There are new versions of both Smallwiki and Smallwiki SCG on Bern Store
Changes Smallwiki
- Metatag Redirect
- Metatag Custom RSS
- RSS fix moved here from Smallwiki SCG
Changes Smallwiki SCG
- Using new Google Analytics script
- No analytics for internal and logged in users
- Logged in users have access to internal pages
Alas I was not able to checkout Smallwiki in a fresh image to run the
test (in the SCG wiki 9 tests fail due to changes in Smallwiki SCG).
There seems to be an issue with Store and version ids.
Hi All,
i have my ApplicationModel with some description.
Now i'm interested to display a small table based on TableDescription and TableMode.
I define the descriptionTable
columnsLabels: OrderedCollection ..........
rowLabels: OrderedCollection .............
selectorAccessor: returnTableModel
Now my problem is:
i can't not know the rowLabels: OrderedCollection...... definition because it depend on the my istance of ApplicationModel.
A) How i can dinamic update the rowLabels after the descriptionTable builder ?
B) How i can dinamic update the data of the table ?
Now when the data of the table change when press the save buttons the system create error : Input is conflicting with current modification.
But the table is readonly.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
> I need to dispaly more data near the button.
| This means you want a different string to be displayed?
> I have add, to the descriptionAddress definition the:
> reference: ( MAAddressModel descriptionCity, MAAddressModel
> descriptionRegion)
| If so, try this
| reference: (MAContainer with: (MAStringDescription new
| selectorAccessor: #printString; yourself))
| and implement your own printOn: method in your referenced object as
| you wish.
I've test this solution but d'ont work.
The printOn: method in my referenced object is never call.
I work with vw7.5 and seaside 2.8a1.
Hi All,
i see my last message "descriptionContainer addCondition" in the wiki are wrong formatted.
I resubmit the message.
I have define descriptionContainer with addCondition to mange the control of the data to dictionary.
The definition is:
^( super descriptionContainer)
addCondition:[ :memento | ( self controlToDataBase: memento)]
labelled:' Member not definable'; yourself
It work fine.
But when create the component with:
self call: ( ModelClass descriptionFieldOne, ModelClass descriptionFieldTwo, ModelClass descriptionFieldThree ) asComponenetOn: anModel) addValidateForm; yourself
the descriptionContainer addCondition d'ont work.
Thanks for any consideration,
Hi All,
my english language is very limited, i'm sorry.
I have a PersonModel with some descriptions.
One of it, descriptionAddress is based on MAToOneRelationDescription
with componentClass: MAExternalEditorComponent
and classes: ( Array with: MAAddressModel )
When rendering PersonModel asComponent for the descriptionAddress the system
display the relative low priotity description near the Remove and Edit buttons.
I need to dispaly more data near the button.
I have add, to the descriptionAddress definition the:
reference: ( MAAddressModel descriptionCity, MAAddressModel descriptionRegion)
but d'ont work well.
The same problem i found in MASingleOptionDescription where reference: d'ont work.
For MASingleOptionDescription i have solve with optionsAndLabels:
In the MAToManyRelationDescription the reference: define the data to display for any item.
I think same behaviour in MAToOneRelationDescription and MASingleOptionDescription but i wrong. ?!
My question now is:
how i can display some data near the Remove / Edit buttons relative to the MAAddressModel instance.
Hello Lukas,
I discovered that where
creates a table with an ajaxId. If you try to use a scriptaculous
updater on this id it works in firefox, but not in ie6. So it looks like
we need an enclosing div
Hi All,i have define descriptionContainer with addCondition to manage the control for the add of maModel to Database.descriptionContainer
^(super descriptionContainer) addCondition: [:memento | (self controlToDataBase: memento)] labelled: 'Member not definable'; yourself
It work fine but when i create the component with:self call: ((ModelClass descriptionFieldOne, ModelClass descriptionFieldTwo, ModelClass descriptionFieldThree)asComponentOn: aModel) addValidatedForm; yourselfthe descriptionContainer d'ont work.I have add descriptionContainer to the array of description but d'ont work well.Thanks for any consideration,Dario
I had some thing strange going on...
I had lots of instances of PRDocument, at one point it reported 88000...
The key to clearing them out appeared to be, re-initializing,
Inspecting PRMacroExpander default, the #table dictionary of blocks,
those blocks
had temps, with a #context defined, and that context had properties etc...
still it freed up 100Mb...
Hello All, i have one description based on MASingleOptionDescription:linkDescription
^(MASingleOptionDescription new)
reference: MANazionalityModel description;
selectorAccessor: 'nazione';
options: [MANazionalityModel DataBase asArray] asDynamicObject ;
label: 'Nazione';
priority: 40;
Now my questions are:1) In the rendering of it, where i can select one option, i can manage add buttons to add new element to options ? 2) reference: MANazionalityModel description What's the sense of this declaration? When define MANazionalityModel descriptionWithOnlyOneDescription the system d'ont answer well ? Thanks,Dario
Hello Lukas,
The hierarchy of choices available as swappable replacements for
PRPierFrame, is starting to mature.
The first, PRPierFrameCentral, implements the wiring in order for it to
be the centre of attention as I suggested yesterday. It aims to preserve
the existing behaviour, however it has a nice innovation:
If your site has no environment at all, it caches one for you. i.e. your
layout can be provided as part of your PRPierFrame subclass, and does
not need to be user visible or editable. If you edit the code that
generates your layout directly, it will get used for the next session.
And that's not all. If you add an empty page, and set that as an
environment in a structure's settings, it will automatically populate.
The second class PRPierBasicBP moves the layout to:
Again it will be cached for you "off-site" until an environment is added.
A third class PRPierBasicCWS is a first attempt at an alternative to
A fourth class is PRPierAdmin provides a non edittable environment for
admin purposes.