The gemstone/s port, does it automatically persist to the Gemstone DB?
Are there any links for learning about CSS and Pier?
I've been looking at the css and it appears to be blueprint css based.
Are all the css definitions required? How does one know what is needed
and what isnt?
I am trying to load a couple of Pier Addons, but several of them seem
to depend on the MADistribution class.
I suspect this problem is due to some missing package in my image. Any
idea where I can find it?
"Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot
be done."
I have a big data model that I have split into around 10 model
classes, each with its own set of Magritte descriptions. Now I'd like
to put several of them into a single Magritte form. In other words, I
want to have the form fields of model 1 and model 2 on the same page,
but only one OK and one Cancel button. What would be the simplest way
to do that?
I found this snippet for re-arranging fields / descriptions [1]:
buildComponentFor: aModel
^((ModelClass descriptionFieldOne, ModelClass descriptionFieldTwo,
ModelClass descriptionFieldThree)
componentRenderer: MACssRenderer;
asComponentOn: aModel)
but it is using a single model object.
Thanks in advance
It appears that this method should live in the object (or superclass)
that is to be Magritte rendered.. I can't find it in my Squeak image
but it is referenced by #pull as seen below.. Up to now I thought I
was using the RealMemento class as specified by #mementoClass
but just found that it needs to be defined on the instance side not
the class side so my #mementoClass method was not being called
until now.. Unfortunately now I get the DNU as indicated above..
"Utitlity method to copies the model into a cache populating nil
values with the defaults specified by the descriptions"
| result |
result := self model copyForRealMemento.
result description do: [ :each |
(result readUsing: each) ifNil: [ result update: each default using:
each ].
^ result
I am going to distribute different file libraries from my site( that contain css for different Pier looks. It seems to
me, as I was recently a Pier newbie, one of the things that could scare me
away was how hard it was to change the look of Pier, and I think this will
help. Could someone tell me how to set up a Monticello HTTP repository with
apache so I can host some of theses?
David Zmick
I'm feeling like I need one.
I've been playing around with Pier for a couple days and well... I
don't feel much further along when than when I started.
Basic things like...
how you change the style, theme, layout whatever you want to call it
are simply a mystery to me.
Is there a 'these are the must know basics' guide?
I went back to sometime last year in the archives, tried googling,
read stuff on the wiki and off of Lukas's site
but still feel utterly lost.
I see there is a PRPierFrame that everything else is inside. Do I
remove the children
from it, rearrange them? Write my own?
That is just one basic thing I'm not grasping..
Any links to getting started basics would be greatly appreciated. in
the meantime, back
to trying to figure this out.
Hi All,
i work with Squeak and Magritte.
I have create my personal component "SUAddress" subclass of MAElementComponent.
And define the relative MAAddressDescription subclass of MAElementDescription with methods:
kind ^ OrderedCollection
defaultComponentClasses ^Array with: SUAddress
After i define in TestClass with:
descriptionAddress based on MAAddressDescription on addressData
and descriptionText based on MAStringDescription on textData.
Now when call: anTestClass asComponent addValidateForm; addMessage: 'message' ; yourself all work fine.
The problem is when in the form i do change on my component and after i clic the cancel button.
In this case the addressData result update to the change do in the form, and not to the last correct state.
The textData in this case work fine.
Where i wrong ?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!