I've updated the SmallWiki test-server with the latest code. Currently
it doesn't look too cute, because you just see the flat XHTML rendering
without a css style-sheet attached. As soon as the public css-server is
ready I will update again.
Lukas Renggli
today I was working on a first style-sheet. It is quite tricky to build
such a thing, but as soon as there is one template available it should
be much easier. Well, it is not completed (the session thing in the
top-right corner is missing) yet, but I've attached a picture to give
you an idea.
David: Could you build one looking like WikiWorks and one looking like
SWiki? I've attached the style-sheet of the above layout to give you an
Stef: Do we meet today? I could not finish the next iteration of the
documentation yet, but the new template engine is almost complete now.
I think, it would be better to meet a few days later.
Lukas Renggli
Okay, shame on me, I didn't touch Smallwiki for a while, and now I even do not know how to add a new action :-)
In my Class inheriting from Action I add on the class side:
Folder registerAction: self.
Page registerAction: self
but when I start smallwiki, I do not see these action.
Same thing when I have try the CallbackDemo, if I add the initialize method on it, I do not see the result (of course I did not forget to initialize the class ;-P )
So, what is missing?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
When I try to load the SmallWiki examples I get some definition unloadable because some superclass are missing, such as TemplateBodyStatistic (TemplateBody is missing).
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
Hi everybody,
I finished implementing the template engine and removed a lot of
unnecessary code. All the tests have been updated and SmallWiki should
be up and working again. However, there might come up some problems
when using old-code as I renamed several class-names and I did adapt
the html-renderer to match the one of Seaside.
As you see on the attached picture, the rendering is flat and simple
now: time to let the designers create some beautiful style-sheets. The
rendering is fully XHTML compatible and validates using the
W3C-Validator. I've written to some of the designers of
http://www.csszengarden.com and they all seem to be not that happy when
their design is reused. But - except for the included pictures - the
designs are open-source, so we should have no problem using them.
> While the .css files themselves are provided as-is under a very open
> Creative Commons license, I encourage you to learn from my submission
> and create your own design instead of using it as a template. Go ahead
> and learn from my file and grab bits and pieces of the .css with a
> clear
> conscience. But if you're using the bulk of the original associated
> .css
> file and only changing a few colours and images, you're more or less
> copying the design.
> As a designer I have strong feelings about my work that may seem
> protective or inappropriate to others. However my submission was
> exclusively produced for the CSS Zen Garden. If you take the design and
> use it elsewhere, it loses some of its value as being part of the CSS
> Zen Garden.
> That being said according to the license I can't stop you from using my
> .css file as is. However I sincerely hope that you will consider my
> reasoning and opinion on the matter and eventually do what seems best.
Most designs have got pictures included, what turns into a problem when
distributing SmallWiki and when setting up the server. Therefor I
suggest that we run a central server at the university that provides a
couple of Style-sheets and the necessary images. This would make
installation for end-users much easier, as no different web-server has
to be installed. What do you think?
I try to come up with a first design now ...
Lukas Renggli
thanks for your bug-reprot. Just a few comments ...
> "let's see what this wiki can do for [me >
> http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/CampSmalltalk/Adriaan+van+Os]..."
... indeed this is WikiWorks Syntax. The problem here is basically that
I am using the square-brackets to include Smalltalk-Code like
[Timestamp now]
and that you need a special permission to do this. To create a link try
something like, what does work on my machine:
> "Unauthorized
> You are not authorized to execute the requested action on
> /Soops/Adriaanstestpagesecondattempt/.
The reason for this, because someone could write ...
[ FileDirectory root
recursiveMatching: '*.mp3'
do: [ :each | each deleteFile ].
> I hit the back button and then try to save again. Then the error
> occurred.
Yep, thanks a lot: I am able to reproduce and could fix it. I will soon
put the latest version to the Cincom StORE, but first I have to create
at least one decent style-sheet.
To turn your wiki up and running again (to remove the invalid pages you
created) I suggest to apply the following patch:
Visitor>>visit: aWikiItem
aWikiItem isNil
ifFalse: [ aWikiItem accept: self ]
> FWIW, we have some modifications from Cees in our SmallWiki, but i
> don't
> no what they are ;-)
Modifications? And why doesn't he publish them? I don't know anything
about those changes :-(
Lukas Renggli
> A question: when I start an empty one, I can experiment with
> everything. But when I click history, I get prompted to log on. What
> is the username/password to use?
> Maybe this should be on the Welcome page as well (the default one you
> can use to play).
Yeah the welcome page still needs a lot of improvement. We will see
what is possible to do, but as I am writing most of the documentation
within SmallWiki itself and automatically generate the latex using this
tree structure, it might be also easy to include it into a newly
generated wiki.
I expect to have a first draft version of the documentation ready by
the end of this day. It is almost complete for the automatically
generated parts, basically I trying to put it together in a nice form
right now.
Lukas Renggli
> If you have some trouble for generating the latex files, or for using
> CVS, you can always ask...
Thanks a lot for you help! I reused your source-code to write a more
sophisticated latex-generator: It takes all the comments from a
specified browser-environment - in that case I just use all classes
from the SmallWiki namespace - parses them using wiki syntax and builds
abstract-document-trees like those of the wiki pages. So I then just
use the existing visitors to generate latex or html output. The only
missing thing right now, is to make the comments more readable.
Lukas Renggli
I quickly fixed most of the suggestions that John Brand made on my
code. The only thing I did not really understand, was the following one:
You shouldn't need to refer to SmallWiki.* in the
SmallWiki namespace. Instead just refer to the class
or shared variable directly.
I expected that he did not like direct references to the namespace as
in the following expression.
SmallWiki.Visitor new
To get a list of those problems I browsed all the references to the
SmallWiki namespace, but only found about 5 references looking all
somehow like this one:
SmallWiki at: aString asSymbol ifAbsent: [ nil ]
So my question: Is there something wrong about this code? If nobody of
you has got an idea I will ask John ...
Lukas Renggli