I have a problem with infinite recursion in Magritte. This
problem was discussed on this list before. The problem is
having circular dependencies in descriptions.
I tried to utilize the hints from Lukas to use
reference: (MADynamicObject on: (MyObject
Having a descriptionsWithoutReferences introduces an infinite
loop by itself. So I changed it to getDescriptionsWithoutReferences.
This prevents the infinite recursion but doesn't work really
well with the ActiveRecord implementation from Ramon (at least
in my case).
So I decided to change Magritte not to do infinite recursion. I
MADescriptionBuilder>>for: anObject
^ cache at: anObject ifAbsent: [
cache at: anObject put: true.
cache at: anObject put: (self build: anObject).
I know this looks very ugly but I don't have an idea how to do
this more elegant. My question is if this change introduces
problems elsewhere in Magritte? I don't like to fix one problem
by creating another one :)