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When I added a menu to my wiki and set it's preference to always show
the whole structure beginning from the wiki root (via the
An edit of the entry page results in an infinite recursion of
deepCopy; as far as I can tell, the new page created gets a copy of
the preferences, and with this special preference turned on, there's a
reference loop which causes the recursion...
Kind regards, Markus
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Hi guys
I've took a look at the bugs reported by Dan. Both things should be
fixed with version 0.9.53-11 of SmallWiki-Kernel as I tested in
Squeak3.7-5989-full. Please give me some feedback if it is not solved so
The embedding images stuff was a #fixTemps problem with BlockContext.
I moved the snapshot stuff to #privateSnapshotImage.
best regards
Chris Burkert
Ive just started playing with Smallwiki on Squeak on Windows. Im having
problems with embedding images in pages. Checking the box on the image
upload page doesn't do anything. I inspected the resource, and the inst
var doesnt change. I tried poking a true value into it, but that just
make the link go into a non link, and no sign of the image embedding
itself. Any hints would be appriciated.
Hi all,
Ive already sent this to the map owner, but from browsing the mailing
list archives today for other isses I am having, it looks like the
mailing list could do with it too.
Im running smallwiki on windows. I couldn't get the image to snapshot
until I put this fix in. It makes sure that the change file gets closed
before it is copied. I don't know if this is just Windows weirdness or
not, but it would be sensible to close the change file in other OS's as
!SWImageStorage methodsFor: 'snapshot' stamp: 'dp 5/2/2005 21:14'!
super privatePreSnapshot.
*Smalltalk closeSourceFiles.
* self backup.! !
I got an error when I load the version 0.9.51 of Smallwiki obtained from Store.
I have an "Incompatible version id". I previously loaded the DLLCC parcel.
I use VW 7.2 Should I use 7.3 ?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
this is an interesting problem Philippe and I have been discussing
yesterday: he wanted that a certain component rendered html anchor
tags to all the links in order to let the web browser jump to the
right position in the page. I think this is a nice design discussion:
he suggested a first solution, that I tried to improve, but that
didn't solve the problem yet ... sorry, partly in german ...
>> Wäre es nicht einfach eine
>> Subklasse von MAReport zu machen und dort #rendererClass zu
>> überschreiben, das einen Subklasse von WAHtmlRenderer zurückgibt,
>> welche die Methode #anchorWithUrl:do: überschreibt und dort die
>> entsprechenden ids ganz hinzufügt?
> Daran hatte ich gar nicht gedacht. Wir hatten zuerst eine
> Subklasse, ich
> habs aber dann in MAReport gepusht um es dir zu schicken. Zudem
> haben wir ja
> auch MAColum abgeändert. Was meiner Meinung nach noch hässlicher
> ist. Aber
> das liesse sich ja auch elegant mit dem renderer lösen.
> Ich habe jetzt noch zwei Fragen:
> Wie komme ich im renderer an die ids? Im Moment sind die ja im
> Report und
> die müssten ja über mehrere rendering Vorgänge stabil bleiben.
You would set it from the parent component if desired, or even better
let the renderer ask its component for the anchor-id to be used.
> Wie ist das mit Links, die sich nicht auf den Report beziehen. Z.B.
> actions
> (edit, remove) die ev. in einer ganz neuen Seite resultieren würden
> (z.B
> wegen #call:). Dort würde ich ja auch überall den anchor hinzufügen
> obwohl
> es in der Zielseite ev. gar nicht existiert. Hast du eine Idee wie
> ich das
> verhindern kann?
Okay, what about this idea? Use a customized renderer that uses a
dynamic variable (subclass of WADynamicVariable) to determine what
anchor has to be appended and that will not change anything if this
value is nil.
BlaBla>>renderContentOn: html
use: 'theSuperAnchor'
while: [ html render: self report ].
SW2HtmlRenderer>>anchorWithUrl: aUrl do: aString
SW2DynamicAnchorTarget value in: [ :value |
anchorWithUrl: (value isNil
ifTrue: [ aUrl ]
ifFalse: [ aUrl , '#' , value ])
do: aString.
I think like this you can do anything you need to do? If you can iron
out this concept (maybe using the new Seaside brush rendering
framework) this would be something that should go into Seaside
itself, I suspect.
Moreover, I think this is an excellent example how the design of your
code can be improved by discussing and rethinking a problem several
times. In fact, the above code avoids the need to change 30 methods
in a non generic fashion and even allows it to be reused in different
Lukas Renggli
I saw the external link marker on the Squeak SmallWiki prototype; I saw
that they're css based in wikipedia - does the prototype implement them
the same way, and if yes, what do I have to alter to use them in my own
Regards, Markus