Hello Lukas,
The hierarchy of choices available as swappable replacements for
PRPierFrame, is starting to mature.
The first, PRPierFrameCentral, implements the wiring in order for it to
be the centre of attention as I suggested yesterday. It aims to preserve
the existing behaviour, however it has a nice innovation:
If your site has no environment at all, it caches one for you. i.e. your
layout can be provided as part of your PRPierFrame subclass, and does
not need to be user visible or editable. If you edit the code that
generates your layout directly, it will get used for the next session.
And that's not all. If you add an empty page, and set that as an
environment in a structure's settings, it will automatically populate.
The second class PRPierBasicBP moves the layout to:
Again it will be cached for you "off-site" until an environment is added.
A third class PRPierBasicCWS is a first attempt at an alternative to
A fourth class is PRPierAdmin provides a non edittable environment for
admin purposes.
When a PRPage is initialized it has a #document if however you edit that
document and make it empty, the #document disappears, and #hasDocument
reports false, even though it does really have a document, but it is empty.
Hello Lukas,
I am curious as to what purpose this serves in the following method.
any clues?
WAPierFrame-updateRoot: aHtmlRoot
.....most of the method snipped....
"I have no idea what this library thing is?"
(self environment propertyAt: #library ifAbsent: [ ^ self ])
default updateRoot: aHtmlRoot
Dear Lukas,
I think I am getting there...
One thing Pier has been lacking is a simple means of packaging up a
configuration of Pier as a simple module.
Important methods for setting things up, such as #defaultEnvironment are
on PRStructure of all places! Styles are here, layouts are there, and
content is yet somewhere else (PRKernel class defaultRoot).
I have tried out a solution! Route everything through the PRPierFrame,
then you can pick a PRFrame subclass in seaside/config, or embed it in
another Seaside application.
1. Style Libraries (currently manually added in seaside/config)
2. Script Libraries (currently manually added in seaside/config)
3. Policy for finding Layout from the structure. (currently in PRStructure)
4. Policy for finding StyleSheets (currently in PRStructure)
5. Default Environment (currently in PRStructure)
6. Default Layout (currently in PRStructure)
7. Default Kernel Content (currently in PRKernel class)
8. Not Found Handler (currently in PRMain)
9. Forbidden Handler (currently in PRMain)
10. XHTML Doctype/Strict etc. (already in PRFrame)
11. Ability to override the body cssClass (currently obtained from the
12. Option to adapt the #settingsDescription for components being
editted. (can add/remove fields)
I have been able to provide my own preferred policies for all of the
above, and now I feel able to deliver a "Pier for Something" module.
p.s. some code is in Pier-Jetsam-Environment
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to code my first Magritte-based form but it persistently
refuses to display the input fields.
Here is what I did:
Instance methods on SFCalendar (subclassed from Object):
"comment stating purpose of message"
^ MAStringDescription new
selectorAccessor: #patients;
label: 'Patienten';
priority: 90;
default: 'Schnulli, Bulli';
"comment stating purpose of message"
^ MADateDescription new selectorAccessor: #startDate;
label: 'Beginn am';
priority: 100;
default: (Date today subtractDays: (Date today dayOfMonth - 1));
and I created the mentioned accessors.
Instance method on the seaside component:
"Calendar form"
| calendar |
calendar := self call: (SFCalendar new asComponent addValidatedForm;
Sending :createNewCalendar yields:
<form accept-charset="utf-8" method="post" action="http://localhost:8090/seaside/Patientenkalender
"><div><input name="1" value="Default" style="position: absolute; top:
-100em" type="submit" class="submit"/><input name="2" style="position:
absolute; top: -100em" type="text" class="text"/></div><table></
table><div class="buttons"><input accesskey="S" value="Save" name="3"
type="submit" class="submit"/><input accesskey="C" value="Cancel"
name="4" type="submit" class="submit"/></div><div><input name="_s"
value="upMkEUpoGnxWGUvO" type="hidden" class="hidden"/><input
name="_k" value="xxCuTzvW" type="hidden" class="hidden"/></div></form>
So I get some internal (?) input fields off the top of the page and an
empty table (which is where I should probably get my input fields?).
Help is greatly appreciated. Joerg.
I am interested to know how people are managing to style Magritte Forms.
I don't know if attachments get through but I have attached an image of
what I have managed to achieve so far...
I dont know much about css, but I assumed that it was not possible to
take the tables of field key/values generated by magritte and to move
things around as much as I would like.
I produced my own renderer which renders the key/values, using divs.
However I still have some problems. For example, the "Confirm" "Cancel"
buttons are rendered outside of the form as a decoration. As such they
have no knowledge of the form that they are operating on, and so render
without any identifiable "class". Style applied to them applies to all
uses of "Confirm"/"Cancel" buttons.
It looks to me like some re-architecting is needed here, its not that I
dont like the use of the decorator in this instance. I am thinking that
this is another instance where the lack of child parent communication is
a problem.
I have a site running on Pier with Magma persistence.
I need to upgrade current image with site contents stay unchanged.
What are the ways of doing that?
i have a cantonModel with more descriptions.
One of it is set to MAToManyRelationDescription for manage more MAPersonModel.
MAPersonModel is defined with some description too.
When call: cantonModel asComponent
in MAToManyComponent MAReport relative to the MAPersonModel instances,
all the descriptions of the class MAPersonModel are rendering.
How i can set a report relative to MAPersonModel with only subset of relative descriptions ?
Hi All,
i have CantonModel with some descriptions
One of it is based on MASingleOptionDescription where options are object from other model NazionalityModel.
NazionalityModel have some description too.
My question is : how i can define the label display in CantonModel relative to NazionalityModel ?
For now it display the NazionalityModel's description with low priority.
But i need to display other data.
How i can do it ?
I saw that you added an Order command but somehow I cannot figure it
out how to use it.
I added it in the commands list and I also gave the Order permission
to the root page, but the Order command does not appear in the list.
So, how should I use this command?
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of
problem understanding."