I played a bit with the css to make Smallwiki modify the look of a wiki
page and came over the following issues:
1. In the morning I manage to have a table by putting | (now it does
not seem to work anymore). I saw that the <td> has no tags inside,
therefore it is not possible to have padding or margin css options for
the text in a cell. I suggest to have a <div class="tableCell"> there.
2. Also, the head line of the table has an extra <b> tag. I suggest to
replace it with another <div class="tableHeader">, so that we do not
overload the <b> tag.
3. As I understood there is a new version of SmallWiki running of
kilana. Unfortunately, the tables are not rendered anymore. (see
http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090/TudorGirbaSmallWiki/?action=PageView )
Tudor Adrian Girba Software Composition Group
(www.iam.unibe.ch/~girba) University of Bern, Switzerland
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level
of problem understanding."
I did some minor changes in a hurry over the last few weeks, now I
published the changes to Cincom and SCG StORE. It should solve most of
the problems reported in the mailing-list ...
> I had the problem that Squeak Changesets don't sort the initialize
> messages of some classes in the right order and it happend that after
> init the subclasses of Structure, the later init of Structure itself
> destroyed the inits before.
I changed the code according the suggestion.
> Swazoo.HTTPPostDataArray>>keysAndValuesDo: aBlock
> self associations do: [:anAssoc | aBlock value: anAssoc key value:
> anAssoc value]
This seems to be the result of another bug in StORE. I updated Swazoo
to the latest version a few weeks ago and obviously the message
#keysAndValuesDo: has been removed, but StORE kept it in my developer
image. I changed the code in SmallWiki to adapt the new version.
> - #internal_templates contains $_
#internal_template is now renamed to #internalTemplate.
Lukas Renggli
Hi lukas
I restarted to read SmallWiki code because I lost the changes of my
previous image.
Anyway, if I understand correctly there are permissions and users.
Permission are grants to perform action.
A role contains a list of permissions.
A user play certain roles.
Before performing an action, sw checks whether the user has the right
permissions obtained
by playing a certain role.
Now the structure itself is not involved, this means that if I want to
have a special page that only a certain person can edit but everybody
else cannot I have to create a special role for that. Am I correct? Or
is it possible to grant permission at the instance level like a page?
For example how do I say that a folder can only be edited by admin or
User X, or a person playing the role editFolderX?
> That is encouraging (more than the comments in the package header on
> Squeakmap!)
chris could you be explicit about the difference between
SmallWiki/Squeak and SmallWiki/VW in the package on Squeak Map because
it would be bad that people think that SmallWiki in general is bad.
> I would guess it just needs a bit more testing on squeak.
> I hope others can do it because I just don't have the bandwidth now
> and VW
> is not an option. Maybe there are not serious problems past this first
> one
> I encountered.
I hope :)
> As I said, I think SmallWiki would fit perfectly into my current
> project,
> as a help system. It even looks very similar in some ways to my
> application web pages.
Excellent then.
> I also like that I'd probably be able to integrate it closely within my
> app because I can tap into smalltalk more easily in the pages.
let us know
Begin forwarded message:
> From: ducasse <ducasse(a)iam.unibe.ch>
> Date: Jeu nov 6, 2003 17:37:34 Europe/Zurich
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Cc: Lukas Renggli <renggli(a)student.unibe.ch>
> Subject: Re: swiki, commanche , 3.6, network rewrite, oh my
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> On Jeudi, nov 6, 2003, at 17:14 Europe/Zurich, ar wrote:
>> Stephen,
>> Thanks for filling in some of the gaps for me.
>>> My advice is to load Comanche 6.2
>>> (KomHttpServer on SqueakMap) and try out the SmallWiki package and
>>> see
>>> if it will meet your needs. If you want to stick with the old Swiki,
>>> then my advice is to download and use one of the pre-configured
>>> images
>>> for ComSwiki and don't use Comanche 6.2 or Squeak 3.6.
>> SmallWiki looks like it would fit my needs nicely if if were stable
>> enough.
> It is stable we runs since 3 months. Now certain aspects are
> rudimentary.
>> Then I can save myself (actually the host of my UML linux box)
>> the extra 6M or so of ram to run swiki separately from my main image,
>> or
>> my gray hairs trying to getting it running in 3.6.
>> But whereas swiki has been absolutely rock-solid, it looks like
>> Squeak/
>> Smallwiki might need some seasoning yet.
> About Swiki: here we wrote a perl watch-dog and we avoid to change the
> vm because
> it was crashing so much that once people were thinking to change to a
> python solution, so nothing
> is as simple as it looks.
>> On the initial page, I tried changing the title of the page from
>> 'Smallwiki'. Without touching the page content, I pressed save and
>> got and
>> error in SWWikiScanner>>step, where it is trying to put a string to a
>> WriteStream built on a string. This is because the input steam
>> contents are an OrderedCollection on the page content string
>> instead of the page content string itself. Can anyone reproduce this?
> What I can tell you is that:
> - first we do not know the exact result of the port from VW to Squeak
> Chris did an excellent job but we did not try it yet because lukas is
> FLOODED by lectures
> - second I suggest you to have a look at the current VW version
> because more things will be coming.
> - third, SmallWiki has a good design and is ready to accept
> extensions and plugging
> so feel free to contribute. We did it for that.
> Stef
Begin forwarded message:
> From: ar <ly4aegw02(a)sneakemail.com>
> Date: Jeu nov 6, 2003 17:14:41 Europe/Zurich
> To: squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> Subject: Re: swiki, commanche , 3.6, network rewrite, oh my
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Stephen,
> Thanks for filling in some of the gaps for me.
>> My advice is to load Comanche 6.2
>> (KomHttpServer on SqueakMap) and try out the SmallWiki package and see
>> if it will meet your needs. If you want to stick with the old Swiki,
>> then my advice is to download and use one of the pre-configured images
>> for ComSwiki and don't use Comanche 6.2 or Squeak 3.6.
> SmallWiki looks like it would fit my needs nicely if if were stable
> enough. Then I can save myself (actually the host of my UML linux box)
> the extra 6M or so of ram to run swiki separately from my main image,
> or
> my gray hairs trying to getting it running in 3.6.
> But whereas swiki has been absolutely rock-solid, it looks like Squeak/
> Smallwiki might need some seasoning yet.
> On the initial page, I tried changing the title of the page from
> 'Smallwiki'. Without touching the page content, I pressed save and got
> and
> error in SWWikiScanner>>step, where it is trying to put a string to a
> WriteStream built on a string. This is because the input steam
> contents are an OrderedCollection on the page content string
> instead of the page content string itself. Can anyone reproduce this?
I have put my work on SmallWiki 0.9.20 for Squeak on SqueakMap
[1]. I hope that someone of you can help me with the last problems:
- the failing tests (related to the compiler)
- copying Exceptions for debugging (related to method contexts)
You can see this by starting SmallWiki and then performing
a simple Search.
Please report any ideas/bugs related to the Squeak Port to me.
Lukas has enough work to do :)
Chris Burkert
I am a trainee working on a small project with Smallwiki. I am mainly
interested in all the security issues. Formally, my project was about
the IP filtering. This approach seems to be not really relevant because
of the dynamic IP distribution by internet providers. Just by logging
out and logging in a new IP can be obtained, and could potentially
upload again, whereas an innocent user can be banned because her/his ISP
just could have given a banned IP.
So, let's take an another approach. Do you think it would be useful to
only grant the upload of some Mimes-types and only allocate a clear
space disk to users and groups of users like 50MB/day/user or
100MB/user, or define a clear file size allowed to avoid the flood.
I could maybe do it if you think it is useful.
Let me know.
Eric Luisi
Hi all,
I loaded the 'latest' version of SmallWiki in my experiments to
assemble a working version for which I do not have to touch the code. I
tested my assembly by running the unit tests (all run green) and by
then starting a server and adding some pages here and there.
Below I describe from which repository I took what version to make it
work (half from the scgStore, half from the Cincom public store). I
then started to reconcile things to find the corresponding versions in
the store repositories, in the hope that this helps in getting
everything syned again.
My assembly was the following:
Swazoo, scgStore, 1.5 ?can'find same version on Cincom store (see
SIXX, scgStore, 3.5 (= 0.1g on cincom public store)
SmaCC, cincom public store, 1.3 (was on scg store - I put it as
SmallWiki, cincom public store, 0.9.20 (=0.301 on scg store)
(note: the same configuration using SmaCC 2.0 from the scgStore did not
So what I did: I published SmaCC 1.3 from the Cincom store in the scg
store. That way you can load everything from the scgStore and use it.
This is also what I will use for my students' repository.
To be done: Sync everything properly, especially Swazoo... it is the
really different between the scgStore and the Cincom store, and I can't
make any sense from it. I tried to sync the scg version with 6 versions
on the Cincom public store, but it never worked. So I guess that these
should be properly merged or, if that is not possible, the delta should
be put in its own package.
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Board Member of the European Smalltalk User Group: www.esug.org
Hello guys,
next monday all the students here will start working on SmallWiki. I
put a version in a dedicated Store repository they can load from,
thinking that the latest version worked, but this is not the case (I
guess it is the same problem that Alex mentioned). Since yesterday Alex
told us that the version at the Cincom Store also gives problems I am
really wondering what to do (and it is quite urgent - my assistents
need to be able to load it before the course next monday).
So what version/combination of versions is known to work?
I am trying to make some time to test as much as I can myself, and will
let you know my findings.
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Board Member of the European Smalltalk User Group: www.esug.org