Note that Pier
also puts a class into the body representing the
current structure. It does not do so for different commands/views
though, so maybe we should add that?
Good idea I think
Name: Pier-All-lr.224
Author: lr
Time: 11 August 2007, 8:33:38 am
UUID: 5779ace6-07cf-499f-84b8-c8c06d78cf03
Ancestors: Pier-All-lr.223
Dependencies: Pier-Model-cdlm.159, Pier-Tests-lr.72, Pier-Seaside-lr.
188, Pier-Security-lr.85, Pier-Blog-lr.57
- not only add the type of the structure, but also the command and
view as css classes to the body-tag
Lukas Renggli