For OS X
creating one executable file with everything in it is very
simple, but for other os it isn't that easy.
Can you give me some pointers in this matter? I am interested because
I would like to have that for Moose.
In OS X applications are basically folder that have a certain
structure. Right-click on the VisualWorks VM in the finder and hit
'Show Package Contents'. There are several things you might wanna look
* /Contents/Info.plist - an XML configuration file telling about what
and how to run the application
* /Contents/MacOS - the directory with the real executable files, it
should be also possible to add a script in there, i think
* /Contents/Resrouces - you can put other file (like the image and the
sources) in there
For details have a look at the Apple developer documentation. Hope this
gives you some pointers anyway.
Lukas Renggli