What would be
the correct way to change the pier login buttons to
'Login' 'Cancel' rather than 'Save' 'Cancel'. Do I
PULogin, and
change its asComponent to take the std component and search for its
FormDecoration for the button label in order to change it?
I guess that's the easiest way to do, yes.
Ok - it's not pretty, but for
the record:
| component |
component := super asComponent.
component allDecorationsDo: [ :dec | dec class = MAFormDecoration
ifTrue: [ dec buttons first value: 'Login' ]].
^ component
Relabeling with CSS could
also work, but again IE will fail to do properly.
I am afraid IE is main customer in this case.
Note that Pier also puts a class into the body
representing the
current structure. It does not do so for different commands/views
though, so maybe we should add that?
Good idea I think