Hi Sebastian,
I'm in the process of putting together a tutorial that covers this
information, along with some other aspects of customizing the appearance
of Pier using css. I hope to have it completed soon. Until it's
finished, here is some info that should help you:
* Configure Comanche to serve files
Rather than starting Comanche like this:
WAEncodedKom startOn: 8080.
Go to
and use David Shaffer's scripts to kill all existing server instances and
start a new instance that serves file from the 'FileRoot' folder. You can
rename 'FileRoot' to whatever you want. Just make sure that the directory
you choose is in the same directory as your image file.
* Get default stylesheets
Download the default stylesheets from here:
Create a 'styles' dir under 'FileRoot', and expand the zip file in the
styles dir.
* Use the new stylesheets
Change the style accessor method in PRStyleLibrary to return the path to
your main style sheet
^ '@import "/styles/style.css";'
> Dear Frank,
> thanks for your answer. As a http server is not available for me at
> this time, I wonder if I can setup it to get the style from local .css
> files. Do you know if this is feasible?
> thanks again,
> Sebastian
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: smallwiki-bounces(a)iam.unibe.ch
>> [mailto:smallwiki-bounces@iam.unibe.ch] En nombre de Frank Urbach
>> Enviado el: Miércoles, 12 de Abril de 2006 17:03
>> Para: SmallwikiList
>> Asunto: AW: Pier customized look
>> Hi, Sebastián!
>> Try to get the original css-files. Move these files into a
>> structure of an webserver where you can access over.
>> http-protocoll. Alter in class PRPierLibary the accessor
>> style to the location of yor css-files.Then you can edit the
>> file style-contents at point .header .title. Now you can. use
>> fonts you like.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Cheers,
>> Frank,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ssastre(a)seaswork.com.ar
>> Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 14:39:55
>> To:smallwiki@iam.unibe.ch
>> Subject: Pier customized look
>> HI All,
>> how do I (in a *polite* fashion) customize the fonts and
>> header of pier to install a wiki?
>> thanks,
>> Sebastián
>> _______________________________________________
>> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
Hi, Sebastián!
Try to get the original css-files. Move these files into a structure of an webserver where you can access over. http-protocoll. Alter in class PRPierLibary the accessor style to the location of yor css-files.Then you can edit the file style-contents at point .header .title. Now you can. use fonts you like.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: ssastre(a)seaswork.com.ar
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 14:39:55
Subject: Pier customized look
HI All,
how do I (in a *polite* fashion) customize the fonts and header of pier
to install a wiki?
I was having a look at the last exercices of the tutorial and I'm having
a problem with the last exercice with custom descriptions.
the custom description are doubled each time I access to them in the
decription is overriden in MAPersonModel
^super description copy;
addAll: self class customDescription;
copy sould prevent to change the description stored in the cache. Is it
correct ?
This makes me ask you another question. When a description (class side)
is changed, how the cache of the builder is refreshed ? I have no idea
Thank you
my running Website is a Smallwiki 1 running on Squeak 3.6. Now I want
to upgrade on the newest version in Squeak and Smallwiki 1. In the
FAQ is mentioned something which relates to Store (and therefore
written for VW version of Smallwiki, I guess) and therefore is not
matching my environment.
So what would be the best strategy in my case ? Using Montecello ?
how can I disable the bottom line with "New Session", "Toggle Halo"
etc in pier ? The standard web user should not be able to make
dangerous things :-) Is that a matter of seaside itself ?
Regards and happy Easter !
adding properties to descriptions is a simple but long work. You need to:
- add a boolean description (class side)
- add a default method (class side)
- write accessors (instance side)
- write action methods starting like 'beSorted' (instance side)
- write testing methods (instance side)
When looking at accessors:
^ self propertyAt: #ordered ifAbsent: [ self class defaultOrdered ]
it seems to me it was just a DictionaryAccessor after all. So I tried to
use this.
- I implemented #at: and #at:put: in MAObject (that were just calling
#propertyAt: and #propertyAt:put).
- I wrote a new constructor in MADescription:
- I replaced some properties descriptions by a call to the new constructor.
All the tests still worked (not sure any line of what I changed were
called during the tests).
But then, I didn't know how to replace all the methods that need to be
Do you have any idea?
Damien Cassou
I would like to know why OneToManyRelations are not as configurable as
MultipleOptionDescriptions. It would be cool to get #beSortable,
#beOrdered, #beRemoveable... Is it just a problem of time or something
difficult to implement ?
If you take the Magritte exercices, a person manager is developed. The
problem is: why is the PersonManager a WAComponent ? Won't it be more
interesting if we get a Model and not a component ? The model would have
just one description ; something like:
^ (MAOneToManyRelationDescription auto: 'persons' label: 'Persons')
classes: (Array with: MAPersonModel);
default: Array new;
beOrdered; "to get a 'up' and a
'down' command on each line"
beRemoveable; "to get a 'remove' command
on each line"
beEditable; "to get a 'edit'
command on each line"
I am hopping to find some time to install a pier server at the trinity.
I encountered a problem with the last version I found on SqueakMap.
If I create a new page, and I put as content: This is a test
When I save this page, and I edit it again, I obtain: This+is+a\+test
Which produce a very messy output.
If I edit the licence page, and I save it without modifying anything,
the page completely is messed up.
It seems that the space character is replaced by a +
I am using Squeak 7021, and I just installed Pier from Squeakmap.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Alexandre.Bergel
> Hi,
> So now I've looked a little bit in the mailing archive, and
> I'm a little bit confused:
> It seems,
> - that Seaside and Pier (or any other application in Seaside)
> can have different security models. Both can handle its own
> user lists and capabilities
> - that there are 2 different security packages (unix inspired
> / ACL based)
> - both Seaside and Pier can add users (or user management in
> general) only by typing something (what ?) in workspace
> So if this is all true - what are the plans to make this all
> more integrated, so that there is only one user management,
> and an application may only extend the basic mechanism from
> seaside ? Or I'm completly wrong here ?
> Regards
> Hans
Pier is simply a seaside application, its user model is and should be
unrelated to anything Seaside does. As far as I know, Seaside doesn't
really have any security model, it's just a framework. The config
application has users, which I guess you can call part of Seaside, but
it's really just another app on top of Seaside like Pier. That Pier
offers two security packages, is good, one is simple and written by the
author of Pier, and one is more complex, especially in the UI, and
offered as an add on by some other author. So, I don't they should be
integrated in any way, they really aren't related. I would however,
like to see more info on how to integrate custom applications meant to
be hosted within Pier, with Piers default Unix Security model. How to
manage and register users from the Pier UI, etc.