is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
I've made a pass throughout he piercms.com website to make it
up-to-date. I removed all the contents referring to Pier 1.0 and
updated the contents where possible. Also I changed the download link
to point to the latest stable build. Please let me know if I missed
Lukas Renggli
Sorry if I missed some announce, but, current versión of Magritte
don't support anymore the building of Morphic UI's?
Germán S. Arduino <gsa @ arsol.net> Twitter: garduino
Arduino Software & Web Hosting http://www.arduinosoftware.com
PasswordsPro http://www.passwordspro.com
Dear all,
I'm a Pier noob user, but I know ST and I want to build a custom CMS based
on Pier.
The main goal is the implementation of a customized interface CMS for my
little enterprise, but without the complexity of Pier (yes, I know, it's not
realy the case, but...) and with a minimal set of functionality, like an
author interface with just Add, delete, modify page commands and, e.g. a
view commands to... directly view the result...
So I'm lost into the general structure, how to remove things, add personnal
components, etc... So I plan to build step by step:
1. An admin page
1.1. with basics commands 'à la CMS Box'
1.2. Add layout and templates, etc...
2. An author page
2.1 Just edit/add/modify pages
3. Public Site
I don't know where or what I can modify into the code, into the objects,
etc... And yes, I'm a little bit lost...
Please heeeeelp meeee !!
PS: I use Pharo 1.3 with ConfigurationOfSeaside and Pier2 scripts and
manualy a set of commands like "PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier'
kernel: (PRKernel named: 'mykernel')."...
It looks like BOZipView is out of date:
- it implements renderContentOn: but this is never reached
- it misses the respondUsing: hook method that seems to be the preferred way to generate a response
I tried to implement respondUsing: by copying from renderContentOn::
BOZipView>>respondUsing: aResponse
| archive |
super respondUsing: aResponse.
contentType: 'application/zip';
attachmentWithFileName: self book name , '.zip'.
archive := ZipArchive new.
self addLatexTo: archive; addFilesTo: archive.
archive writeTo: aResponse stream.
archive close
It seems to go in the right direction, but the issue is that GRPharoUtf8CodecStream does not understand binary (a method needed by ZipArchive).
Again, binary should probably be implemented in the GRCodecStream, but I do not know how. Any hints?
"It's not what we do that matters most, it's how we do it."
Thanks, it works.
Now, we have a followup problem in BOLatexStream
BOLatexStream>>print: anObject
anObject isNil
ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
anObject isBlock
ifTrue: [ anObject value ]
ifFalse: [ self nextPutAll: anObject displayString ]
displayString is deprecated, and I am not quite sure what it should be replaced with. I guess it should be printString, or we should just delegate to the print: of the inner stream.
What do you say?
On 25 Sep 2011, at 10:16, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> Have a look if
> Name: Grease-Core-lr.66
> Author: lr
> Time: 25 September 2011, 10:13:37 am
> UUID: 0a3221fb-c5d8-4ce1-b139-0e6dc72481a2
> Ancestors: Grease-Core-dkh.65
> - add GRCodecStream>>#print:
> fixes the problem?
> Lukas
> On 25 September 2011 09:53, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 25 Sep 2011, at 08:49, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>>>> Thanks. In the latest version of all Grease packages and the print: method is not around in the Stream hierarchy.
>>> Ok, then it should be added.
>>>> So, for is it Ok to have the fix in BOLatexWriter>>visitInternalLink: by replacing stream with latex to work with print: or do you see problems there?
>>> No, the two strams don't have te same semantics. stream print: '\' should print '\'; latex print: '\' should print '\\'.
>> Right. I got the difference now.
>> But, I still would not know how to implement GRXYZStream>>print:, because I am not sure I understand what is the difference between print: and nextPutAll:. Could anyone help with this matter?
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>>> Lukas
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Doru
>>>> On 24 Sep 2011, at 23:11, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>>>>> Yes, this is intentional: 'stream' is the raw low-level stream, 'latex' is the high-level encoded stream. The choice to which you send the output is important. Changing it likely breaks the generation of valid LaTeX.
>>>>> GRPharoUtf8CodecStream or better its abstract superclass should implement #print:. I think this was discussed in the Seaside list recently and fixed, but I might be wrong.
>>>>> Lukas
>>>>> On Saturday, 24 September 2011, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am testing Pier 2 some more, and now I got a problem in the Latex writer. Specifically, I do not quite understand the difference between the latex instance variable and the inherited stream one.
>>>>>> Take a look at the snippet below:
>>>>>> BOLatexWriter>>visitInternalLink: anInternalLink
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> latex tab ... square: [ stream nextPutAll: 'width='; print: ((anInternalLink parameterAt: 'width' ifAbsent: [ 100 ]) asNumber / 100.0); ... ]
>>>>>> When executed on a book we have two instance variables:
>>>>>> - stream: instance of GRPharoUtf8CodecStream (inherited)
>>>>>> - latex: instance of BOLatexStream which wraps stream
>>>>>> Now, it so happens that GRPharoUtf8CodecStream does not understand print:, but this method exists in BOLatexStream. I fixed the code by replacing stream with latex in the above method, and it works.
>>>>>> But, there are still other places that use stream, and I think they should all use the BOLatexStream instance instead. So, my question is: Is this intentional? Or maybe should we actually simply override the setting of stream and use that one for everything?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Doru
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>>>> "Yesterday is a fact.
>>>>>> Tomorrow is a possibility.
>>>>>> Today is a challenge."
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
>>>>>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
>>>>> --
>>>>> Lukas Renggli
>>>>> www.lukas-renggli.ch
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
>>>>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
>>>> --
>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>> "From an abstract enough point of view, any two things are similar."
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> seaside mailing list
>>>> seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
>>>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
>>> --
>>> Lukas Renggli
>>> www.lukas-renggli.ch
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> seaside mailing list
>>> seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
>>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
>> --
>> www.tudorgirba.com
>> "In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
>> one might have better chances to win by moving slower."
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> www.lukas-renggli.ch
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
"In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
one might have better chances to win by moving slower."
I am testing Pier 2 some more, and now I got a problem in the Latex writer. Specifically, I do not quite understand the difference between the latex instance variable and the inherited stream one.
Take a look at the snippet below:
BOLatexWriter>>visitInternalLink: anInternalLink
latex tab ... square: [ stream nextPutAll: 'width='; print: ((anInternalLink parameterAt: 'width' ifAbsent: [ 100 ]) asNumber / 100.0); ... ]
When executed on a book we have two instance variables:
- stream: instance of GRPharoUtf8CodecStream (inherited)
- latex: instance of BOLatexStream which wraps stream
Now, it so happens that GRPharoUtf8CodecStream does not understand print:, but this method exists in BOLatexStream. I fixed the code by replacing stream with latex in the above method, and it works.
But, there are still other places that use stream, and I think they should all use the BOLatexStream instance instead. So, my question is: Is this intentional? Or maybe should we actually simply override the setting of stream and use that one for everything?
"Yesterday is a fact.
Tomorrow is a possibility.
Today is a challenge."
Hi Marcus, hi Lucas,
Thanks. I removed the call and everything is Ok.
On 24 Sep 2011, at 18:55, Lukas Renggli wrote:
> You can probably remove the call to #saveImageSegments. And the Image Segment persistency strategy should probably be removed too.
> Lukas
> On Saturday, 24 September 2011, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am testing the latest Pier2 based on Pharo 1.3, and I got an error when trying to use the image-based persistency.
> >
> > The error happens in:
> >
> > PRImagePersistency>>saveImageAndBackupAs: aString
> > ...
> > image openSourceFiles; saveImageSegments; snapshot: true andQuit: false
> >
> > in particular, the SmalltalkImage does not understand saveImageSegments anymore. Is this some cleanup that happened in Pharo and that requires a new package to be loaded?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Doru
> >
> >
> > --
> > www.tudorgirba.com
> >
> > "To utilize feedback, you first have to acquire it."
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> www.lukas-renggli.ch
"To utilize feedback, you first have to acquire it."
I am testing the latest Pier2 based on Pharo 1.3, and I got an error when trying to use the image-based persistency.
The error happens in:
PRImagePersistency>>saveImageAndBackupAs: aString
image openSourceFiles; saveImageSegments; snapshot: true andQuit: false
in particular, the SmalltalkImage does not understand saveImageSegments anymore. Is this some cleanup that happened in Pharo and that requires a new package to be loaded?
"To utilize feedback, you first have to acquire it."
I see that the default pier2 image still works with Comanche. Is Zinc not reliable enough yet?
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."