I have found it difficult to change the settings descriptions for
existing components.
In case you are interested I added this to help
PRWidget-readUsing: aDescription
^ self properties at: aDescription ifAbsent: [
self properties keysAndValuesDo: [ :k :v |
(k accessor selector = aDescription accessor selector)
ifTrue: [ ^v ].
(k label = aDescription label) ifTrue: [ ^ v ].
aDescription default yourself
This doesn't seem to work for me, is it wring for me to expect it to?
^ PRStructureDescription new
default: [ PRCurrentContext value ifNotNilDo: [ :c | c kernel
root ] ] asDynamicObject;
selectorAccessor: #target;
priority: 50;
thanks in advance
never mind eh!
Name: Pier-Seaside-lr.201
Author: lr
Time: 12 September 2007, 11:15:01 pm
UUID: dc85224a-30ee-4a23-8b96-d8abeb04061b
Ancestors: Pier-Seaside-lr.200
- added a simple tag cloud component
Hi all,
I am making a web store. The store will have domain classes like
"Item", and these will need a different "display" or "view" depending
on where they are shown. For example, one view will be to customers
so it will show things like pictures and descriptions. Another view
will be for administration so it will be for editing this information,
or creating new items.
What is the best way to do this with Magritte? I know you have like
the "description" method that makes the whole component view, and I
seem to recall that you can change the name of that method, so I was
wondering if I could have several such methods and use the one I want
depending on where I am displaying the object?
Thanks for any help you can provide,
I'd like to describe a field that should point to a file on the server's disk.
The precise use-case is that I have a seaside component to displays
bibliographies in Pier, and I would like to have it display the
contents of a .bib file, which is under SVN or similar
version/replication control (so it will be updated sometimes without
going through Squeak).
Currently I'm using MAFileDescription new kind: MAExternalFileModel; ...
but that makes Pier ask for a file to upload, when I'd like to specify
a server-specific file path.
I was thinking of subclassing MAFileModel but now I suspect that
defining MAServerFileChooserComponent is the way... correct ?
PS. why does MAFileUploadComponent>>#isMultipart actually mean "no file yet"?
Damien Pollet
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First of all, please excuze me if it's a stupid question, I'm a newbie with Magritte.
Is there a way to add conditions do descriptions "on the fly"? For example I have an object with descriptions, and when I do asComponent addValidatedForm, I would like to add a condition to a description, but this time only.
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I am exploring my options for a couple of websites. I am a big fan of
Squeak, Seaside and Pier. But I have been exploring and learning about
There is a tremendous amount of energy and work behind Plone and
products available for it. Plone 3.0 is about to be released. They have
put a lot of work into UI usability and into a lot of areas which are
nice to not necessarily implement yourself.
That said, I don't really have a grasp as to how far Pier is from
Plone-like abilities for both the end user and the developer.
One thing I am looking at is the Plone4Artist product which implements a
very sweet package for multimedia and Plone.
I do very much like Squeak over Python.
In general I like Seaside/Pier over Zope/Plone.
I know that Lukas has used Zope/Plone, but I don't know how current his
knowledge is.
How far is Pier from offering a competitive experience to end users and
developers with regard to something like Plone?
Is there any interest in the community of competing in that sphere?
Or do most here happily use Seaside/Pier as a toolbox and the bigger
application type CMS isn't on the radar?
And initially I speak as to a basic Plone 3.0 out-of-the-box
capabilities and user/developer experience. Not necessarily the plethora
of add-on products. Those can come later if the out-of-the-box
experience is compelling enough.
Naively it seems that content types are easier to develop in Pier as
opposed to Plone.
I just don't know how much I could build on Pier towards a Plone-like
experience in the time it takes to do some things in Plone. And I really
don't know how much of the machinery that makes Plone what it is, is in
Pier. Or the effort to get there.
Comments regarding my questions above or most anything relevant to Pier
v. Plone 3.0 are greatly appreciated.
I am trying to learn the Pier setup. I am having a hard time finding how
to edit the components that are in the default Pier setup.
For example. In the default Pier install it says Pier in the Header. How
do I grab the header to change that? I've toggled halos, inspected
objects, etc. but have apparently missed where I can edit its contents
and not its ComponentClass.
Now I see that if I go to Navigation and go to Environment and do 'Edit'
that I have a contents box with the html. I can edit some of the stuff
there. But not the header.
I know I am missing something. Any help in understanding this is greatly
Also, is there any level of undo or persistence of these objects when
edited? Say I decide to change the 'Environment' html. But I decide I
liked it better before. I do not see anything like that. Is there
anything like that in the framework machinery?
Any wisdom greatly appreciated.
Please write your questions to the Magritte/Pier mailing list.
> > I'm writing a blog engine using Magritte and the Pier parser.
> do you know the package Pier-Blog in <http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/
> pier>?
> Yes I know it and I really love Pier ! I think Pier is one of one
> of the best Seaside apps.
> I'm doing my own blog engine bacause I want a multiblog server,
> dedicated to this.
What is a muliblog server? With Pier-Blog you can already put as many
blogs as you want on one site. Or do I misunderstand something? In
any case, it would probably make sense that you improve Pier-Blog to
make it suit your needs (it is a public write repository).
Lukas Renggli
Hi Nicolas,
> I'm writing a blog engine using Magritte and the Pier parser.
do you know the package Pier-Blog in <http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/pier>?
> Is there a simple way to include Pier-EditorEnh into my app ?
The magic happens in PREditCommand>>#updateRoot, where the JavaScript
is embedded. The rest of the magic is done in JavaScript, where the
toolbar is added on all elements that match the CSS selector
Lukas Renggli