Is there a place to download all SmallWiki ressources (like css files,
smileys and so on)?
Addtionally, SmallWiki internal recources don't work for me, I can only
edit but not display them, is this a known issue?
Best regards, Markus
I'd like to serve my SmallWiki on port 80 under MacOS-X, but I always
get a 'permission denied error' when I try to do this ... Did anybody
gotten this to work? I can serve under other ports, but I'd really like
to use SmallWiki as my default site...
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Vice-President of the European Smalltalk Users Group: www.esug.org
Hi Chris,
sorry to bother you again, but after I installed the latest
SmallWiki I tried to log in as user 'anonymous' but I do not get
any editing capabilities...so the old error has disappeard
but as 'anonymous' I am not able to edit/create pages
(the 'Welcome to SmallWiki' says:
The anonymous user will be used by default and has got
the permissions to add new pages to the wiki and edit
existing ones
Maybe it is just that the 'Welcome to SmallWiki' text
is to be changed...
Hope it helps
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Burkert [mailto:chris@chrisburkert.de]
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 8:44 PM
> To: smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch
> Cc: SPINIELLI Enrico
> Subject: Re: anonymous user do not work
> Hi,
> SPINIELLI Enrico wrote:
> > I wanted to edit some pages with the anonymous user
> > but I got the following error when I tried to log in
> > as anonymous user
> > MessageNotUnderstood: SWUser>>personnalData
> I published a new version SmallWikiKernel 0.9.53-10 on
> SqueakMap which
> solves this problem. All I have done was to remove
> SWIndividualUser and
> move all its semantics to SWUser.
> Anyway .. you don't have to log in as anonymous as you *are*
> anonymous
> as long as you are not logged in :-)
> Now I will have a closer look on a glass of wine.
> best regards
> Chris Burkert
> --
> http://www.chrisburkert.de/
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I am deploying a Smallwiki here at the ULB, but I have a problem with
the style file: if I put:
@import "file:///Users/rowuyts/style.css";
as import statement for the style file to use (so as to be able to
serve it locally), external clients do not use the style file. It works
of course from localhost (since the link points to correct file). So is
there another mechanism to make my SmallWiki use a locally stored style
file, or do I always have to run an Apache (or something similat)
besides Smallwiki just to serve this single style file?
Roel Wuyts
roel.wuyts(a)ulb.ac.be Université Libre de
Vice-President of the European Smalltalk Users Group: www.esug.org
I have just run the smallwiki with
server := SWKom startOn: 8080.
I wanted to edit some pages with the anonymous user
but I got the following error when I tried to log in
as anonymous user
MessageNotUnderstood: SWUser>>personnalData
Looking at the hierarchy/code personnalData is
a method of SWIndividualUser, a subclass of SWUser
but not of SWUser
server userAt: 'anonymous'
a SWUser('anonymous')
while for examples
server userAt: 'admin'
a SWIndividualUser('admin')
I tried with the student example in the 'Welcome to SmallWiki'
page but got the same problem...
Any clues about how to solve it?
Thanks in advance
PS: I am using SmallWikiKernel 0.9.53-8 (r8)
Enrico Spinielli Eurocontrol
mailto:enrico.spinielli@eurocontrol.int Rue de la Fusée, 96
tel:+32-2-7299716 B-1130 Bruxelles
fax:+32-2-7299022 Belgium
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Chris was partially right when he pointed out at
'connection' problems.
In fact the problem is that in order to have HTTPSocket
work behind the firewall in my company (with proxy password)
I had to replace Squeak 3.7 version of
HTTPSocket class>>httpGetDocument:args:accept:request:
with the one from 3.8
The installation of the pre-requisites for smallwiki
was at some point reverting the above method back
and so my HTTPSockect was not going thru the firewall
I repeated the installation manually, taking care to
have always the 3.8 version of
and now everything works...
Hope it helps to somebody else
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Burkert [mailto:chris@chrisburkert.de]
> Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 6:42 PM
> To: Smallwiki
> Cc: SPINIELLI Enrico
> Subject: Re: error installing SmallWiki with SM due to Monticello
> upgrade prob lem
> SmallWiki loads great in my 5989 Image. No Problems. Please
> try another
> time. It might be caused by your connection?!?
> best regards
> Chris Burkert
> --
> http://www.chrisburkert.de/
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I saw th new site of seaside, and they informed that was made
customizing a smallwiki.
I foud it very appropiate for some page we have to deploy in the
near future.
How do I customize a smallwiki to archieve that? Where to begin?
Sebastián Sastre
<mailto:ssastre@seaswork.com.ar> ssastre(a)seaswork.com.ar
Special Software Solutions
www.seaswork.com.ar <http://www.seaswork.com.ar/>
Hi all,
while trying to install SmallWiki 0.9.53 from SqueakMap
I got the following error message:
Error occurred during install:
can't find EOCD position
Would you like to open a debugger?
While doing the above the Transcript shows something like:
(SWServer is Undeclared) Fetch: 194 ms
Size: 8 bytes
I then tried the script manually and found that
The problem surfaces when the first package pre-requisite
Monticello is sent the upgradeOrInstall message:
the ZipArchive>>readFrom: aStreamOrFileName
I then tried to upgrade all installed packges and Monticello
is the only one which is failing (I have currently 218) with
the same above error.
For information I am using
Squeak version: 3.7
latest update: 5989
Any helps is welcome.
Enrico Spinielli Eurocontrol
mailto:enrico.spinielli@eurocontrol.int Rue de la Fusée, 96
tel:+32-2-7299716 B-1130 Bruxelles
fax:+32-2-7299022 Belgium
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Nothing in this e-mail message amounts to a contractual or legal commitment on the part of EUROCONTROL unless it is confirmed by appropriately signed hard copy.
Any views expressed in this message are those of the sender.
Hi guys
smallWiki and squeak needs you :)
Can someone contact goran to set up a smallwiki on his server.
Thanks a lot
Begin forwarded message:
> From: goran.krampe(a)bluefish.se
> Date: 16 février 2005 12:11:28 GMT+01:00
> To: Discussion on the formation of the Squeak Foundation
> <sqf-formation(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Subject: Re: [Sqf-formation] New prototype website
> Reply-To: Discussion on the formation of the Squeak Foundation
> <sqf-formation(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Hi people!
> I am swamped and would really like if some SmallWiki guru could help me
> set up a headless (preferrably small image) SmallWiki on the new
> server.
> Sure, I can do it but... Or if you just send me an image and a startup
> instruction and I can set it up. :)
> If noone responds I will still do it myself.
> regards, Göran
> _______________________________________________
> Sqf-formation mailing list
> Sqf-formation(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/listinfo/sqf-formation
How can I add a link to a resource or to an action simply by editing
a page? I mean, I tried with *Alias>ActionName* or *Alias>ResourceName(a
file)* but it doesn't work.
thanks a lot.