Hi Niall,
this is great news, thanks a lot for this effort. I will update the
web-site of Pier.
FYI: I also forwarded your mail to seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
(the Seaside mailing list) and smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch (the
Magritte/Pier mailing list).
Set and Dictionary equality
This is a portability problem I should know from Seaside and
Scriptaculous. I must admit that I didn't pay attention to that in
emergency' on various operations: I deduce that
some VW Dictionaries
and Sets have contents whose equality tests create circularities with
this. I've therefore added Set>>=@ and Dictionary>>=@ to provide the
Squeak implementations, as the easiest way to edit the failing
assertions. I chose =@ thinking the @ would suggest 'is equal at (its
various contents)'. I made it binary only because that makes it a
little less work to rewrite the tests than with a keyword method.
Please give me a list of methods that rely on Set/Dictionary equality,
so that I can fix the code in Magritte/Pier. I guess it would be
easier to make the code more portable than having the porters to patch
these methods?
Trivial common coding style remarks
Most points are already known from Seaside and other ports. One that
did not arise in Seaside or Magritte AFAIK is that sort/sort: returns
the sorter, not the sorted collection, in VW so needs code like
... := ... sort ...
changed to
... := ... sort ... ; yourself
Writing sort-in-place code this way in Squeak would make for commonality
when porting is expected.
Indeed, a well known problem, that should be easily fixable in Squeak
as well. I assume that I can find all the occurrences of this problem
by looking at the senders of #sort: ?
Since VW's class-side #raiseSignal is already
common to both it and
Squeak (or already ported to Squeak), I've used it to replace the
#signal method (that it calls in Squeak) in Pier code, rather than add
#signal to VW.
Mhh, another thing I should know. I will fix it as well.
Lukas Renggli