Hi all,
I'm using the Squeak port of SW1 from Chris Burkert (BTW, i have an
annoying bug with the Squeak port : when i create a new page, the page
appear twice in the changes. Do someone already see this behaviour ?).
I would like to experiment some ideas like real CamelCase links and
colored diff between pages. I already made some changes in order to
track who changed what and add an AuthorsList action to have something
like in this Ruby Wiki : http://www.instiki.org/authors/
What is the best way in order not to make a fork of SmallWiki ?
Subclass SWKomServer i guess ? but my changes are not really a new
implementation ...
I dunno what will be the evolution of SmallWiki, but i would prefer to
have a framework to implement different kind of Wikis than a specific
Wiki implementation.
-- oooo
Serge Stinckwich OOOOOOOO
Université de Caen>CNRS UMR 6072>GREYC>MAD OOESUGOO
http://purl.org/net/SergeStinckwich oooooo
Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)] \ /
Hannes Hirzel wrote:
>I did manual image saves for a certain time as well. Now with the
>last update Chris Burkert did it is now again SWImageStorage and it
>works fine so far.
>A tip: Check with the process browser if you have some processes
>hanging (Chris mentioned that).
Been there, done that.
>And check the version you have got:
>0.9.23-5 and 0.9.23-6 were added relatively recently by Chris
>( ~ 2 months ago).
1. Opened the "Package Loader" browser within Squeak 3.6.
2. Did "update map from the net" inside that browser.
3. Scrolled down to SmallWiki inside that browser.
4. Loaded it
Accessing SmallWiki this way, the Package Loader browser only shows a
single version available. It is listed as version 0.9.23.
Incidentally, this is the manner that 99% of the folks would expect to
get SmallWiki (as well as most any other Squeak packages). If this
process is loading the wrong version, it needs to be fixed to load the
right version.
Nevin Pratt
Bountiful Baby
The Most Complete Reborn Supply Store On The Web!
(801) 992-3137
Hannes Hirzel schrieb:
>I did manual image saves for a certain time as well. Now with the
>last update Chris Burkert did it is now again SWImageStorage and it
>works fine so far.
>A tip: Check with the process browser if you have some processes
>hanging (Chris mentioned that).
>And check the version you have got:
>0.9.23-5 and 0.9.23-6 were added relatively recently by Chris
>( ~ 2 months ago).
I had the afore-mentioned problems ONE week ago...
Just for a trial of getting content from one image to another via XML, I
loaded SmallWiki today into a fresh 3.6 basic, and tried SWImageStorage
once again, too.
I did NOT follow the hint in the default workspace: "To test your
configuration you might want to execute the following code to force a
snapshot right now:
server storage snapshot."
I stopped the server, set up the storage with a very short delay, saved
my image from the worldmenu, started the server again, called it from
Mozilla and edited a page. [Really in this order? I don't remember]
The first snapshot did not execute after the chosen delay, be patient in
this case. After some minutes, the snapshot was taken and from then on
all went well.
If you've got a problem, in the process browser there's not only the
process named "SmallWiki Semaphore", but at least one named "wait:
delay", it belongs to smallWiki, too.
My experience: whatever the storage strategy, after a manual snapshot,
even if you set it to nil again, these processes will still be alive.
It's no fun to do it in such a guess-this guess-that way, but I'm not
experienced enough to debug it.
Tomorrow I will do it again and write down the exact order ;-)
My OS is WinXP.
Hi Frédéric,
yes there is a meta-description in SmallWiki 2. Actually it is used on
Command-Objects only, to be able to build and render GUIs
automatically. I think this will make it much simpler to build GUIs for
different front-ends, e.g like the Seaside and the Trippy interface
that I'm currently playing with.
I don't know how far to continue the idea of having meta-descriptions.
Of course they could be added to all the objects in the wiki like the
server, the structures, the document-entities, the properties itself,
etc. but I don't know if they are of big use there.
I'm currently just playing with that stuff and there is nothing very
useful yet. However - as always - I'm looking for comments, ideas and
contributions from everybody.
On Aug 9, 2004, at 13:38, f.bulcka(a)alemtid.asso.fr wrote:
> Hi,
> in SmallWiki2, I saw that you add some kind of metadescription which
> seem to be near the idea of propertyDescription in SmallWiki1 (an
> interface between the wiki and the administrator and/or programmer).
> You
> also have some kind of 'component' like brokenlinks and everything.
> Broken is a property of a link (a kind of metadescription in
> smallwiki2
> ? ) but should we have something like properties of the server or of
> the
> site (i do know that they are not wikiItems but anyway). Then
> BrokenLinks would be a property of the site.
> In the same kind of idea, you would have a computed property that could
> give you all the pages that can be modified by a guy.
> I mean, this is some kind of global information, that could be easily
> implemented as "property" of the server or something like this.
> What s your opinion ?
> Fred
Lukas Renggli
Ohhh sorry, forget about the last paragraph in my last mail. I already
answered a question that you didn't ask there!
> * I think that not only internal link, but any link, should have a
> kind of "resolver" let s say a "structureFrom" or I don t know. It
> would make easier to program property about links.
Most of the time this isn't necessary: you could put an inst-var into
your visitor class, remembering the parent-structure of your links.
> * about the parser, it cannot understand html codes. So someone can
> write in a page a link in html code, and it cannot be detect as a link
> ( and then it is impossible to know if the target is good or not).
> Should it be improved ?
Wikis are plain text and usually do not contain HTML. If there is HTML
inside the wiki document, it is parsed as plain text but you loose the
independence of the output format (latex, pdf, native gui, ...).
I don't understand why do you want to parse HTML? Writing a HTML parser
is a difficult thing!
Lukas Renggli
> there is something strange about smallwiki and the visitor. When a
> visitor
> visit a collection, it has a code like :
> visitCollection: aCollection
> aCollection
> do: [ :child | child accept: self ]
> shouldn t we have something like
> visitCollection: aCollection
> aCollection
> do: [ :child | self visit: child ]
both implementations are actually the same, because #visit: looks like
Visitor>>#visit: anObject
anObject accept: self.
But you are right, the names of the messages in the visitor
implementation of SmallWiki 1 are somehow strange and confusing. This
will be improved in SmallWiki 2. Have a look at past posts in the
SmallWiki mailing-list that discuss that issue.
> because I want, for example, to evaluate a code each time a wikiItem
> is visited. So it should be placed in the method visit: but then, in
> that situation, wikiItems contained in a collection doesnt launch the
> method
> visit, but instead launch directly the method accept.
> what do you think of it ?
Most of the time this isn't necessary: you could put an inst-var into
your visitor class, remembering the parent of your links.
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
Hi Frédéric
> by the way, to do the 'new edit' action, I should
> parse a text not as a document but as a paragraph.
> What shall I modify in fact ?
It is possible to tell the parser to start at the different rule by
sending the message #parse:startingAt: to the class WikiParser instead
of #parse:
But maybe easier (and without modifying the parser) it would be just to
parse it as a document and then extract the paragraph from that tree:
document := WikiParser parse: aString.
paragraph := document children first.
> What is a "reduce action" ?
> How to generate generatedTables ?
For a documentation of the parser please read:
Lukas Renggli
as I understood the folders, they can be used like name-spaces, no?
I created a folder "scg" (to mirror our swiki), then there I wanted to
create another folder
"Howtos" for scg-stuff. BUT: howtos was already taken on a higher level.
Is this my misunderstanding or a bug? How should I proceed?
There's a new version of SmallWiki 2 available in Cincom store, which fixes
some minor bugs of earlier versions and adds some new features: Links are
now implemented, the same is true for Smilies. There's a new renderer to
search the wiki and two new components are implemented: one can find broken
links in the entire wiki, the other lists all outgoing links.
So the basic things are now implemented and should work, but there are still
a lot of missing things.
Currently I'm working on a new user interface, so if you have some
suggestions / wishes for that, please let me know.
Then I have two questions to Lukas:
- I have noticed that you have removed inst var 'resolver' from
InternalLink, which was there in SW1 and was used to determine the target of
the internal link. Now there's a setting method for the target instead. So
is your intention to set this target every time when a link is created, in
WikiParser>>createLink ? I'm not sure if that's the ways to go because you
haven't done any preparation for that in WikiParser.
- Some components that aren't implemented yet I don't understand. For
instance the NearbyLinksComponent, what should be its purpose? When is a
link "nearby" another? Or the PopularLinksComponent. To implement such a
thing, we need something like an access counter for every page. Is your
intention to add such a counter?
kind regards,