I still have a problem about to insert the function written with the edit in an other page, in one column of a list created from me.
I am successful to insert my function in the url page , but i want insert in a column.
For to insert in url page i've used :
" redirectTo: self url " ,
but if I want insert in one column instead of url, how can i do?
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Hi Mike,
use your web-browser and go the 'Environment' page to edit it. Add an
embedded link *+My Widget+* at the place where you want to place your
widget and save the page. A red link will be be displayed because the
link is pointing to an non-existant structure. Click on it, choose
'Component', hit save and select your widget class in the drop down
that is appearing. From now on your widget should be in place all the
time, no need to edit the SmallWiki core code for this anymore.
On Apr 11, 2005, at 21:55, Michael Meyer wrote:
> Hallo,
> letze Eoche beim ADL habt ihr uns gezeigt wie wir selber
> Widgets ins Gui integrieren können. (Siehe Code unten).
> Der Code der initialize Methode hat sich jetzt ja etwas geändert.
> Kann du mir sagen wo ich jetzt mein eigenes Widget
> registrieren kann?
> Gruss mike
> SeasideFrame>>initialize
> super initialize.
> contextHolder := WAStateHolder new.
> headerWidget := SW2HeaderWidget new.
> contentWidget := SW2ContentWidget new.
> boxWidgets := Array
> "with: SW2DebugWidget new"
> with: SW2CommandsWidget new
> "with: SW2PathWidget new"
> "with: SW2TableOfContentsWidget new"
> with: SW2TreeWidget new
> with: SW2SearchWidget new
> with: SW2StatisticsWidget new.
Lukas Renggli
I have recently installed SmallWiki and I am having a few problems with user
permissions. I wanted to first see if there was something obvious that I had
I have created a new user and added both the anonymous role and a new 'basic'
role that I have created. I have added to this later role the edit page
permission. I have then added this user to the server instance.
I login as the admin user and create a page and edit its content. I then
logout and log back in as my new user. Unfortunately this new user doesn't
have permission to edit the page. I have subsequently added all the
permissions to my new user's basic role but it doesn't allow the user to edit
the page. I can only edit the content as the admin user.
I have tried to debug this situation. At the point that the available
commands are rendered to the top of the test page, my user's basic role has
an empty set of permissions. I have checked the user in the server instance
and it does have the correct set of permissions.
I have dug a bit further and it seems that
removes the roles from my user if at the server root and then updates the
roles with the current roles instance variable from the root folder instance.
Since this roles instance variable only has the anonymous role in I don't get
to edit the page. Do I need to get my role into this roles variable on the
root folder instance?
I'm guessing I have got something wrong in my configuration? Any help
I've started to use Smallwiki since 2 weeks and i need help.
I would have to write a function that allows me from the edit in my localhost to write a date,could you tell me please how can i write only in date-format?
When i want to write a text, I use html textInutWithValue,but I don't know what i must to write fora date.
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I've just joined the list and I'm looking for the archives for 2005. This
link http://impara.de/pipermail/smallwiki/ stops at the end of last year. Is
there some where else I can look?
Hi -
I just had a very strange experience with Smallwiki. I installed it on
my home machine and ran it since I wanted to play around a bit with a
wiki that I could easily trash. I set up the menu component just like it
had been described when suddenly Smallwiki locked up when trying to save
to top-level page. *Just* the top-level page I should add.
Since I had the image still open I got over there and some investigation
showed that the problem was caused by an endless recursion caused from
using #deepCopy to copy an object with "up" pointers (SWFolder) which
was initiated by the following sequence:
[] in SWFolder(SWStructure)>>processAction: {[anAction execute]}
[] in SWPageEdit(SWAction)>>processFormCallback {[:key | object := self
request server callback get: key. object isNil if...]}
"... and downhill from here ..."
Looking at it more closely it seems as if this is triggered by
#internalTemplates referring to a SWTemplateBodyMenu which (I believe)
is created when using the menu component.
Is this is a known issue? Any recommended fixes?
- Andreas
> can you say a rough estimate whan you want to reach a beta ? I want to
> reorganize my Smallwiki and don't want to do things twice if it is
> only a matter of a couple of months....
we are now using an early alpha version of SmallWiki 2 in the Advanced
Design Lecture here at the University of Bern. The students are working
on different parts of SmallWiki and we try to improve the engine with
their feedback.
If you like to satisfy your curiosity I suggest that you browser the
lecture homepage [1], download the SmallWiki 2 image [2] and browse the
presentation slides [3]. Note that big and important parts, like the
security and persistence, are not yet fished!
[1] http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Teaching/AdvancedLabs/index.html
[2] http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Teaching/AdvancedLabs/swimages/sw2.zip
[3] http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/smallwiki/slides/intro.pdf
> And because of beeing implemented in Seaside, it should run also on
> squeak ?
Yes, I moved the main development branch to Squeak, read about this
decision in the mailing list archive.
As you probably noticed, SmallWiki 2 is described in itself. This means
that there are meta-models [3] for most parts of the wiki.
I'm currently working on an improved model of the layout engine. The
idea would be that a wiki is composed from different primitive Seaside
components, e.g. to display the menu, the login status, the current
path and the actual contents. In SmallWiki 1 we had the templates that
were composed statically, in SmallWiki 2 I want to use a meta-document
to describe the look of a page:
| *+Menu+* | *+Path+*
| *+Search+* | *+Contents+*
Powered by *SmallWiki*
Heading, Menu, Path and Search are all links to primitive Seaside
components, the + means that they will be embedded and not linked into
the resulting page. Contents is the embedded document. So my rendering
visitor will walk over this meta-document and build the whole web-page.
When reaching the 'contents' it will jump from the meta-level to the
document level of the page currently displayed.
Does this all make sense? Any ideas where to put that meta-document
information? I am currently not quite sure where to store it ...
Lukas Renggli
Hi -
I just started to use SmallWiki and ran into a number of issues. Since I
couldn't immediately find the answers in the available documentation I
thought I'd ask here - but feel free to point me to appropriate
resources. Here we go:
a) I get an error "Unauthorized to execute the requested action." when I
use the following sentence:
The above will print as "Far:[a TestVariable(nil)]" where "Far[...]"
indicates that the object is not living on the current island.
Presumably this is because SmallWiki interprets [...] as a Smalltalk
block but then, it appears as if using something like:
= Transcript cr; show: 'Hello World'.
is perfectly fine.
Q: What are the rules for using [...]? How does one escape from the
Smalltalk block interpretation if that is needed?
b) When I use preformatted code like this:
= onValueChanged
= <on: valueChanged>
= self mumble.
The <on: valueChanged> part will not be shown in the rendering. Fine,
that's probably because <on:> looks like an HTML-tag, so let's change
this to:
= onValueChanged
= <on: valueChanged>
= self mumble.
This looks good when rendered, but once the page is being edited again,
it will revert (!) to using <> instead of < and > and thus, when
saved the line vanishes in a puff of HTML-logic.
Q: Is this a known bug? Or is there something I'm doing wrong?
c) It looks like IE has significant problems rendering some of the CSS
properly. The most annoying part seems to be the header where the
separators are just dropped. For example, check out www.seaside.st with
both IE and Firefox; you will see something like:
Firefox: Seaside/Tutorial View|Contents|Changes|Search
IE: Seaside Tutorial View Contents Changes Search
Q: Is there *any* known workaround for this problem? To me, the
resulting pages look like garbage in IE without the separators.
d) If one tries to print, say
http://www.seaside.st/Documentation/GeneratingHTML/ the result is pretty
much garbage regardless of browser used. Firefox will only print a
single page; IE will do page breaks in the middle of text lines and both
will cut off part of the page.
Q: Is this an issue with the CSS used or with Smallwiki? Are there
strategies in Smallwiki or CSS to address this problem?
e) The Seaside Smallwiki at www.seaside.st has a nice little navigation
bar on the left which I would like to use too.
Q: Is this a standard feature of Smallwiki? If so, how does one use it?
If not, who do I have to bug to get the code? ;-)
That's all for now. If you guys have an FAQ I think these might be
worthwhile entries to put there - I'm almost certain other people will
run into the same issues.
- Andreas
> Avi suggested I talk with you - I've been using SmallWiki as a base for
> a Wiki system that allowed editing the Wiki pages based on paragraphs
> in the page rather than whole pages.
this is definitely something that fits perfectly into the SmallWiki 2
model: it is just a matter of writting a different document editor and
putting the user information into the parse-nodes of the document.
I am right now concentrating on the core functionality like the
security and the storage model. Unfortunately SmallWiki 2 isn't ready
in lots of areas yet.
> Hi Lukas!
> Avi suggested I talk with you - I've been using SmallWiki as a base for
> a Wiki system that allowed editing the Wiki pages based on paragraphs
> in the page rather than whole pages.
> The reasons are so that it is easier to see what data on a page is old
> and what is new, it shows who edited what part of the wiki page last,
> and versions would be kept by paragraph as well.
> Editing small wiki pages, or wikis without a lot of content wouldn't
> see much benefit, but for wikis like the Squeak one on minnow, it would
> be very useful. Also, with wiki page editing, you typically find what
> you want to edit twice - once in the rendered page as you read it, then
> find it again in the editor pane ;-)
> I think this would alleviate that.
> Anyway, Avi thought it might be something (the concept anyway) that
> could fit into SmallWiki2....
> Any thoughts or ideas?
> thanks!
Lukas Renggli
Hash: SHA1
I just noted that the SWSmilie lacks a proper alt=""-tag, where would
I have to alter that?
Regards, Markus
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