But anyway, just having a method such as:
defaultFullName := self defaultFilename, '.im'.
s := Filename defaultDirectory filenamesMatching: defaultFullName.
s isEmpty not ifTrue: [ s first renameTo: (defaultFullName, '.old')].
snapshotAs: self filename
thenQuit: false
What do you think? Should I update Smallwiki with this modification?
Sure, just go on! I have to do some c-pointer-arithmetic-exercises
right now, so there will be no conflict with SmallWiki StORE ;-)
2--How could we manage to upgrade Smallwiki by keeping
all the pages
A simple solution would be to use a SIXX storage, upgrading the
and reloading the SIXX XML file.
Just load the new release from StORE while Smallwiki is running!
Everything should update and run just fine.
Wow, store is really great :-)
This is a feature of Smalltalk ;-)
Lukas Renggli