I a bit uncomfortable with storing the pages entirely in the image. On the
other hand I can see how using SIXX on a large wiki can maybe get slow
i.e. SIXX is verbose (Xml is verbose). How long does it take to snapshot
the SmallWiki wiki using SIXX? I also noticed that currently there is not
a BOSS based storage mechanism for SmallWiki. Is that because of issues
associated to schema changes?
I was wondering about hooking SmallWiki to something like OmniBase? Any
thoughts there? Any real hurdles or is it a matter of just doing it?
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I took the liberty of re-formatting the FAQ as well as adding an answer
that I had been helped with. This should make it a lot easier to follow.
I do have one question. I was not able to use a relative url to the page
as I am able to do in WikiWorks. For example in WikiWorks I can do the
<a href="#Q1">How do I change the stylesheet specification to take a
local file?</a>
and somewhere in the same document place:
<a name="Q1"></a>
blah, blah , etc
However, in SmallWiki I was not able to do that but had to specify a
relative url to the Wiki root:
<a href="/SmallWiki/FAQ#Q1">How do I change the stylesheet specification
to take a local file?</a>
and then place:
<a name="Q1"></a>
blah, blah , etc
which works fine but just made me type a little more.
Is there a shorthand that I can specify instead?
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Hello all,
I am silently following the discussion on this list (I'll become more
vocal when my students start to work on their projects in the first
semester, I guess :-) ).
Recently I (and someody else here from the ULB) noticed that I receive
a number of posts twice. Not all of them - just some. This made me
wonder whether we're the only exhibiting these problems. If so, it
could be because our university mail server does something weird. And
yes, before somebody asks, I checked, and I am not subscribed twice :-)
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Board Member of the European Smalltalk User Group: www.esug.org
My policy is that if I am helped out by somebody's response that it is
only correct for me to do my part and spend a couple minutes formatting
something i.e. if there is something like a Wiki around. I just tried to
do so but I did not have the correct permissions :).
I suggest that for a FAQ that anybody that is actually on the mailing list
should be allowed to make entries to at least the FAQ page. This should
not be all that hard to automate but in the interim perhaps a FAQ
submission form or even simpler give me permission because I can guarantee
that I will have at least 7 questions :)
Secondly, I suggest that the FAQ page follow the standard format for FAQs
i.e. where there is list of questions at the top of the document which
hyper link to answers within the same page. It is very easy to keep up and
to follow i.e. the html is simple.
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I have read through the SmallWiki doc and I understand that there are some
security enhancements underway but I am wondering if I missed something.
I want to be able to at least make it so that users have to login just to
get on the wiki in the first place. It would be nice to be able to specify
access to a specific branch of the wiki as well.
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I read something about a swiki-importer a few days ago, and I am very
interested to use it. I found it on Cincoms store, but it was impossible for
me to load it - I got error messages...
So my question: Is the tool usable and is there anywhere a helpdocument
I have a swiki (about 1500 pages) and want to convert it to smallwiki - I'm
not afraid about the work, but I am not a smalltalk specialist, and want to
know, that I have a right chance to get it work :-)
Thanks for answer!
I published a first version of SmallWiki 2 to the SCG StORE. The bundle
is called 'SmallWiki2'. It should be runnable, but not useable at all.
There are still a lot of important things missing, but basic features
are implemented and one should see a web-page when browsing the root.
As you will see, the design is quite different: maybe somebody wants to
have a look at it and give some comments. The rendering isn't
implemented yet.
Unfortunately tomorrow I won't have much time to work on it. I will
keep you informed about the updates in the mailing-list.
Lukas Renggli
You can get the test runner by typing "TestRunner open"
in a workspace (really, anyplace that you can type text)
and then selecting it and choosing "doit" from the menu.
This is how you evaluate a Smalltalk expression. If you
read the SmallWiki workspace then you will see that you
evaluate expressions like
server := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn: 8080
to start up the wiki server.
But you wanted to run tests.
The test runner has a bunch of tests, which you can see
on the pulldown list at the top of the test runner window.
Ideally, you could just press "RunAll", except that you
will see that nine tests fail. They are mostly in Swazoo,
a package that SmallWiki uses. This is with VW7.2 on Windows.
John Brant suggested that the problem was in OSkSocket>>setAddressReuse:
I commented out the big message to self by putting " around
"self setOptionForLevel: ... value: optionValue"
Then I could start the wiki, but one of the tests still failed.
It was Swazoo.SwazooSocketTest>>#testReadTimeout. I read this
test, and discovered that it reads from a socket and sets
a timeout, but for some reason the timeout never happens.
It is only supposed to wait for .2 seconds, but it waits
forever. This is with VW7.2 on Windows.
You can select tests one after another
Novices shouldn't have to fix this. Wait until the authors
fix the problem.
-Ralph Johnson
WAWalkback>>renderObject: anObject labelled: aString on: html
| objectString |
[objectString := anObject printStringLimitedTo: 100]
on: Error
do: [objectString := '<font ...'].
html tableRowWithLabel: aString column: objectString.
should be
WAWalkback>>renderObject: anObject labelled: aString on: html
| objectString |
[objectString := anObject printStringLimitedTo: 100]
on: Error
do: [:err|objectString := '<font ...'].
html tableRowWithLabel: aString column: objectString.
else VisualWorks raises "Unhandled exception: This block expects 0
argument(s)". Maybe it would be good practice to add the block-variable
in the seaside version as well. One can find the occurrences using:
``@block on: ``@class do: [ ``@stmts ]
Lukas Renggli