Hi Stephan,
I'm just starting out with Magritte and QCMagritte and combined they're quite a substantial code base to get your head around. Before doing an attempt at something useful I wanted to get it working for my specific situation, so I subclassed MACommandColumn and re-implemented renderCellLinkContent:on: like so:
renderCellLinkContent: anObject on: html
html tbsButtonGroup: [
html tbsDropdownButton
with: [
html text: 'Commands ';
html tbsDropdownMenu: [
self commands
do: [ :each |
each value = 'divider'
ifTrue: [ html tbsDivider ]
ifFalse: [
html tbsDropdownMenuItem: [
html anchor
callback: [ each key value: anObject ];
with: each value ]
I used the Twitter Bootstrap implementation by Torsten Bergmann to perform the rendering. Again, not sure if this is within the scope of QCMagritte.