is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
Is anyone aware of an advanced search for pier, such as case
sensitive, boolean (this phrase and/or/but-not that phrase), date
related, etc? If not, I'll start looking into adding it to the
PRFullTextSearch class.
I have this recurring pattern that pier doesnt appear to handle at all
well, so would be grateful for ideas.
I want to embed a component that "does stuff" then when it is finished
goes back to, whence it came.
Better still I would like to be able to go to a page, with an embedded
component, and when finished return to the place of origin. This would
allow the component to be decorated with other things on that page,
rather than just being a dry form like Commands are. (although
Pier-Annotations can spice them up a bit)
For example, I have a "New User Registration" component written for
seaside. It would normally be invoked via a "call", and would return
something or nil if the user cancelled. I am not so interested in the
return value.
So if I pop this component in to pier, I can get to it via a link, and
when I have finished "doing stuff", or if I click "cancel", then it
does... nothing. Ideally I want it to go back to the source of the link,
from whence I came.
I have never found a non-hacky way of doing this. The only clean way of
doing such things appears to be to wrap your component into a command.
I was kind of hoping that LightBox links could be persuaded to close if
the component drawn answers nil.
Solution's I have contemplated...
1) Have contexts keep a history so at least you can find out where to
return to.
Have pier handle all seaside components not just root components, any
answers that are received from a component, are put into
PRContext-properties in case anyone cares, and embedded components may
propagate their answers out to the PRContentsWidget which then uses the
History in the PRContext to go back to whence you came.
2) Some special form of link, which stores the current structure
somewhere, before going to the next destination.
any ideas?
guess I can do it using memento (by adding MACheckedMemento child with
overloaded #commit and accordingly overloading #mementoClass in my class).
But maybe there is a simpler way?
... Thank you :)
Dennis Schetinin
I have a problem with a Bag instance.
When execute this code :
bag:= Bag new.
bag add: 'Dario'.
bag add: 'Dario'.
bag add: 'Dario'.
bag add: 'Dario'.
voceA := Voce new.
bag add: voceA.
bag add: voceA.
bag add: Voce new.
Somtime this code answer aBag with two element:
Dario-> 4
aVoce -> 3.
Somtime this code answer aBag with three element:
Dario-> 4
aVoce -> 2.
aVoce-> 1.
The Voce class implement the method = . It answer true.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
If I want to do...
| loginDesc |
loginDesc := self description copy.
(loginDesc atLabel: 'Username')
addCondition: [ :newUserName |
self client login isLoginUsernameAvailable: newUserName ]
labelled: 'already taken'.
^ loginDesc
The copy is needed, because I dont want to modify the cached version,
that everyone else is using. However, I dont think that the children are
copied, they remain the same objects.
Could/should they be copied in MAContainer-#postCopy ?
Hi folks!
There are thing I don't understand with Css, seaside and pier. I created a
MyLibrary that subclass WAFileLIbrary, I created the method myCss and
selectorsToInclude that included myCss. I could successfully put styles in
my pier application that were in MyLibrary. I also added my css images to
that library. The questions are:
1) When I go to "edit design" command in Pier, all that Css I see, where it
comes from ? I didn't see any Pier library that has those css.
2) When I edit design from Pier, where is it stored ?
3) When I add different libraries to a Application, how Css are inherit ? If
I have defined different thing for a same class in different libraries for
example, what happens ?
4) I really don't know when to add css to my library and when to add it to
"edit design" command.
5) I tried to put some css in mylibrary, like .a:hoover .a: link
.component but they are ignored. I guess it is using the css I see in
"edit design". How can I do to override that css ?
Ok, that's all for now.
Thanks for the help.
What does configure components on the fly mean exactly? I thought I
would try it and my image is broken.
Is there a new Magritte-Model due?
I think parameterName: is a needed addition to magritte. At present I
have to search for descriptions by label which is not ideal.
p.s. please adopt my breakouts of updateDtd: and updatePage:
After browsing my pier site, looking at an embedded seaside component,
and returning, suddenly
someone, Pier/Seaside is adding <p/> elements throughout my page.
Has anyone seen this before, or am I simply going nuts?