I am trying to get my head around what is happening to the renderer.
For my application I subclass the PRViewRenderer, so I can tweak how
things are rendered. For example I use the standard "content with style"
layout (unedited) which uses horizontal rules in a specific way.
Therefore I render horizontal rules as <div class="hr"></div> instead of
the standard. I also find that the rendering of paragraphs is
unpredictable and unhelpful so I take that out too.
What is the plan for the renderer and where are the hooks to change it?
Ideally, I want my default renderer to be configured by my choice of
frame. If I use one frame to embed content in another seaside app (e.g.
gjallar) I want to be able to render appropriately for that context.
I would like to port Magritte-roe for gst.
Before I start, I would like to know if there are any dependencies to
I know roe only works with PGsql on squeak, but the gst version has
support for other sqls. I saw some 'pg_*' in the sql requests, but as I
don't know PGsql, I don't know if that matters.
Hi folks. I am developing website which I need google index it quite fast. I
want to use Google Webmaster tools and I was wondering if Pier can help me
with the sitemap.xml.
Is this possible ?
Hi folks!
I have a simple question with the Post Ticker. With the edit command, I can
specify the source. In my case, I have this: "/Blog de algo de turismo"
which is a simple blog. However, in my web I have more than one blog and I
would like the Post Ticker to show new posts not from a particular blog but
for any of them. Is this possible ?
I was just reading and watching the latest blog entry at regarding the new editing features. Pier is really coming along and it looks like a lot of good effort is going into it. I constantly waffle between Plone and Pier and thought the following post might be relevant to the edit changes in Pier.…
Can I use the existing Magritte and Pier with 2.9, or do these need
to be updated?
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn(a)> <URL:>
Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for Smalltalk and Seaside discussion
One of the most impressive things I see about pier is the ability to
move pages around. A few days ago, I found that if I moved a page,
then edited it, all of the links on the page were broken. A three
page test would be:
root - Root has children *folder* and *command*
folder - Folder has a *parent>../.* and a *sibling/child>../
command - Command has a *root>../.* and a *sibling/parent>../
If command is moved from being a child of root to being a child of
folder, then when it is edited, the link will not be updated to
*root>../..* and *sibling/parent>../..*.
If we add the following to the bottom of PRMoveCommand>>doExecute,
then it removes this problem:
self structure enumerator everything do: [:e |
(PROutgoingReferences on: e) do: [:link | link update ]]
This evening, I wrote a test case, and tested this with some older
code, but when I load Pier-model 300 and Pier tests 129, about a
dozen tests fail and there an issue with a DNU in
PRPathReference>>setTarget:, if someone is changing the Pier-Model,
could you add this test:
"Taken from #testMoveIntoFolder"
self command
target: (self command root childrenDecoration at: 'folder').
self kernel root contents: 'Before root has two children, *folder*
and *command*. After will be one child named folder, which has a
child command'.
(self kernel root childrenDecoration at: 'folder')
contents: 'Folder has a *parent>../* and a *sibling/child>../
(self kernel root childrenDecoration at: 'command')
contents: 'Command has a *root parent>../* and a *sibling/
self deny: (self kernel root enumerator everything
anySatisfy: [:e | (PROutgoingReferences on: e)
anySatisfy: [:link | link isBroken]]).
shouldnt: [self command execute]
raise: PRStructureError.
assert: (self command root contents includesSubString: 'two
children, *folder* and *folder/command*.').
assert: ((self command root childrenDecoration at: 'folder')
contents includesSubString: 'has a *parent>../* and a *sibling/
assert: (((self command root childrenDecoration at: 'folder')
childrenDecoration at: 'command') contents includesSubString:
'Command has a *root parent>../..* and a *sibling/parrent>..*.')
Hi folks!
I was trying to see how to manage all my code and resources of a Pier
application. There are several things I must manage:
1) My library (css, js, and so on), seaside components, ...
2) External files ( /files )
3) Pier content (trough import/export utility)
For 1) I use Monticello.
But I don't know how to manage 2) and 3). I tough I could have a SVN project
where I can put them. So, what I should do is: export and then commit SVN.
However, I would like to have all in the same control version system. Is
there a way I can do 2) and 3) in MC ?
Thanks in advance,
I hope this is the right place to discuss WikiServer and Pier.
I've been messing around a bit with John McIntosh's WikiServer1.3.5b on the iPhone and would like some help understanding what's going on with Pier.
I wanted to understand the overall structure better and thought I would like to see the Tree view at the bottom left instead of just Children.
However when viewing Tree instead of Children view at bottom left things are getting lost.
In order to reproduce the symptoms in a fresh WikiServer, click Help, then Layout, then Environment, see at the bottom left:
Click Sidebar/Navigation,/Settings, choose Component Class = Tree, then Apply.
Go back to Help/Layout/Environment, and only see:
at bottom left. Previous items above are not there.
In order to revert back to Children view in the sidebar the necessary items were no longer available in the sidebar.
I had to search for the Navigation page and then do as follows:
Do a search for Navigation, go to Navigation page, click Settings, revert Component Class back to Children from Tree.
Position back to the Environment page (Help/Layout/Environment), items above are back.
What changes might I need to make in order for the Tree view to not lose the items?
Ken G. Brown