result := myModel asComponent. "returns an MAContainerComponent"
result description attributes addClass: 'gcbpagemodel'.
Apparently, MADescription no longer understands #attributes.
what do I call #addClass: on now?
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!
trying to browse the Magritte examples in examplebrowser I found the following
One is with
WAComponent class >>
^self name = self description
ifTrue: [ self name ]
ifFalse: [ self description , ' (' , self name , ')' ]
The 'Comma' op is defined in MADescription and #, tries to send #asContainer to
the following ByteStrings. An DNU Error is thrown.
Another is:
MAExampleEditor instancevariable 'description' is supposed to hold a Collection
- at least it is used that way e.g.:
^ (MAReport rows: self description
description: MAElementDescription description)
however it is initialized with:
^MAContainer new.
I changed
^ description ifNil: [
description := Array with: self defaultDescription ]
(adding the Array constructor) and that works. I don't know if it breaks other
things though...
Thanks for any suggestions and hints.
Cheers, Christoph
Dear all,
The magritte-scriptaculous and magritte-realmemento packages allow
generated form components to dynamically change as the values or
selections made by the user change.
For example, the list of options in a SelectListComponent can be
supplied through an accessor, and the visibility of a field can be
determined by the value obtained via an accessor.
^ MASingleOptionDescription new
accessor: (#choice asAccessor) options: #choiceOptions;
The accessor framework has been extended to provide a clean and easy to
use means for specifying "alternate accessors for other purposes".
Other purposes supported include:
The model class must specify a MARealMemento for this to work. The real
memento uses a real copy of the model object as a memento, so that the
memento model retains behaviour, particularly the interactions between
attributes. This allows an #isMyFieldVisible to depend upon the value of
a another field which may change. The form is re-rendered using
scriptaculous updates, if the components request it.
I have to say that what started out as a bit of an experiment has been
surprisingly successful, and I think it represents a significant step up
in the abilities of magritte.
I am about to go live in the next couple of days on my first commercial
project which uses this stuff.
best regards
I have just added a ShoreComponents DatePicker to the
Magritte-Scriptaculous library.
This library already includes a scriptaculousified tree, and list
composition components.
I have been looking for the easiest way to get a date to display with
the desired format.
By adding
BlockContext-write: anObject description: aDescription
^ self value: anObject
The following becomes possible:
^ MADateDescription new
selectorAccessor: #orderDate;
beWithinYears: 2;
stringWriter: [ :i | i mmddyyyy ];
label: 'Order Date';
Is there a better way?
Is this worth adding to the mainstream?
I remember reading somewhere about a fix for testing block equality, but
cant remember where and I vaguely remember thinking it was
mentioned on this list.
can anyone enlighten me?
I have a problem in with Pier. After a while the links
lead to localhost instead of
How can this be fixed?
I have to say that we are using Apache 1.3, so there is no Apache
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Toon Verwaest <toon.verwaest(a)>
> Date: December 17, 2007 6:58:43 PM GMT+01:00
> To: Related to the development of Moose and other related tools <moose-dev(a)
> >
> Subject: [Moose-dev] website
> Reply-To: Related to the development of Moose and other related
> tools <moose-dev(a)>
> Mmh... the website still seems to have that "bug" related to the
> system
> below it. If I let the site open for a few hours without touching it;
> and then try to open a link; I get redirected to "localhost:...."which
> obviously fails. And for me this kind of browsing behavior is quite
> common; since I open websites in tabs and tempt to forget about
> it :) I
> guess it has something to do with cookies expiring?
> cheers
> _______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> Moose-dev(a)
"Every successful trip needs a suitable vehicle."
In PRImagePersistency
snapshot appears to be checking to see if it has been forked by the OS
and then in the image about to be saved it
is clearing all of the handlers.
But I cant see where this forking actually takes place so it appears to
me that all users get logged off every hour. Am I missing somthing?