Hi all,
>I would love to get a Smallwiki version whose >image could get
>corrupted and that I could reconstruct :)
the persistency based on XML for Pier was made by thomas froeb @ impara. I use this for my local wiki and the gsug-wiki use it to AFAIK. And so far it works. After one crash of my own wiki I was able to restore it with this. Thanks thomas! So I think ask him for more information about it.
>There is no auto-versioning, too. That means >you have to call
>kernel persistency snapshot manually. The >"recent changes" page does
>display the changes only up to the last >shapshot, when creating a new
>one, all pages are displayed to be changed at >that time.
Thats not quite true. If you do something like:
PRKernel instances first persistency: PRXMLPersistency new.
PRKernel persistency snapshot.
PRXMLStarter startup.
(Workspace instructions given from thomas)
for starting the persistency mechanism, the system should save the version of the changed site as you described automatic in the filesystem.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Daniel Sancho Ehlert <CAMINANTEORG(a)telefonica.net>
> Date: 2 August 2006 10:35:44 GMT+02:00
> To: Lukas Renggli <renggli(a)iam.unibe.ch>
> Subject: Re: Pier download and installation
> Reply-To: daniel(a)caminante.org
> Lukas Renggli escribió:
>> Hi Daniel,
>>> I am really impressed with Pier, so I think it will be wonderfull
>>> for me to make my webs with Pier instead of PHP.
>>> I searched the download page or the way to install the package
>>> with monticello, but I didn´t find the right way.
>>> Can you help me?
>> the easiest way to install and run Pier is to take a fresh 3.8
>> image, to open SqueakMap and to load the package 'Pier' or 'Pier
>> Unix Security'. This package will pull in all the requirements
>> automatically.
>> There are a couple of other ways to install Pier:
>> http://smallwiki.unibe.ch/smallwiki/pier/installationofpier/
>> Cheers,
>> Lukas
>> --Lukas Renggli
>> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
> Hello Lukas:
> Thank you very much and sorry for so silly question.
> I installed Pier and I'm now learning how to use it. I'm very
> interested in Magritte.
> The main problem to install Pier, once I learned how to use
> Monticello was this:
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2005-
> December/098651.html
> Another problem was trying to install Pier with SuperSwiki2. I can
> not explain you why... I'm new in Smalltalk. But for me is more
> important Pier.
> Thank you for your answer
> Daniel
> --
> ==============================
> === Visita mis páginas ===
> === Visit my web pages ===
> ==============================
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> ==============================
Lukas Renggli
Hi Daniel,
> I am really impressed with Pier, so I think it will be wonderfull
> for me to make my webs with Pier instead of PHP.
> I searched the download page or the way to install the package with
> monticello, but I didn´t find the right way.
> Can you help me?
the easiest way to install and run Pier is to take a fresh 3.8 image,
to open SqueakMap and to load the package 'Pier' or 'Pier Unix
Security'. This package will pull in all the requirements automatically.
There are a couple of other ways to install Pier:
Lukas Renggli
since the current persistency models do not work (at least for me), I
have created my own which saves the image on each modification:
PRPersistency suclass: #PRSaveImagePersistency
[SmalltalkImage current snapshot: true andQuit: false]
forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority
PRSaveImagePersistency>>log: aContext
self snapshot
PRSaveImagePersistency>>do: aBlock
Nothing more
Does one now need an account to edit this wiki?
Now you can scan emails quickly with a reading pane. Get the new Yahoo! Mail. http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html
!-- DIV {margin:0px;}-->Yes the PRForms work perfectly in the newest Pier. The main cause was indeed the missing readUsing: and write:using: methods.
Here's my attempt at understanding what went wrong:
In my case, the missing readUsing: method caused the readUsing: method in Object to respond instead, which read the description of a PREditFormCommand instance rather than the description from the metamodel of the PRForm instance, which was missing a bunch of descriptions.
I'm not quite sure how does Pier knows what descriptions it needs to look for when I fed it the wrong descriptions. Can anyone shed some light?
----- Original Message ----
From: Damien Cassou <damien.cassou(a)laposte.net>
To: Bill Sun <billksun(a)yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:02:46 AM
Subject: Re: Trouble Following Pier Example in Master Thesis
Bill Sun wrote:
> Damien,
> Ah, I see, the example from the thesis was integrated into the latest
> Pier. That's probably why you already have it.
> The main difference that I see from the newest Pier and the code that I
> entered manually is that the PREditFormCommand class has both readUsing:
> and write:using: methods in the latest Pier while the code that I
> entered from the master thesis did not.
Does it work on the new version ? Do you understand why it doesn't on
the old one ? More questions ?
Ah, I see, the example from the thesis was integrated into the latest Pier. That's probably why you already have it.
The main difference that I see from the newest Pier and the code that I entered manually is that the PREditFormCommand class has both readUsing: and write:using: methods in the latest Pier while the code that I entered from the master thesis did not.
----- Original Message ----
From: Damien Cassou <damien.cassou(a)laposte.net>
To: Bill Sun <billksun(a)yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:28:25 AM
Subject: Re: Trouble Following Pier Example in Master Thesis
Bill Sun wrote:
> Hi Damien,
Hi Bill,
> Thanks for your response! Here's the file-out.
> I'll try out the latest version of Magritte and Pier from
> Monticello later today.
Your class is already present in my image so you may find your answer
into the last Magritte and Pier versions on monticello (repository:
http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte or /pier)
If this is still not clear, ask here.
Hi all,
I've been having trouble with the Pier Adaptive Forms example in the thesis titled "Magritte — Meta-Described Web Application Development".
In particular, I've typed all the necessary code in my browser, prefixing "PR" and "MA" where I think should be appropriate. I can add the Form, but the "Edit Form" command that I created will not work. I get the following output when clicking on the "Edit Form" link:
(In HTML format)
PREditFormCommand(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #labelselfa PREditFormCommandtempsaMessagelabelinst varspropertiesnilcontexta PRContext stucture: 'Test Form' command: 'Edit Form'answernilmetamodela MAContainer label: '' comment: nilMASelectorAccessor>>read:self(MASelectorAccessor read: #label write: #label:)tempsaModela PREditFormCommandinst varspropertiesnilreadSelector#labelwriteSelector#label:PREditFormCommand(Object)>>readUsing:selfa PREditFormCommandtempsaDescriptiona MAStringDescription label: 'Label' comment: nilinst varspropertiesnilcontexta PRContext stucture: 'Test Form' command: 'Edit Form'answernilmetamodela MAContainer label: '' comment: nil[] in MACheckedMemento(MAMemento)>>pullRaw {[:each | result at: each put: (self model readUsing: each)]}selfa MACheckedMemento model: a PREditFormCommandtempsresulta Dictionary(a MAStringDescription label: 'Kind' comment: nil->'Edit Form' )eacha MAStringDescription label: 'Label' comment: nilinst varspropertiesnilmodela
PREditFormCommanddescriptiona MAPriorityContainer label: 'Container' comment: nilcacheniloriginalnil(snipped)
Also, there seems to be a missing closing parenthesis on page 41 in the Form>>description method definition.
The Pier setup is obtained by installing the Pier Unix Security 1.0.3-alpha from SqueakMap Package Loader. In this version of Pier, clicking on the "Environment" command link will also crash Pier, is this expected?
Note: I am new to Smalltalk and Squeak.
>>> How would you calculate dynamically #isAbstract for a PRCommand
>>> for example ? If I remember correctly, for the project I've done
>>> using Magritte/Pier/MySQL, I implemented #doExecute for an
>>> abstract command.
>> Something along the lines ...
>> Behavior>>isAbstract
>> ^ self allSelectors anySatisfy: [ :each |
>> (self lookupSelector: each)
>> hasLiteral: #subclassResponsibility ] ]
> I think this works for real abstract classes. But it doesn't work
> when the developer expect subclasses to send super and not override
> particular methods.
True. Object is an example, but can't think of any other core class
that does this.
Lukas Renggli