Hi Frank,
> As I am using in one of my case study for my diploma work SmallWiki, I
> am wondering if there is somewhere a "one paragraph explanation" what
> SmallWiki is?
the only thing I am able to provide right now is the following link,
where you might find what you are looking for ;-)
Btw, what kind of case study are you doing with SmallWiki?
Lukas Renggli
> Si ca ne t'interesse pas de m'aider, pourrais-tu me refiler le mail de
> Lukas. Il parle francais?
oui je sais parler et écrire français un peu, mais il y a sûrement
beaucoup de fautes :-(
> Il me semblait que tu etais developpeur professionnel et donc que tu
> demandais des honoraires. Il n'y a vraiment pas de honte a demander de
> l'argent. Tout travail merite salaire.
> Serais-tu capable de m'aider a faire fonctionner Wiki Works (j'ecris
> un dictionnaire)?
> J'ai Windows 98.. Le plus simple serait de suivre les etapes que j'ai
> suivies: de telecharger Visual Works 7.1; installe-le sur n'importe
> quel Windows et on pourrait partir de la...
> Le probleme: je loade le parcel: Wikiworks. Je fais la commande: http:
> initializeWikiWorks sur un workplace et j'ai une erreur. Double
> dictionnaire dit-on. Home Page et Wiki Syntax.
Nous avons développe un nouveau wiki qui s' appelle SmallWiki est qui
est développé en VisualWorks. Nous avons créer un nouveau
implémentation, parce que ce n' était pas possible de faire des
extensions facilement en WikiWorks ou en SWiki.
SmallWiki est toujours en train de développement, mais c' est déjà
utilisable. Pour voir SmallWiki en action regardez à
http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090. Il y a aussi un peu de documentation
technique à http://scgwiki.iam.unibe.ch:8080/SCG/520 (en anglais) et la
mailing-list officielle est smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch.
Si vous avez des question comment on doit installer et utiliser
SmallWiki sur VisualWorks 7.1, contactez moi s' il vous plaît.
Lukas Renggli
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Samir Saidani" <saidani(a)info.unicaen.fr>
> Date: Sat Jun 28, 2003 6:51:26 PM Europe/Zurich
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Subject: Howto use analog (a log analyser) with swiki logfile.
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Hello,
> Swiki log files correspond unfortunately to none standard logfiles
> using by webservers. So almost none of web analysers could be used
> with this non-standard file. I found recently a workaround for this
> problem by using analog, which allows to specify your own logfile
> format.
> You have to add this line to analog.conf :
> #Swiki Log Format
> LOGFORMAT (%s\t%j\t%j\t[%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j]%w%r\t%j\t%b\t%B)
> Then add
> LOGFILE /path/mylogfile
> You have now to activate dnslookup (built-in analog) (swiki doesn't
> resolve ip name in its log):
> #DNS Lookup
> DNSFILE /path/dnscache
> DNSLOCKFILE /path/lockfile
> I suggest you to carefully read the great analog documentation (to set
> up the language for instance), and to install report magic, which
> outputs funnier reports than analog (but report magic needs analog
> output).
> Samir
> PS: I think that we always should consider the log file format used in
> whatever wiki or webserver. Developpers, please, consider the
> possibility to follow more standard ways for those critical kind of
> things ! Example: swiki returns "authorized" which is a non-standard
> error code (cf. http protocol, particularly http response codes).
> --
> PhD in CS / Doctorant en informatique web :
> http://www.info.unicaen.fr/~saidani
> Universite de Caen - Laboratoire GREYC tel : 02-31-56-74-30
> Equipe MAD - Campus II - 14032 Caen Cedex fax : 02-31-56-76-30
Hallo Mike,
> Ich habe eine kleine Frage zur Benutzerführung im SmallWiki: falls ein
> User eine ungültige Eingabe macht (Beispiel: hinzufügen einer neuen
> Seite mit leerem Titel) machst du momentan einfach etwas
> "sinngemässes" mit Defaultwerten (beim Beispiel: hinzufügen einer
> Seite mit Defaulttitel Page, Page1, Page2 usw).
> Hast du auch in Betracht gezogen, bei einer ungültigen Eingabe nix zu
> machen und dem User Feedback zu geben? Oder wäre das nicht > Wiki-mässig?
klar wäre es schön, wenn eine für den Anwender leicht verständliche
Fehlermeldung bei nicht automatisch korrigierbaren Problemen kommen
würde. Leider ist dies mit der momentanen Architektur nur sehr schwer
möglich, da die Session selber keinen Zustand kennt. Eventuell könnte
man noch eine Einstellung implementieren, wo man sagen kann was man
sehen möchte: Stacktrace oder nur den Exception-Text.
> Ich stelle meine Frage, weil ich langsam mit der Logik meines
> Unterprojekts fertig bin und die Benutzerführung ein wenig verbessern
> möchte. Bis jetzt siehts bei mir so aus, dass entweder Fehleingaben
> kommentarlos abgefangen werden oder es halt einen unschönen Stacktrace
> ausgibt, was beides nicht ideal ist.
Schöne Fehlermeldungen habe ich nur an zwei Stellen implementiert: Wenn
ein Benutzer nicht autorisiert ist eine gewisse Aktion auszuführen oder
wenn ein ungültiger Pfad eingegeben wurde; siehe dazu die Klasse
ErrorAction, ihre beiden Subklassen und deren Referenzen. Vielleicht
fällt dir ja noch eine flexiblere und besser wiederverwendbare Lösung
zu diesem Problem ein.
> P.S. Jetzt kannst du in der LinkCollection deine Safari - Bookmarks
> importieren ;-)
Genial, dass muss ich gleich ausprobieren. Machst du es mit einem
Apple-Script? Ist der Source-Code dazu in deinem Package?
Grüsse (ich hoffe dir etwas weitergeholfen zu haben)
Lukas Renggli
Just add a button in your page with a inspect message :)
html submit: 'Inspect' callback: #inspect
Now when you press the button you got an inspector.
I'm working on a template repository, so this means that next tuesday
lukas we will fine tune it and that we will be able to create, store,
template for our nice pages :)
Hi everybody,
just discovered today morning that SmallWiki on Kilana got indexed by
Google. Try the following keywords: SmallWiki Contents.
Unfortunately all the management and edit pages are also indexed, but
that is an easy thing to prevent them doing so: I added some lines of
code to handle that (robots-meta-tag in html-head) and tell search
engines to ignore other sites, except the ones generated by the
Lukas Renggli
Hi Björn,
> Thank you for you very rapid reply!
> However I really like the SmallWiki and really want to use it as the
> "message board" for one of our interests groups.
> In particular I require your login facilitiy wich let me give
> different kinds of users different roles (ones that can change, ones
> that can browse, don't let the anonymous user do anything, etc).
> Maybe an extension where you can restrict certain subfolders
> differently and making pages where some user's only could add and not
> delet would be nice. The former case could be used if you want a
> public wiki on the top level but have restricted areas for internal
> communication for a particular group of users. The latter situation
> could be useful if you for instance want to develop a lab booking
> system for students, were you don't want one student to delete another
> student's booking. Maybe some combination of these extensions could be
> useful if one eant to provide on-line exams. Maybe answers that only
> are visible to the one that submitted them and, of course, the
> teachers.
Well, everything you describe above is already implemented in the
SmallWiki model. Unfortunately there is no web-interface to manage
these settings (security properties, roles, users, etc.) yet. If you
want to use these things already, you have to do it manually by sending
appropriate messages to objects and walking trough the graph using
At the moment I am working on a web-interface to edit and configure the
templates. I am quite sure that soon more such interfaces will be
> But suddenly we may not have Wiki anymore (but maybe something useful
> at all).
We did not want just to copy other implementations, but to have a new
generation of extensibility and power with our wiki.
> At the moment I am a little bit to busy to have time to look into the
> coding of the SmallWiki but maybe later I would have more time and,
> hopefully, could try out some of my suggestions myself.
That would be really great: any kind of extensions, bug-fixes,
management-tools, etc. are always appreciated.
Lukas Renggli
Maybe an alternative for storing wiki...
I like the idea to store the (de)coding rules together with the data.
The link is worth a read.
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: Masashi Umezawa <umejava(a)mars.dti.ne.jp>
> Datum: Mi, 21. Mai 2003 04:29:35 Europe/Berlin
> An: "squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org"
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Betreff: [ANN] State Reprication Protocol (SRP) released on SqueakMap
> Antwort an: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Hello,
> I've put Paul Baumann's State Reprication Protocol (SRP) on SqueakMap.
> It is a portable serializer, designed to be used for binary
> interchange of
> Smalltalk objects.
> http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/CampSmalltalk/
> About+State+Replication+Protocol+(SRP)
> It is very useful for developers of ORB, OODB, or other cool stuff.
> (For example rST, MinneStore ...)
> Cheers,
> ---
> [:masashi | ^umezawa]
Hi Björn,
> I have not changed anything inside the object structure.
> I have only changed the method of persistance and restarted the server
> a few times (to see if it comes up smoothely again).
I already found the source of troubles: In some rare cases the parent
is not properly set, when restoring old versions in the history. Right
now I am trying to write a test-case to catch that kind of trouble. I
will let you know when I wrote a fix.
Lukas Renggli
Hi Björn,
> If you have time now you can try my test server by connecting to
> http://bjorne-pc2.nada.kth.se:8080/
> Login as admin with password smallwiki.
> Go to Test Folder and click on Edit. Then you get this crash screen.
> However the server will be down from pm 21 today, since the power will
> be off for some work in the building.
Ok, I am able to reproduce that error. It seems to come from the last
entry in that folder, as its parent seems to be set wrong.
Have you changed something manually inside the object structure?
Usually this should be properly set when adding or changing the
history, but I have to check again.
Lukas Renggli