I have a related patch,
We run Smallwiki on 8080 behind a firewall.
We run Aprache with https on port 443 which proxies all requests to
https://my.serrver.com/wiki/ to
We use basic authentication on the https connection and have a small
change to Smallwiki to load the Smallwiki user info from the digest
authenitication headers received by Comanche.
The change is a bit of a hack*, but it is functionality we would really
like to see supported.
Let me know.
* The code is good, sweet and terse - baout 5 lines, but a SWStructure
cannot see the SWKom instance managing it, so it does not know the
basePath. We assumed a single insctance of SWKom, and added SWKom
Please let me know.
Brent Pinkney