Apologies for repeating myself, but I'm still not
sure how to solve this
problem, or why you don't see it...
No problem.
Reiterating; does this test assert on your machine?:
| stylesheetFile stylesheetContents rendererResult |
stylesheetContents := '/* a style sheet */'.
stylesheetFile := (PRFile named: 'defaultCss') filename: 'style.css';
mimetype: 'text/css'; contents: stylesheetContents.
rendererResult := WARenderCanvas builder render: [ :html |
html render: stylesheetFile file contents].
self assert: rendererResult = stylesheetContents
This test does not pass in my image either. I don't see where such
code would be used though? File (and thus CSS files) are certainly not
fed through a HTML canvas. If you download a Pier 2 image from my
build server
you see that the stylesheets are properly served, I don't see any
problems there.
To reproduce the problem with Pier, register a Pier
instance with:
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel new root:
(PRPage new title: 'test title'; contents: 'Pier on Seaside 3.0'; name:
'testPage'); name: 'testKernel').
browse to:
http://localhost:8080/pier/environment/style.css, results in:
#[47 42 32 98 108 117 101 112 114 105 110 ...
Any more thoughts?
Aha, that I can reproduce. I fixed it in the latest commit.
Note that #greaseString should probably not be used everywhere.
#asString is in the ANSI standard defined on Character, String,
ByteArray, and other sequenceable collections; so in some cases that
might be the appropriate choice.
Lukas Renggli