On 04/06/15 00:03, Rogier Schaaf wrote:
Hi Stephan,
I'm just starting out with Magritte and QCMagritte and combined
they're quite a substantial code base to get your head around. Before
doing an attempt at something useful I wanted to get it working for my
specific situation, so I subclassed MACommandColumn and re-implemented
renderCellLinkContent:on: like so:
renderCellLinkContent: anObject on: html
html tbsButtonGroup: [
html tbsDropdownButton
with: [
html text: 'Commands ';
html tbsDropdownMenu: [
self commands
do: [ :each |
each value = 'divider'
ifTrue: [ html tbsDivider ]
ifFalse: [
html tbsDropdownMenuItem: [
html anchor
callback: [ each key value: anObject ];
with: each value ]
I used the Twitter Bootstrap implementation by Torsten Bergmann to
perform the rendering. Again, not sure if this is within the scope of
Sounds fine. It's just like what we do more often in
QC-Magritte-Bootstrap. Might fit in
QC-Magritte-Bootstrap-Component, or you might want to add an option
in QCBToManyComponent to use this style. Perhaps subclass QCCommandColumn
for this, and look at where that is used?
On 3 June 2015 at 21:45, Stephan Eggermont <stephan(a)stack.nl
<mailto:stephan@stack.nl>> wrote:
Hi Rogier,
Please feel free to add something for this to QCMagritte
I've experimented with QCCommandColumn but
success (it needs something in its component instance
variable but I'm clueless as to what).
QCCommandColumn>>execute: aBlock with: aRow
aBlock isSymbol ifTrue: [ ^aRow perform: aBlock ].
^aBlock cull: aRow cull: self component
A command may want to have access to both the row it operates
on and the report, or the component containing the report
| retVal |
retVal := (QCCommandColumn on: self) setReport: self report.
self addDefaultCommandsTo: retVal.
self addDescriptionCommandsTo: retVal.
self addOrderingCommandsTo: retVal.
^ retVal
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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