On the pier seaside 3.0 code-branch, browsing to:
http://localhost:8080/pier/environment/style.css, results in:
#[47 42 32 98 108 117 101 112 114 105 110 ...
rather than:
/* blueprint patches */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 0; fo....
This issue is caused by a change in how ByteArray is rendered in Seaside 3.0
(the problem was also present prior to merging the latest Pier code):
seaside 2.8
Object>>encodeOn: aDocument
aDocument print: self displayStriong
seaside 3.0
Object>>encodeOn: aDocument
aDocument print: self greaseString
"ByteArrays should not automatically be converted to Strings. You should use
a GRCodec for this."
^ self printString
changing ByteArray>>greaseString to return self displayString fixes the
problem. However I can see there are a number of ways to fix this, and as
it's such a low level change I'm sure there was a good reason for
displayString to be changed to printString. Thoughts?