I have 13000+ users validation records in a database,
so I thought I
would be clever. I define a pier user, role-dbuser, and use this as a
template for creating a "User whose validation is certified by the
database" on the fly.
That sounds like an exciting project ;-)
Seems to be something essential to do authentication trough LDAP or
an external for example.
Since it is created on the fly and is not known by
PRKernel-users, nor
is the User-Groups relation maintained, so the groups are only
aware of
the template user 'role-dbuser'.
What about creating a special group subclass? It could then override
#includes: to check for the external user.
So I turned it around to read the following, and
implemented PUUser
(self group notNil
and: [ (aCommand context user includesGroup: self group)
aCommand context user could be nil.
Lukas Renggli