If I have a seaside component and want to make it a page in pier, how do
I do that? What if I want to make it a part of a page?
I have a feeling the pier way is much different. Judging by how
PRDistribution sets things up, it looks as if components are wrapped in
PRComponent and have a component class. But I've been unable to see
where actual rendering happens, or where state goes.
The concrete problem motivating these questions is that I want to
display a list of files whose name match a certain pattern in a certain
directory. The pattern and the directory could be hardcoded, but it
would be more interesting if they were editable in the web.
This will display a list of the files; if you click on one of them you
will see it. That sounds like a job for PRFile, though again I'm not
exactly sure how that gets hooked in.
This is all likely to get more complex as I extract relations between
files, parse the contents of the files and show information based on the
parse. But for now I'm just working on the "simple" stuff.
Any hints?