I want to put several links to the same file differenly labeled. Say, I have
some page, and a file named 'file' added as a child. I want to put on it
something like
You can download <this file> or do the same <that way>
where in <> is a link that after click on it immediately starts the download
(or opens browser dialog for it).
In Pier1.1.1
+file+ gives me the full name of file in the text.
+Label>file+ do the same.
*Another label>file* opens the page of the file.
Probably I miss something, but how can I do this using Pier's syntax?
Dennis Schetinin
I am still learning with Pier and I probably did something wrong. I am now
trying to edit /mainenviorment. There I have this:
I remember to delete all
once because I move all my images from there (pier) to a particular library
(they were css pictures).
Any ideas of how can I fix this ?
Hi All,
when i call: ((someDescription asComponentOn: aModel)
addMessage: anString;
somtime i have strange answer ( HTTP 500 ) when press the submit buttons.
I have do some test and i think :
if someDescription size are big,
the system after some timeout answer error.
It's correct ?
How i can set it?
Or there is other consideration about the error ?
I had tried to load the slide show Pier-Slideshow-lr.8
but I get the DNU, so where does rendererInstance come from?
MessageNotUnderstood: WARenderCanvas>>rendererInstance
• thisContext[] in PRSlideshow>>renderSlideOn: {[html rendererInstance
continue: self current in: self on: html]}
John M. McIntosh <johnmci(a)smalltalkconsulting.com>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd. http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com
I have this recurring pattern that pier doesnt appear to handle at all
well, so would be grateful for ideas.
I want to embed a component that "does stuff" then when it is finished
goes back to, whence it came.
Better still I would like to be able to go to a page, with an embedded
component, and when finished return to the place of origin. This would
allow the component to be decorated with other things on that page,
rather than just being a dry form like Commands are. (although
Pier-Annotations can spice them up a bit)
For example, I have a "New User Registration" component written for
seaside. It would normally be invoked via a "call", and would return
something or nil if the user cancelled. I am not so interested in the
return value.
So if I pop this component in to pier, I can get to it via a link, and
when I have finished "doing stuff", or if I click "cancel", then it
does... nothing. Ideally I want it to go back to the source of the link,
from whence I came.
I have never found a non-hacky way of doing this. The only clean way of
doing such things appears to be to wrap your component into a command.
I was kind of hoping that LightBox links could be persuaded to close if
the component drawn answers nil.
Solution's I have contemplated...
1) Have contexts keep a history so at least you can find out where to
return to.
Have pier handle all seaside components not just root components, any
answers that are received from a component, are put into
PRContext-properties in case anyone cares, and embedded components may
propagate their answers out to the PRContentsWidget which then uses the
History in the PRContext to go back to whence you came.
2) Some special form of link, which stores the current structure
somewhere, before going to the next destination.
any ideas?
I have always found this to be a bit of a weakness of pier's.
Name: Beach-Pier-kph.5
Author: kph
Time: 6 April 2009, 11:02 pm
UUID: 554b045a-54d7-47e0-9f21-b94b06e381ac
Ancestors: Beach-Pier-kph.4
Finally the ViewRenderer (or custom subclass) can have complete control
over the display of the content AND the header
PRContentsWidget is knobbled so as to not display the header.
PRViewRenderer now displays the "title", for standard Pages, or the
more interesting PRPageWithHeader.
PageWithHeader - Uses the above to render a "header document" *for more
interesting headers)
Hooks for providing custom subclasses of all renderers
There is nothing in the permissions system which allows a page to be
displayed only for logged out (not logged in) users.
How about +page|loggedout++page|loggedin+ or similar?