Hi Stef,
>> An action has to register to the structures it is able to handle, so
>> to make it show up on pages and folders, but not on resources, you
>> have to add the following code to the class-side of your action:
>> InfoAction class>>initilize
>> Page registerAction: self.
>> Folder registerAction: self.
> Lukas I looked for search and I could not see where it was registered.
The actions of the core are registered within the appropriate
structures; have a look at Structure class>>initializeActions and its
I did move the registration to the structure for the core-actions to
make SmallWiki loadable from StORE, because the package containing the
actions is loaded before the package containing the structures. I not
sure if it is still a problem to do the registration in the action
itself, but it was when I implemented it.
Lukas Renggli
I published a new version of SmallWiki to the public repository. I rewrote
the parser. It is ~8x faster parsing the introduction page. Also, it doesn't
need an extra CR at the end of the stream. Finally, it has support for
special characters inside the text (e.g., ** is parsed as text for * not an
empty link -- you can also use \*), and also support for nested list items
(e.g., ## to nest two numbered lists). However, the last two aren't hooked
up for round tripping yet (i.e., when you re-edit the page, it won't display
In addition to the parser, I added a #withAll: method to DocumentComposite
class and fixed a bug where Server assumed that its storage was a
SnapshotStorage. Whenever you set the storage, the server told the storage
to #start/stopThread.
Besides the SmallWiki changes, I published a package (SmallWiki WikiWorks
Importer) that extracts pages from a WikiWorks site. You can run it using
"WikiWorksWikiExtractor download: 'Refactoring Browser' from:
'http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/RefactoringBrowser'". It will download the page and
everything in the wiki reachable from that page. I've used it to download
the RB and VW wikis from http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu.
BTW, I'd suggest caching the Structure>>id. After I loaded the VW wiki into
SmallWiki and did a search, it was about 5x slower than the wiki.cs.uiuc.edu
search (and my machine is likely 10x faster). 90% of the search time was the
asWikiIdentifier from Structure>>id.
John Brant
Hi hans
Lukas will certainly reply soon to you. We know that we have to find a
good to package SmallWiki. In fact wtih store
before 7.1, it was impossible to specify the exact version of bundles.
So we never use this and it may happen that you load the wrong version
of Swazoo. In vw 7.1 store does not have this problem anymore so we
should think about having a one click SmallWiki.
May be try with vw7.1?
Begin forwarded message:
> From: HNBeck(a)t-online.de (Hans Nikolaus Beck)
> Date: Dim oct 19, 2003 09:12:46 Europe/Zurich
> To: ducasse Stephane <ducasse(a)iam.unibe.ch>, renggli(a)iam.unibe.ch
> Subject: Problem starting SmallWiki
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> perhaps you can help me: I've loaded SmallWiki from Public Store
> (V0.9.18 for SmallWiki and V.5 for Swazzo), and if I try
> server := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn: 8080.
> I got these errors on stack:
> 'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #ip:'
> Swazoo.HTTPServer(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
> SmallWiki.SwazooServer>>start
> SmallWiki.SwazooServer class(SmallWiki.Server class)>>startOn:host:ip:
> SmallWiki.SwazooServer class(SmallWiki.Server class)>>startOn:
> UndefinedObject>>unboundMethod
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>performMethod:arguments:
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>performMethod:
> TextEditorController(ParagraphEditor)>>evaluateCompiled:
> optimized [] in ParagraphEditor>>evaluateSelection
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> Cursor>>showWhile:
> TextEditorController(ParagraphEditor)>>evaluateSelection
> optimized [] in ParagraphEditor>>doIt
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> TextEditorController(ParagraphEditor)>>doIt
> WorkspacePage>>doIt
> Workspace(AbstractWorkspace)>>smalltalkDoIt
> optimized [] in ApplicationModel>>actionFor:
> optimized [] in ToolBar>>newButtonFor:
> PluggableAdaptor>>setValue:
> PluggableAdaptor(ValueModel)>>value:
> TriggerButtonController>>pressAction
> TriggerButtonTracker(BasicButtonTracker)>>finishSelectionFor:
> TriggerButtonTracker>>finishSelectionFor:
> TriggerButtonTracker(SelectionTracker)>>redButtonReleasedEvent:
> RedButtonReleasedEvent>>dispatchTo:
> TriggerButtonTracker(SelectionTracker)>>handleEvent:
> EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to:
> EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:
> optimized [] in ApplicationStandardSystemController>>dispatchEvent:
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> ApplicationStandardSystemController>>dispatchEvent:
> ApplicationStandardSystemController>>eventLoop
> ApplicationStandardSystemController>>controlLoop
> ApplicationStandardSystemController(Controller)>>startUp
> optimized [] in StandardSystemController>>startUp
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> BlockClosure>>on:from:do:
> ApplicationStandardSystemController(StandardSystemController)>>startUp
> optimized [] in ControlManager>>activeControllerLoop
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> ControlManager>>activeControllerLoop
> optimized [] in ControlManager>>launchBaseProcess
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority:
> I'm using vw-nc release 7.
> Greetings and thanks
> Hans
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Darwin)
> iD8DBQE/kjlyX8NXna8434cRAguwAJ0RHvv1NITZTShHEKENQ96D9mGwswCeJL9n
> XqyokqxzpA2hk1TBc0VHgpI=
> =Uxct
Hi lukasand others,
This is stef on the keyboard :)
we got a meeting today with david and michele here is the summary:
next steps:
- david will release soon (next week) the simplest version of his
role management interface
then release regurlarly new version.
- David will work on tests!!!YES
- alex should finish the SwikiImporter so put pressure on him :)
- alex should also check with Eric how to provide IP blocking and
other functionality.
Could you sync with with so that you review his code and integrate
in the new release of SmallWiki
and we get the kilana SmallWiki always running the latest version ?
- David should check with you how/if this is possible to have
sessions information to improve the
folder/paste editions
- David should release soon folder/page copy /paste utilities
- Michele started to use SmallWiki for his lecture so we have a real
customer, may be you can
arrange a coding session with michele so that he learns how to
extend SmallWiki.
Stef and the others :)
> Thats the same in my image, there is really a message ip and ip: . so
> the problem may have other reasons ?
StORE is sometimes a mystery to me, I already experienced quite a lot
of strange bugs while developing SmallWiki. One more thing that you
could check, is if SmallWiki.SwazooServer is a subclass of
SmallWiki.Server, else I do not understand why it cannot find the
message #ip:
> Of course, I will also load the newest version (must I remove the old
> package before doing this ?)
Usually it should work without unloading.
> Perhaps we could talk a little bit about Smallwiki on Smalltalk Party
> in november.......
Yep, I will be there and could also present some new features and
decisions made recently. Until then the Version 1.0 should be ok ;)
Lukas Renggli
> perhaps you can help me: I've loaded SmallWiki from Public Store
> (V0.9.18 for SmallWiki and V.5 for Swazzo), and if I try
> [...]
> I'm using vw-nc release 7.
We are using vw-nc 7.1 for development, but if you load the latest
version of Swazoo and the other prerequisites from Cincom StORE it
should just work fine.
> 'Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #ip:'
> Swazoo.HTTPServer(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
> SmallWiki.SwazooServer>>start
> SmallWiki.SwazooServer class(SmallWiki.Server class)>>startOn:host:ip:
> SmallWiki.SwazooServer class(SmallWiki.Server class)>>startOn:
> ...
That is strange, because in my image there is the message #ip:
implemented in SmallWiki.Server, the superclass of
SmallWiki.SwazooServer. You could try to reload the latest version of
SmallWiki from the Cincom StORE, to see if that help. Well, this is the
only suggestion I can think of at the moment ...
Lukas Renggli
I do not know if you share my feeling, but perhaps the administrator of this list can set the reply address to smallwiki instead of the sender of the mail.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
i started working with smallwiki!
I use pages and internal links for viewing my textest..
I have some picture that must be includes in my text pages.
How can i do this in Smallwiki?
I can not find some area where i can upload pictures, or other files?
( @ @ )
Sorry in french but this is related to search facility and indexing
> Comme source d'inspiration, il faudrait regarder du côté de Lucène, un
> moteur d'indexation et recherche écrit en Java
> (http://jakarta.apache.org/lucene/)
> ainsi que de sa version Python Lupy (http://www.divmod.org/Lupy/). La
> version Python permet de lire
> notamment les index créés par la version Java.
> On doit pouvoir faire aussi bien en Smalltalk et avoir une certaine
> compatibilité avec Lucène ! Il n'y a pas un étudiant
> sur la liste qui cherche un projet ? ;-) Je peux essayer de proposer
> cela
> chez moi comme projet de maitrise également.