I put together a 3.8 Seaside and Pier image. It's available for
download from
It's the Seaside 2.6b1 for 3.8 off the Seaside site plus the latest
'lr' packages from Monticello as per the Pier installation
instructions. I added the 'Pier Security' package along with all the
packages listed as "development" on the Pier site.
The username/password for the Pier administrator is 'admin/pier'
This is the first time I've made an image available. If there are
things I did wrong in the preparation of the image, the packaging of
the image, or in this announcement, please let me know. I want to
improve the way I interface with the Squeak/Seaside/Pier communities
and feedback is the best way to help me do that.
Hi all,
I want to make changes to the "Edit Form" page, specifically, I want to add commands to allow the reordering of the html elements, so that I can re-arrange the order of the elements after I have created them. Where do I make the changes at?
I traced the code back to MAContainerComponent, but got lost there.
PRTreeView display sub items using the order of the children dictionary.
A dictionary has no order, therefore items are shuffled. I would like to
have sub items in the order in which I added them or, better, having a
component to let me give my order.
What is the best solution ?
I thought of a 'priority' property for structures. This priority would
then be used to sort the elements.
I have uploaded a couple of packages to the MagmaTester repository
and to the Pier repository. I havent tested them in a fresh image yet.
Seaside-Examples-Store-Magma - contains the store example with a new
control panel
for the store repository.
Magma seaside - provides a control panel for initializing repositories
and some status information.
Pier-Model - my latest provided PRMagmaPersistecny and PRMagmaRepository
Pier-Seaside - control panel for PRMagmaRepository to select kernels for
making persistent.
I am away for a few days so really verify that everything works as planned.
I havent quite got pier working yet, but I am not sure why not. Perhaps
it would be worth chris having a look
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I just tried loading magritte-all latest into a fresh installation of 3.8 with magma + seaside already loaded) and it failed to find its dependencies.
a first attempt
Name: Pier-Security-kph.33
Author: kph
Time: 22 June 2006, 2:03:14 am
UUID: 4efb7bda-2fd7-b04d-8858-41ae19a61f37
Ancestors: Pier-Security-lr.32
Added Pier Widget for User/group management
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Hi Victor,
> hi, i don't want to spam the mailing lists, so...
please post all the questions to the mailing-list, this is much
easier for: (1) other people can profit as well (2) the questions are
indexed by Google and people not being in the mailing list can read
about it as well (3) other people reply and discuss with you, so I
don't have to do all by myself ;-)
> i want to use Seaside to build my private site (much more for
> learning than anything serious) a i'm considering using Pier as the
> basis, there are some problems though (i don't exactly know which
> of them are Pier-related) -> i've managed to run a Pier app on
> and set up some (unix) security but there are
> still issues:
> the running packages are: Seaside2.6b1.pmm-66 merged with .gk-30 (i
> really need WAKomEncoded39), Pier-Model.kph-77,,
> Pier-Security.kph-40 - i loaded them via SqueakMap, so there
> weren't the Pier-All and Magritte-All packages, and updated some of
> them from the repositories (which wasn't such
> of a great idea; i already know).
I still don't know what the problems are with the latest versions,
since I cannot reproduce on my machine, sorry.
> 1. i don't see a way to limit regular users to adding a page or
> external file, without allowing them to add a component or internal
> file.
That's currently not possible. The security-model has to be enhanced
to allow that kind of fine grained security.
> 2. the 'logout' function doesn't bring me to the first page (and i
> can't set the 'first' page for a user after logging in) - i think i
> can manage this by editing the components in-image, but it would be
> nice to have a direct setting possibility.
Logout does simply reset the currently logged in user to anonymous,
it is not supposed to jump to a specific page. Though you can
implement such a logout action easily by subclassing the PULogou
> 3. the image keeps growing slowly, even if i do a 'cleanup' before
> each save (MCFileBasedRepository flushAllCaches. WARegistry
> clearAllHandlers. WAHalo initialize. Smalltalk garbageCollect).
If you add contents it naturally grows. Are you using a persistency
> 4. if i break something in the image (or even load a slightly
> different version of Pier/Magritte), i don't see a way to migrate
> the Pier kernel to another version or constructing a new kernel
> with the contents of the old one (pages, components, users&groups,
> environments).
Really? That shouldn't happen. Can you elaborate? I am using the same
image for over a year now and nothing broke. The model of Pier and
Magritte didn't changed much in the past.
> 5. the 'add' command is kind-of broken: if the operation (add
> external file) breaks, there is a entry poit to the new structure
> without it actually present - so any acces attempt results in a
> walkback and there is no possibility to remove the faulty structure
> at all.
I don't understand. What is the operation 'add external file'? I
don't have such a thing in my image.
> 6. the 'remove' command seems not to work (i didn't manage to
> remove anything).
It works for me, so the question is: do the tests run in your image?
> i will be grateful for any advices (even if it'll be along the
> lines "throw away the image/pier-kernel and start in a more sane
> way")...
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. If you find bugs that
you can fix yourself, just commit to the repository.
Lukas Renggli
I am new to SmallTalk(Squeak) and Seaside/Pier. I am burning the
midnight oil and it's like drinking from a fire hose. But I am having
fun. :)
I have Squeak/Seaside/Magritte/Pier installed on 2 Debian Sarge Linux
box (home and work) and also on MacBookPro. I did the following on all
3 machines.
I had installed Seaside per the tutorial but I used the new seaside
installer again to pull in scriptaculous etc. I wasn't sure if this
was kosher but I assumed that the installer might be smart enough to
figure out already installed components. But the Magritte also asked
if it was ok install a newer Seaside2?
On Linux every thing worked just fine but on OSX, Pier (1.0.5-alpha)
did not ask about config options such as base url being /seaside/pier
etc. So Pier does not work and does not appear in seaside/config
Can some one explain if I am doing something wrong, or point me in the
right direction to configure Pier. Thank you very much.
> > This is a subclass of the Squeak to VisualWorks code exporter
> > (implemented by Avi) adapted to properly export all the Magritte and
> > Pier packages and to get the namespaces right. Running the exporter
> > makes it possible to load all the code into VisualWorks, but I never
> > had the time to make it actually run in there ... so that is what
> > requires the next steps ...
> >
> Lukas,
> Just wondering if I wanted to go down this path, where can I find this
> code exporter tool -- is
> it on the Squeak side or the Visual Works side? I'd like to give it a
> shot even though I'm somewhat
> green behind the ears!
First of all you need PackageInfo-Exporters from SqueakMap. Then you
need the package "Magritte-VisualWorks" from
<>. Evaluating "MADistribution
fileOutForVisualWorks" should produce you a couple of files that can
be loaded into VisualWorks, however I never actually tried to do it
Lukas Renggli