Since PULogin is a PRCommand, if I am using PRImagePersistency, then
every time someone logs in a snapshot is scheduled. That isn't the
behavior I want. I there a "clean" way to keep logins from triggering
a snapshot?
1 Squeak/Seaside/Pier site deployed
Is there any "correct'" way to render classes inhereted from PRCase? Here
are the details:
I want to represent an object, say Clinic with fullDescription, address,
etc. attributes. Currently I do such things the way I saw in Pier-Blog. I.e.
I overloaded Person>>viewComponentClass to return PersonView. And there I do
something like:
renderContentOn: html
super renderContentOn: html.
self renderFullDescriptionOn: html.
self renderAddressOn: html.
self renderDoctorsOn: html
It works ofcourse, but I feel there should be another way to explain Pier
(or Magritte?) how to render Clinics as far as I described them.
And another part is about doctors. They are instances of Doctor which is
surely inhereted from PRCase and properly described. I want to give a list
of doctors in context of the clinic. Items of the list should represent some
short form of doctors, I mean show some of Doctor's attributes. And when one
of the doctors is selected I want all the information to be presented.
Now I do it just the same way:
- #renderDoctorsOn: outputs short information about each of them in
context of the clinic
- full Doctors information is rendered by DoctorView component.
The question is just the same: I feel there must be another way to do it
using metainformation I give about Doctors (and Clinics). Is there a
"canonized" one?
And one more thing: I saw people mentioned "Tutorial" but I don't know where
to get it. Perhaps it's where all answers are already given? :)
Dennis Schetinin
I need to download the source code of olders versions of smallwiki, where
can i found then?
I need the version 1.54, 1.90 and 1.304
best regards!
Victor Hugo de C. Fernandes
Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemas e Computação - UFRN
Analista de Sistemas / Superintendencia de Informática - UFRN
> I wondered if you'd be able to give me a bit of a Magritte pointer. At the
> moment I'm thinking I need to support a many-to-many relationship, and I
> can't see anywhere Magritte provides such support. I'm wondering (a) whether
> there's support and (b) whether I even need it.
Have a look at the subclasses of MARelationDescription, depending on
your exact requirements maybe also just MAOptionDescription
> I've got two lists, list A is the set of stuff from which list B could be
> built. The two lists belong to different objects. There's already support
> for this in MAListCompositonComponent.
This one is used by MAMultipleOptionDescription.
> However, I then need support to go back and put stuff back from list B into
> list A, in the same form as was previously used to populate it, long after
> the original construction was done. MAListCompositonComponent seems to be
> one-way (ie, the model supports the idea of a list of stuff on it, ie one to
> many).
As far as I understand this is possible with
MAMultipleOptionDescription. Have a look at the references to this
class in Pier for sophisticated examples on how to use it.
Lukas Renggli
Just giving the latest pier a spin (downloaded from the website)...
Is the default password for the admin of seaside still admin/pier ? It
does not seem to accept it when I try to enter the /seaside/config area
Johan Brichau
I'm trying to render some uploaded files as flash movies... but without
success by now... I thought it was easy, just putting this method in
MAFileModel (and of course, changing #renderOn:):
renderFlashOn: html
html swfObject
url: (self urlOn: html);
with: 'Loading...'.
But nothing happens (it shows "Movie not loaded...")
If I put an "example" url, the example movie is loaded ok... :(
renderFlashOn: html
html swfObject
url: '';
with: 'Loading...'.
So I think there is something in the URL generated by #urlOn: that is
not good for swfObject (writing the html code directly drives to the
same answer)...
Any idea?
Lately, I've been attempting to make PRTables have a borders around
them. If I create a CSS file for table with class 'hasborden' by
adding the following to the top of PRTable>>accept:
(aVisitor isKindOf: PRRenderer) ifTrue: [aVisitor renderer
table attributes addClass: 'hasborder'].
then PRTables are displayed with the CSS class of 'hasborder' and is
displayed correctly, and other tables do not have borders (exactly
what I want!). Is there a better way to this sort of thing, I have
several similar changes, and I want to limit the amount of really bad
I'm new with Pier, so possibly it's a stupid question... But still...
I want to show a local html file on a pier page. What's the simple way to do
I tried to use File, but it renders it inside <pre> tag as a text files
according to MAFileModel.
BTW, why halts in MAFileModel >> renderOn: and MAFileModel >> renderTextOn:
html are not triggered when I open the page with the file or even add it?
Thank you in advance for all answers.
Dennis Schetinin
I want to know if it possible to create some sort of template, in which if I
create a page it will add other XYZ pages inside of it.
For instance, I want to create a PageProject so that page have 3 other sub
I could do something like:
^ super defaultDocument
add: (PRParagraph new
add: (PRText content: '*Installation* *Wiki* *FAQ*');
But the problem is that those 3 pages aren't created, I have to click on
each link and then accept to make them "alive".
So, here is my question:
Is there any way to create dynamically pages inside a newly page(the one I
just had created)?
I'm working with VisualWorks, and therefore the Pier versions are probably
quite old :(
Is somebody working on the port of the latest Pier version into VisualWorks?
Thanks in advance,
Lautaro Fernández
Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker
Release 1.1 of Pier is now available:
What's new:
- Several bug fixes
- New syntax constructs
- New and whiter stylesheet also received a face lift, and it received some new
Have fun and tell us what you think.
Doru and Lukas