I see that pier-jetsam overrides PRCommand >> printOn: using #<< which
is non-standard.
I also had to comment the log line in #execute because #log isn't implemented.
Please document such hacks…
Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet
excuse for my bad english.
> With this reference i think to have the input set to relative
> descriptionKey.
>I can only guess:
>html textInput
> value: (aDescription toString: (object readUsing: aDescription));
> callback: [ :value | object write: (aDescription fromString:
> value) using: aDescription ].
i work with your guess, and some thing go other no.
I'have problem with description define using MANumberDescription new ....
When, in the textInput digit an char the method visitNumberDescription: aDescription go in error.
And if description is define with addCondition, this are not tested at callback:..
Another problem about MANumberDescription :
in description based on it, if i define beInteger or min: or max:
when digit an chart in the UI the method visitNumberDescription: aDescription go in error.