PRAjaxSearchWidget does not return any results using the latest
Seaside3/Pier2 packages
Steps to reproduce
* download latest build from:
<http://hudson.lukas-renggli.ch/job/Seaside%203.0/>* open and start web
* open a workspace and execute:
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named:
* type something into the search box, observe the XHR request/responses; the
text typed is being sent, however no results are returned.
The problem seems to be that the textInput callback is not called, however I
noticed that the callback in SUAutocompleterTest is also never called.
By mimicking the code in SUAutocompleterTest I have a local working version
of PRAjaxSearchWidget, with the following changes:
Old version:
.... html scriptaculous autocompleter ... on: #renderItemsOn: of: self
modified version:
.... html scriptaculous autocompleter ... on: #renderItemsOn:for: of:
Old version:
PRAjaxSearchWidget>>renderItemsOn: html
html unorderedList: [
self items do: [ :each |
html listItem
passenger: each; " the only difference to the original "
with: [ self renderItem: each on: html ] ] ]
Modified version:
PRAjaxSearchWidget>>renderItemsOn: html for: aString
self searchText: aString.
html unorderedList: [
self items do: [ :each |
html listItem
passenger: each; " the only difference to the original "
with: [ self renderItem: each on: html ] ] ]
If the above changes make sense, I'll push them into the repository.
The PDF version of the book "Dynamic Web Development with Seaside" is
available for download now:
At the end of the payment process (PayPal) you will be redirected to
the download area where you are able to get the latest builds of the
PDF version of the book. If you bookmark the page you will be able to
download fixes and extra chapters as we integrate them into the online
version. By buying the PDF version you support our hard work on the
We wish to thank the European Smalltalk User Group (ESUG),
inceptive.be, Cincom Smalltalk and GemStone Smalltalk for generously
sponsoring this book. We are looking for additional sponsors. If you
are interested, please contact us. If you are a publisher and
interested in publishing this material, please let us know.
Please distribute this message widely.
Stef & Lukas
Lukas Renggli
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 4:25 PM, keith wrote (on the squeak-dev list) :
> pier keeps its data in image.
I know the following info is unlikely to help your current
application, but, in the interest of completeness, I will observe that
at least one Pier application stores its user data in the host
filesystem, not the image. That application is WikiServer (John
McIntosh's cross-platform personal wiki for the iPhone)
I only have superficial familiarity with Pier and WikiServer: as far
as I can tell, the persistency code uses MAExternalFileModel, but
sadly I can't guess if the effect is available to all Pier developers,
or proprietary to WikiServer.
In Pier on Seaside 3, if I use a utf-8 encoded Comanche Adapter, I receive a
walkback "MNU: ByteArray>>isByteString"
The error is generated from:
nextPutAll: aString
ifTrue: [ stream nextPutAll: aString asString ]
ifFalse: [
aString isByteString
ifTrue: [ self encodeFast: aString ]
ifFalse: [ self encodeDefault: aString ] ]
while trying to serve "style.css" which originates from:
^ (PRPage named: 'environment')
addChild: ((PRFile named: 'style.css')
filename: 'style.css';
mimetype: 'text/css';
contents: '/* blueprint patches */........
To reproduce:
1 Download the one-click 3.0a5 release from seaside.st
2 Select utf-8 encoding on the WAComancheAdapter (right click within Seaside
Control Panel -> Encoding...)
3 Browse to localhost:8080/pier
There seem to be a number of places where a fix could be made, but I'm not
sure which (if any) would be the most appropriate:
* MAFileModelHandler>>handleFiltered - the GRPharoUtf8CodecStream response
stream is created, without utf-8 encoding, a GRNullCodecStream is created
* PRFile>>contents: perhaps PRFile shouldn't always convert the contents to
a ByteArray
* Perhaps ByteArray should implement isByteString.
Any thoughts?
At 11:10 23/01/2010, Nick Ager wrote:
>The one exception being the Pier-Book package which hasn't been
>merged with the latest trunk changes and AFAIK is a port of the book
>repository from early September.
I'm using the Book package from Pier1 addons repository
(http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pieradons) with a Pier2 image. No
specific issues to report till now.
I'm also building a configuration for Pier addons and I'm curious which of the addons have been successfully ported to Pier2 ...
I've seen that Pier-Blog is apparently working. Are there others?
I'm just trying to give an accurate picture of the current Pier2 universe...
I'm building Metacello configurations for Pier2 (and Magritte2) and I've run into the fact that the tests for Pier-Pharo-Persistency are included in the package and that those tests depend upon Pier-Model-Tests.
Since things have been repackaged for Pier2, it might make sense to split out the Pharo-persistency tests so that things can be loaded without tests.
Of course, if this is intentional..."Never mind":)
PRSearchView raises an exception once the form is submitted. The problem is
that in the #refresh method the call to "self context" returns nil, so the
following fails:
searcher := self context root fullTextSearch.
Investigating the problem I noticed that it's immediate super class
PRViewComponent implements #setContext: and context and the more distant
superclass WAPresenter implements #context: context.
I fixed the problem locally by adding "self setContext: PRCurrentContext
value.", before the call to "self context" and I see search results, but it
feels more like a hack than a fix. Some thoughts:
* Does PRViewComponent store context for performance, if I removed these
methods (setContext: & #context) the search would function without my
* There seems to be a naming inconsistency with #setContext: & #context:
Any thoughts?
PS Thanks again for the all the help - I *really* appreciate it.
At 23:46 21/01/2010, Nick Ager wrote:
>* Register a new Pier app as:
>PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'piersearch' kernel: (PRKernel
>new root: ((PRComponent named: 'search') componentClass:
>PRSearchView); name: 'testKernel').
PRSearchView is a subclass of PRViewComponent, which expects to be
instantiated with #on:, instead of #new. The argument to #on: is
supposed to be aContext, which is then cached for later use by
methods like #refresh. There is an example of such call in
PRViewCommand >> viewComponent.
The issue is related to the fact that in your case, PRSearchView is
instantiated by #new. Here is the call sequence:
PRPierFrame >> children
PRPierFrame >> buildChildren
PRPierFrame >> componentsOf:
(PRComponent) PRStructure >> componentsIn:
PRContext >> componentFor:
PRContext >> buildComponent:for:
PRComponent >> componentFor:
PRSearchView class (WAComponent)>> owner:link:
#owner:link: calls #new, instead of #on:
Now, there are PRWidgets that don't cash the context, and can be
instantiated by #new. Consequently, the above call sequence works
just fine in their case. And, Pier standard distributions use
PRAjaxSearchWidget instead of PRSearchView,, which is a kind of
PRWidget. So, the following app should work:
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'piersearch' kernel: (PRKernel new
root: ((PRComponent named: 'search') componentClass:
PRAjaxSearchWidget); name: 'testKernel').
Hoping this helps,