Dear Tudor,
Tudor Girba <girba(a)> hat am 12. Oktober 2008 um 01:35 geschrieben:
Could you detail what you are interested in?
Thank you for this offer.
I am currently experimenting with the PRDistribution class as you have indicated
in an earlier mail
( ).
The root method (see below) in particular shows nicely how a wiki model is
My conclusion so far:
I can subclass PRDistribution to experiment with different wiki setups.
I can construct different environment pages and then assign them with
localEnvironment: to a PRPage
object. With this knowlegede alone quite some flexibility in style is possible.
Kind regards
Hannes Hirzel
self rootPage
addChild: (self blog
addChild: self blogArchiveWidget;
addChild: (self aboutPage
addChild: self syntaxPage;
addChild: self shortcutsPage;
addChild: (self environmentPage
addChild: self headerPage;
addChild: self siteTitlePage;
addChild: self footerPage;
addChild: self menuWidget;
addChild: self childrenWidget;
addChild: self breadcrumbWidget;
addChild: self googleAnalyticsWidget;
addChild: self sitemapPage;
addChild: self viewsPage;
addChild: self commandsPage;
addChild: self loginCommandWidget;
addChild: self contentsWidget;
addChild: self stylesheetFile;
addChild: self postTickerWidget;
addChild: self blogArchiveWidget;
addChild: self searchWidget;
addChild: self poweredPage;
addChild: self blogEnvironmentPage;
addChild: self mainEnvironmentPage;
addChild: self metaEnvironmentPage;
addChild: self systemManagementPage.
self rootPage localEnvironment: self mainEnvironmentPage.
self blog localEnvironment: self blogEnvironmentPage.
self aboutPage localEnvironment: self environmentPage.
self environmentPage localEnvironment: self metaEnvironmentPage.
self mainEnvironmentPage localEnvironment: self metaEnvironmentPage.
self metaEnvironmentPage localEnvironment: self metaEnvironmentPage.
self systemManagementPage localEnvironment: self metaEnvironmentPage.
self rootPage localStyleSheet: self stylesheetFile.
self rootPage enumerator
[ :each |
each securityDecoration owner: self kernel users anyOne.
each securityDecoration group: self kernel groups anyOne ].
self makePrivate: self environmentPage.
self makePrivate: self blogEnvironmentPage.
self makePrivate: self mainEnvironmentPage.
self makePrivate: self metaEnvironmentPage.
self makePrivate: self sitemapPage.
self makePrivate: self viewsPage.
self makePrivate: self commandsPage.
self makePrivate: self systemManagementPage.
^ self rootPage