When i add a PostArchive component to my page , the component renderes as
"(no blog found)" even thought is a Blog present. How do you specify the
blog for a PostArchive component ?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Pier-Blog%2C-PostArchive-component-tp18031433p1803143…
Sent from the SmallWiki mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
stupidly I created an admin page in the blog and I wanted to move it
So I clicked on move and I tried
/ but I'm not allowed
and I always get Move: 'PAD' can not be a child of 'Passes'
So what is the solution?
Doru lukas I can tell you that I can really be a guinea pig about
because I just crash in everything.
I have built a component called "VeComponent", with an embedded
Magritte component. The code for rendering looks like:
VeComponent>>renderContentOn: html
html render: self model asComponent addValidatedForm; yourself.
html submitButton callback: [self answer: someValue];
text: 'Done'
To test this code I call it from aWATask like this:
returnValue := self call: aVeComponent.
self halt.
This works, I get to the halt.
If I embed aVeComponent in another component then it appears that the
"self answer: someValue" in VeComponent>>renderContentOn: does not work.
What I observe is that clicking on the 'Done' button results in the
re-displaying of aVeComponent.
How is it that the code works when called from aWATask but it does not
work if it is contained in another component?
Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong?
Many Thanks,
Hello All,
Pier-Jetsam-Environment moves all configuration and initialization of a
pier kernel to subclasses of PRPierFrame.
1. Just switch your seaside application's PRPierFrame component to
switch to a different style and layout (even switch to a different style
2. Set up a second entry point to your Pier instance with a different
style. e.g. http://admin.mypier.example
this allows a simple way to support admin users without needing
3. Embed your pier instance in another seaside app, with a specialised
style for that app as provided by the root frame component that you
choose to embed.
4. The standard scheme of user editable environments still works as
before except that new environments get auto initialized.
p.s. feedback invited
The same policies and layout as the current pier release, except that no
'environment' is initially needed. If you provide 'environment' with
empty contents it will be initialized automatically.
As above except that the layout is obtained/initialized in
PRPierFrameCWS and subclasses
As above except that the style framework is based upon "Content With
Style" css framework.
The framework uses a single layout definition, but provides a number of
common layouts via CSS variants.
The options are
" #layoutnavtopsubrightCss
"" #layoutnavtop1colCss
"" #layoutnavleft1colCss
"" #layoutnavleft2colCss
"" #layoutnavtoplocalleftCss
see: http://www.contentwithstyle.co.uk/Articles/17/a-css-framework
PRPierFrameAdminBP - Themeable classic pier 1.0.0 ui
The old classic pier admin UI (including the tree navigation widget)
All colors in css are referenced to method selectors for easy theming.
(Subclass and override #colorMethods)
Updated to use "Nifty Corners" so that rounded corners show in Internet
Updated to use transparent png, so that the color of the banner and the
logo can be changed in a single method.
There is still a little bit of work to get the css working cross browser
feedback as always appreciated
Dear Lukas,
your rewrite of MAChainAccessor provoked some panic here!
Just to let you know that I had written a couple of chaining and
unchaining operaterations, which I use for mapping a flat db query into
a magritte model. It allows me to treat a chain accessor as a kind of
stack as the model is traversed.
These are
I thought that you might be interested in adopting these (now they are
fixed for the latest) as utilities into MA-Model. If you are interested
then you will find them in the latest Magritte-RDB package in magritte
best regards
I am using Magritte to display a standard form for my model. I have
code that looks like this:
form := self asComponent addValidatedForm; yourself;
html render: form.
This gives me a nice form with the standard 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons.
I would like to add an additional button to the form. I see that
MAContainerComponent>>#addValidatedForm is where the Save and Cancel
buttons are added but I cannot figure out how to add my own button so
that it appears in the same div as the Save and Cancel buttons.
How do I add a new button to the form?
Thanks for any help you can provide,
I want to add a "grouping blogs" feature to my "in construction" page (http://www.smallworks.com.ar
), and a group rss feeder, such as that one on seaside site... which
addon is it?
"Querer es suscitar las paradojas"
Camus - El mito de Sísifo
I am learning Magritte and following the exercises that Lukas has in his
tutorial. I am stuck on Exercise 12.
> Exercise 12 When having tested the new report, you have probably
> noticed that the report doesn’t update itself when adding new
persons, > call #refresh to do so.
When I send #refresh to aMAReport nothing happens. (I attempted to trace
thru the code but cannot figure out what is going wrong.)
I appreciate any help you can offer.
I'm building a complete -but simple- application based on magritte,
and having a couple of doubts:
-How do I add a "caption" (title) to a form created with
"asComponent". I can add a decoration, but I wonder if there are a
more "standard" way.
-I want to validate some complex input (where field A depends on field
B, for example). How do I add conditions to containers? is the only
way override #description and building a container my own?
"Querer es suscitar las paradojas"
Camus - El mito de Sísifo