I've created a PRJQuerySearchWidget as a plug in replacement for the
existing PRAjaxSearchWidget. It uses the new Seaside JQuery autocomplete
widget, which Lukas has recently added. I implemented it as I'm using other
JQuery widgets on my page and didn't want to be without autocomplete search
AND I haven't found a satisfactory way to mix scriptaculous and jquery
widgets on the same page.
I'll check it in as soon as a couple of fixes go into Seaside:
Currently if you create an default pier instance with:
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named:
..Scriptaculous libraries (if present) are added in PRPierFrame
Perhaps we should allow either JQuery or Scripaculous to be specified for
this default implementation, or at least add the JQuery libraries (if
present), if the Scriptaculous libraries are absent.
I am trying to figure out the relation between PRFile, MAFileModel,
MAFileDescription, and possibly others. They seem to duplicate a lot of
information, such as mimetype and filename.
I'm using the Pier-1.2 download.
PRFile says it references an instance of MAFileModel, but a lot of test
code for seems to get by without an MAFileModel.
I've looked for references to the classes, but have found either
extremely terse and trivial tests or the setupup for, e.g., defaultCSS.
I also don't know which of the classes is intended for display, or how
to display them.
Initially, I just want to use these to display links to files that are
on the disk. Presumably that will use MAExternalFileModel somehow.
Later on, I may want to have pseudo files that include the ability to
select a format in which to download the file or to display the file
inline on the web page.
Ross Boylan
I'm a bit confused using relationships between objects in Magritte.
Let's start with MAToOneRelationDescription.
I've a Contracts system were each contract have 1:1 Relation with
Suppliers (another collection of the system), then on the form
to add contracts, on the place of Supplier I wants to show a combo
with, for example, all the suppliers names loaded on the
suppliers collection, to select one to use in the current contract.
Very common need I think (Is the way I used to do with Mewa).
But trying with different options (not found much doc about each
possible method to use on MAToOneRelationDescription) I get
a "create" button than, certainly, is not what I need and really not
understand the fundamentals of this button on a single 1:1
Any clarification about this topic, examples, documentation, etc will
be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I'm using Seaside 3.0 with installed on Pharo rc2 with the
Configuration provided by Dale.
Germán S. Arduino <gsa @ arsol.net> Twitter: garduino
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I'm sure it is probably not but I couldn't resist the pun...
I wrote a small Gofer script (attached) which does what I need except I was
surprised that class initializations appear to occur in the reverse order in
which the packages are loaded? The script loads PostgresV2, ROE,
Magritte-Roe and, my favorite bit of contributed code, Moe.
The problem is that Magritte-Roe attempts to connect to PostgreSQL before
meaningful connection arguments can be entered, so it bombs out. This causes
all of the remaining initializations not to execute, which leaves PostgresV2
unable to connect at all until PGPacket is manually initialized.
So I added a bit of code to MAConnectionPool's initialization to prompt for
the correct arguments to be entered before MAConnectionPool attempts to
startup. It is a bit ugly, using a half a dozen FillInTheBlankMorphs to get
the required info. Before doing it that way, I added Magritte descriptions
to PGConnectionArgs so as to bring up a nice morphic dialog (see
MAConnectionPool class>>initializeConnectionArgsMorphic), but two problems
with that are:
1) Magritte-Morphic is not loaded in the standard Pharo 1.0 image? (I guess
I could add that to the Gofer script)
2) I can't get an answer from the resulting dialog
All of this is in the latest version of Magritte-Roe in the repository. If
anyone cares to take a look at my morphic dialog code, I would welcome any
Thanks in advance
John McKeon
Yesterday I rebuilt my image using the latest
Metacello ConfigurationOfSeaside30 (loadLatestVersion) and the latest code
in Pier2 and Magritte2 repositories. I've noticed a new problem when I
attempt to add a component using the Pier web ui which results in a form
validation error: 'Component Class: Invalid input given'
To reproduce:
* download latest build from:
<http://hudson.lukas-renggli.ch/job/Seaside%203.0/>* open and start web
* open a workspace and execute:
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named:
* browse to http://localhost:8080/pier and select the edit link
* type: '+acomponent+' into the text in the box and press 'save'
* click on the 'acomponent' link and in the type select list choose
'Component' and press 'Add'
* select any class from the 'Component Class' select list and press 'save'
* note the form validation error: "Component Class: Invalid input given"
* MAKindError is being generated as the component selected is always
WAComponent regardless of the user selection.
* WAComponent is the default value ; the selected value is not being set as
the callback in MASelectListComponent>>renderOption:on: is never called.
This appears to be a Seaside bug; it appears that the callbacks for a
grouped select list are not called on form submission.
Further investigation:
* using the latest build browse to http://localhost:8080/magritte/editor
* select a type other than 'Boolean' from the grouped select box eg choose
'File' and press Add
* notice that whatever type you choose 'Boolean' is always selected.
* place a 'self halt' in the callback in
and notice that it is never called.
I noticed that there have been bug fixes on the select tag:
I made sure that the build I was using had the latest Seaside-Canvas
(Seaside-Canvas-lr.88.mcz). My previous image with working grouped selection
list was based on Seaside-Canvas-pmm.74.mcz
Hope I'm not reporting something that has already been fixed or noticed
Hi. I'm working with the Pier 1.2 image from piercms.com, and I'm
getting fed up with having to scroll down the web page every time I want
to click on a command, a view, etc. So I've been trying to change the
layout to be more like what I've seen on Pier sites in the past, where
the commands, views, and sitemap were in a column down the left hand
To this end, I've edited the environment to include:
<div class="column span-6">+/environment/footer+</div>
... and set the contents div to "span-18 last".
While this does get things approximately where I want them on screen,
the list of commands etc are still being rendered horizontally, and
wrapping around inside the div, which is a kind of a mess. I can't
figure out what I should do to make them display neatly, one item per
line, down the column.
Any pointers much appreciated.
Nick Brown
I am a long-time Swiki administrator and user, but I am looking for a new
wiki. I have a fondness for Smalltalk, too...
I am a total newbie to Pier. I realize that Pier is much more than a wiki.
I am having a tough time getting a grip on the Pier documentation...
I would like to tweak a standard Pier installation so that it is a wiki
with user logon/authentication and attribution.
I don't need a blog or any of the other Pier features just yet. I would like
to turn off the blog capability so as not to distract users.
Can I do this with Pier?
If not, is there another Squeak- or Pharo-based wiki with user
authentication and attribution?
Pointers to a HOWTO or starting point in the Pier docs appreciated.
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Pier-as-primarily-a-Wiki-tp1311180p1311180.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
GoferBar class not restored during revert (goferFoo class restored correctly).
From my initial look it may be a bug (or difference in behavior) in Monticello.
MethodReference>>selector not present in Squeak ... perhaps #methodSymbol should be used...
----- "Lukas Renggli" <renggli(a)gmail.com> wrote:
| > I have been making sure that Gofer runs on the squeak trunk and
| GemStone (for use with Metacello)... recently I found two test
| failures for Gofer on the Squeak trunk, but since the failures didn't
| affect operation of Metacello I haven't tried to characterize the
| problems ... nothing obvious was wrong otherwise I would have fixed
| them...
| What tests do fail?
| If this is the crap with the subdirectories repositories I am tempted
| to remove it altogether. I don't think anybody depends on that.
| Lukas
| --
| Lukas Renggli
| http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
| _______________________________________________
| Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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