddo wrote:
> I am developping an easy application with Smallwiki. Actually I am
> trying to make a file upload between a client and the smallwiki HTTP server
> with the method "fileUploadWithCallback:aBlock" but I have no
> idea about the block it accepts.
> Coud you help me?
Take a look at the example when uploading Resources to SmallWiki. Just
browse the senders of #fileUploadWithCallback: ... you will find
#renderFields in SWResourceEdit which, in this particular case, passes a
symbol, not a block.
best regards
Chris Burkert
PS: You might be more interested in Seaside than SmallWiki for a real
Hi Brent,
the maintainer of the Squeak port of SmallWiki 1 is Chris Burkert,
please ask him for problems related to the Squeak port.
> [ :context | context createChildFromClass: each
> titled: aLinkInternal reference
> creator: action structure ]
> [...]
> I believe the problem is that the default Compiler in Squeak 3.7 does
> not capture the full closure.
Looks like I know this particular problem in Squeak ;-)
Try sending #fixTemps to the block you mentioned above. If this solves
your problem you might want to add #fixTemp to the references of aBlock
in the following two methods:
On Dec 31, 2004, at 06:26, Brent Pinkney wrote:
> Hi Lukas,
> I am trying to install a wiki at work and am hoping to use
> Smallwiki/Squeak to try introduce Smalltalk via the back door.
> I have had some problems with SmallWiki on Squeak 3.7 final.
> Significantly I when I edit a page to contain a link to aonother Swiki
> page (ie. *A New Page*)
> I get back HTML with links to create the new page:
> A New Page (Folder, Page, Resource)
> Each link in the parenthesis has the following URL:
> Folder: http://localhost:8080/anewpage/??action=SWPageView&callback=6
> Page: http://localhost:8080/anewpage/??action=SWPageView&callback=7
> Page: http://localhost:8080/anewpage/??action=SWPageView&callback=8
> Each callback is a block of code created by
> SWVisitorRendererHtml>>emitCreateTargetFor:
> The call back is the block:
> [ :context | context createChildFromClass: each
> titled: aLinkInternal reference
> creator: action structure ]
> The parameter each the formal argument over the array #(SWFolder
> SWPAge SWResource) created by the call to #creatableStructures.
> When a user clicks on one of the links, Smallwiki find the callback
> and executes the block. ie. It executes:
> SWAction>>createChildFromClass: aClass titled: aString creator:
> aStructure
> The formal agrument aClass should be the each variable when the block
> was captured, ie. ONE of SWFolder, SWPage or SWResource.
> The problem is it is always SWResource.
> The symptom of this problem is that only a resource can be created.
> I believe the problem is that the default Compiler in Squeak 3.7 does
> not capture the full closure.
> Please can someone assist me.
> I am having a few other problems with Smallwiki - can you advise if
> this release is begin used.
> Many thanks
> Brent
Lukas Renggli
Hi All,
My understanding is that work on WikiWorks has stopped and that SmallWiki is
the future. I've tried running SmallWiki with some success, however there
are a few things where I hope my impression is wrong:
- Is it possible to configure the simple file server (as described at
http://wiki.openskills.net/OpenSkills/Smalltalk+HTTP+Server) to be able to
do directory listings if there isn't an index.html in the requested
directory (like the WikiWorks FileServerWiki and Apache)?
- Is it possible to store page definitions (with history) outside the image
(to prevent image bloat and allow page history to be on disk rather than in
Many Thanks,
I finally found the time to port the last SmallWiki (0.9.53) to squeak
(3.6). It is available on SqueakMap. It would be fine to get feedback
about bugs! I know that there are some, but I can't search all day long :-)
To do this port I have gone a complete different way according to the
following procedure:
- load SW into a clean VisualWorks Image so that it would run
- load Fileout30 and enable it in the Settings Manager
- load SW-Patch.ws (attached) which creates a fileout with some patches
Squeak 3.6
- load the fileout
- load the Patch Unnamed2.29.cs (attached)
- compile a new SWWikiParser and SWWikiScanner
- run the tests
Because of this new procedure, it may not be compatible with older
versions for squeak where I once did a port using rosetta and then
merging all changes by hand.
While doing the whole thing I stumbled over many things that you should
keep in mind when doing SmallWiki 2 (Remember that I don't want to
offend you! This should be constructive criticism!):
- Do not do something like in AbstractExternalLinkChecker ... this
is really really bad! Move #isLinkBroken: as 'self
subclassResponsibility' to SmallWiki.Server class and implement a
specific Version in SwazooServer class.
- Do not rely on class names! Remember in squeak we have no
namespaces, so we have to rename all classes to 'SW', class name.
See also SW-Patch.ws for my rename automatism.
- Use meaningful categories for classes. In squeak we have no Store,
no Bundles and no Parcels. We have just categories which should
name like 'SmallWiki-<aSubCategory>-<aSubSubCategory>'.
See also SW-Patch.ws for a rename automatism.
- Do not use underscores in methodnames! Do not ever think about it!
In squeak _ is :=.
See also SW-Patch.ws for those methods.
- Do not use Namespace.Class in classes in the same Namespace.
Chris Burkert
I've tried several times to load SmallWiki into Squeak 3.6 without success,
including loading it manually.
The first problem was that the SmaCC Scanner didn't initialize the writeStream.
Does someone have a minimal working image I can downlaod? Or, must I wait for
SmallWiki 2?
Thank you for such an inspiring application!
Another question: how do I create a 'private space' on an otherwise
publicly accessible wiki? I want to set up a folder that only logged in
users can view, but not the anonymous user.
(I've added this as a question to the FAQ btw:
I was wondering about the following: wouldn't it be nicer to base the
url for a page on a 'short name' instead of the page's title?
I don't like this URL for example:
When telling people to go take a look at the DMP site I'd prefer to use
the URL like http://prog2.vub.ac.be:9090/DMP/, but I don't want to
change the page's title to this abbreviation either. So it would be
nice if the editor for pages allows you to not only set a 'title' for a
page but a 'short name' for it as well (by default: none). The page's
url should be derived from this short name.
I could probably hack this into Smallwiki myself easily, but it seems
like a generally useful feature and I'm wondering about a small issue
as well: should the *-syntax for making a link allow you to use short
names for pages too? What happens when the short name of one page and
the title of another are the same?
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Jon Hylands <jon(a)huv.com>
> Date: 10 décembre 2004 12:38:23 GMT+01:00
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Subject: Re: Web Site Trashed (Again)
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:49:03 +0100, stéphane ducasse
> <ducasse(a)iam.unibe.ch>
> wrote:
>> we would be interested by the code for SmallWiki.
> Try this, its pretty simple...
> Later,
> Jon
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Jon Hylands Jon(a)huv.com http://www.huv.com/jon
> Project: Micro Seeker (Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
> http://www.huv.com
we would be interested by the code for SmallWiki.
On 10 déc. 04, at 04:13, Jon Hylands wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 21:25:27 -0500, John Pierce
> <john.raymond.pierce(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah -- the @ sign was not the best choice -- the technique was all I
>> was presenting. Most captcha's use a gif image instead of ASCII art,
>> I just though ASCII art could be used as a cheap alternative. By the
>> way, the captcha I put above is "OHIO". I guess what I presented
>> above was rather a captcho (completely automated public Turing test to
>> keep computers and humans *out*).
> I guess maybe you guys missed my post -- I've implemented this, for the
> most part.
> http://www.huv.com/distort.gif
> Can anyone here integrate this into the Swiki software?
> Later,
> Jon
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Jon Hylands Jon(a)huv.com http://www.huv.com/jon
> Project: Micro Seeker (Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)
> http://www.huv.com
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Serge Stinckwich <Serge.Stinckwich(a)info.unicaen.fr>
> Date: 8 décembre 2004 12:20:25 GMT+01:00
> To: squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> Subject: Re: Squeak Wiki - hacked big time!! & continuing to be hacked
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> stéphane ducasse wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> just to let you know that lukas is working on a brand new
>> implementation of smallwiki which is seaside based and
>> developed now in Squeak. So this means that in the future you will be
>> able to totally and easily customize wikis with
>> advanced components. We are currently thinking about the security
>> policies that we would like to have.
>> We plan to have advanced management tools (such as getting all the
>> pages recently modified, freese versions.....)
>> But for the immediate problem we have we do not easy answer.
> Usually, the WikiSpam is only links spam in order to increase the page
> ranking of sites.
> One way to solve the problem, already in used by several WikiEngine is
> to use a BadContent page with a list of all banned URLs for the Wiki.
> The URLs banned are no more rendered and this BadContent can be shared
> among several wikis.
> Look at how it works in MoinMoin for example :
> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de:8000/AntiSpamGlobalSolution
> and its BadContent page :
> http://moinmaster.wikiwikiweb.de/BadContent
> -- oooo
> Dr. Serge Stinckwich OOOOOOOO
> Université de Caen>CNRS UMR 6072>GREYC>MAD OOESUGOO
> http://purl.org/net/SergeStinckwich oooooo
> Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)] \ /
> ##