If you copy a component, it seems that the settings for both components
are the same instance. There is no longer a ui to change the settings on
the original (or is it the copy I am not sure which)
PRCommandLink allows the following syntax *command:PULogin* to generate
a link which performs that command. If the user is not authorized the
link does not show.
Alias's are supported in the normal manner: *Register
As an advanced example you can include command links in the dialogs of
other commands by adding a PRComponentDecoration's to the description.
(super description)
componentDecorations: (Array with: PRComponentDecoration);
preAnnotation: 'If you do not have an account *Register
best regards
Enable PierWidgets to make use of ShoreComponents.
All you have to do is configure the application to use PRPierShoreFrame
as the root component and all those great shore components are yours!
best regards
p.s In this initial version there might be a very slight css effect from
the shore css, but I tracked it down yet.
I have made a custom subclass of PULogin which will direct users to
their homepage after they login. The Commands widget in Pier then
shows both PULogin and my CustomLogin command. I'd like to hide
PULogin, so I thought I make PULogin invalid (isValidIn: aContext
returns false). Problem is that now I get CustomLogin listed twice in
the widget.
Here is the method, with some comments about what I think is going on
| commands command |
commands := self context commands. "These are all allowed commands"
^ Array
streamContents: [:stream | self commandClasses
"These are all possible commands"
do: [:class |
command := commands
detect: [:each | each = class
or: [each inheritsFrom: class]]
ifNone: [].
"command is an allowed command that is a subclass of any of
the command classes."
command isNil
ifFalse: [stream nextPut: command]]].
So it iterates over all possible commands (subclasses of PRCommand)
and adds allowed commands if they inherit from one of them.
My questions are:
- What's the point of the inheritance check?
- Shouldn't the list of commands in the widget be a subset of the
commands allowed in the context?
- Why shouldnt the widget just show the commands that the context allows?
I'd like to understand this before I patch it :-)
I put this in the pieraddons repository, it adds some configuratble
debugging hooks.
Name: Pier-Debugging-kph.1
Author: kph
Time: 16 August 2007, 4:26:56 pm
UUID: 207cf14d-4c0d-11dc-8162-000a95edb42a
- some debugging hooks with switching in preferences
best regards
I've started using the really excellent ICal package (thanks
Phillipe!), and just loaded the ICal Magritte package.
On ICCalendarEntry class>>descriptionUrl, the definition is:
^(NAUrlDescription selector: #url label: 'Link' priority: 1000)
NAUrlDescription is not defined anywhere - I would expect it to be
named MAUrlDescription, but that isn't defined in my image either ;)
Any ideas where I can get this class, or what else should be in here?
I can't seem to find anything in the mailing list archives about this,
so here goes...
Is there a way to present forms as a sequence of input requests with a
'Next' submit button rather than the default 'Save' and 'Cancel'?
Chad Nantais
I discovered that the referential integrity of PRContext <-> PRCommand
gets broken when you assign a user to the context because #user: does a
copy, but the instance of PRCommand's context is still the pre-copy one.
This is fixed by
self setCommand: command copy.
I am looking for some tips/info on how to customize the look of
magritte/pier components.
My first excursion found this quite difficult. Since it appears that
textInput's always have class='text'. I solved this by wrapping them in
a div class='agent-code' in a custom component and using the following
to effect the styling.
.contents form .agent-code input.text {
width : auto;
What would be the correct way to change the pier login buttons to
'Login' 'Cancel' rather than 'Save' 'Cancel'. Do I subclass PULogin, and
change its asComponent to take the std component and search for its
FormDecoration for the button label in order to change it?
many thanks in advance